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The Biker And The Nurse

The Biker And The Nurse

Author: Cat Thompson


Steamy Stories

The Biker And The Nurse PDF Free Download


I'm Silvy. I'm tired of waiting around for Mr. Right. I don't think he is coming. I want a family, badly. So I'm take matter in to my own hands. I don't need to be married or have a boyfriend to have a baby. I am going to have artificial insemination. I ask my friend and biggest man-whore I know, Goof, to help me. He isn't ready to settle down so I know he will walk away when the time comes. He agrees to help me but changes the terms. He wants to have sex with me. I can do that. I mean he is hot as hell. I just have to keep my heart out of it. I may have a crush on the man but I won't let that get in the way of what I want. I'm Goof. I agree to be Silvy's sperm donor but on my terms. Silvy thinks I'm going to walk away from her and the baby when she gets pregnant. I don't think so. I have been in love with Silvy for over a year. I have been trying to figure a way to get out of the friend zone. Now I have my chance. ********* Book 1: My Babies And Their Daddies(completed) Book 2: Me And My Biker(completed) Book 3: The Racer And The Dom(completed) Book 4: The Mafia Princess And The Cowboy(completed) Book 5: Ice Skater And The Biker(completed) Book 6: The Biker And The Nurse(on-going) They can be read stand-alone.
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Chapter 1


Today is the day that could change my life forever. I will explain all of that in a minute. Let me tell you a little about who I am. My name is Silvy Ramone .Silvy is short for Silvia. I’m thirty and single. I work as a nurse in the intensive care unit at the hospital. That is where most of my stories start. That is where I met the Reckless Renegades and my dear, talented friend Lilly. And my other friend Goof. He was one of Lilly’s guards while she was in the hospital. I focused on my work but we chatted and got to know each other. He took his job seriously and didn’t flirt when some of the other nurses like a few others did. I thought at first he had a thing for Lilly but I was quickly proven wrong. Tank is the love of Lilly’s life. Goof was just a friend of hers.

Most people might be afraid of the guys but I wasn’t. There is a very good reason why. For the early part of my life I was raised in one. My mom was a skank and poked holes in a condom to trap my father. She wanted to be his ol’e lady and thought getting pregnant would do the trick. It didn’t. But after a DNA test to confirm I was his, my dad stepped up. He took care of me from the day I was born. Mom didn’t want me just dad. I was just the way to try to get him. After years of trying to make dad claim her she got pissed and took off. I was four. Being the good man my dad is, raised me by himself.

I had a good childhood. My dad was always there for me. He put me before his club. He never missed a birthday or holiday. He went to every parent teacher conference. He helped me with my homework and when he couldn’t he would have one of the brother’s help or hire me a tutor. He is an awesome dad. When things in his club started getting bad and going in the wrong direction he got out to keep me safe. He supported me when I told him I wanted to go to nursing school and was there when I graduated. I could ask for a better dad. He is even supporting me in the next stage of my life.

Which brings me to today. I am having lunch with Goof. I have a big favor to ask him and I hope he agrees. You see, I want to have a baby. I’m not getting any younger. I’m tired of waiting for Mr. Right. I think he lost my address. The few relationships I have had never worked out for one reason or another. So I’m giving up on relationships and going after what I want. I don’t need a man to have a family. I can be a single mom. And my dad supports me. I am going to be artificially inseminated. And I’m going to ask Goof to be the donor.

I could go through one of the anonymous donors from the sperm bank. And I did look through the book they had. But none of them felt right. Goof is perfect for the job. He is handsome. Forget it he is hot as hell. Green eyes, light brown hair, chiseled jaw that always has some scruff on it. Six foot three of thick muscle. And it isn’t just about good looks or muscles. He is funny. He can always make me laugh. He is smart, caring and loyal. You may be asking if he is so good why not date him. The answer is simple. He is a man-whore. I can’t stand those. I dated one of those and didn’t know it. Nothing like showing up for a date that he forgot about with his other girlfriend there.

But Goof’s being a man-whore is another reason he is perfect for being my donor. He can get me pregnant and walk away with no obligations. When I get pregnant he can go back to screwing the skanks at the club or his one night stands. With no worries about being a father or financial responsibility. I will handle all of that. No, I’m not making a rash decision about this. I have been thinking about this for over a year. I have done all the research, had all the testing to make sure I’m healthy enough for not only the process but carrying a baby. I have saved up money for not only the insemination, but maternity leave. I have started looking into nanny agencies and will do interviews when I’m six months along. I have the room the nursery is going to be in cleaned out ready to be decorated. I even got a better and new car to prepare for this.

I get to start the shots next week to increase egg production and the chances of getting pregnant. The only thing I need is a clean donor. And hopefully he just walked through the door of the diner.


I met Silvy when she was a nurse assigned to Lilly. I was attracted to her at first sight. There were plenty of things that drew me to her. One is that she is hot as hell. Long strawberry blonde hair she keeps in a tight bun on top of her head when she works. Hazel eyes with flecks of yellow that I could look at all night. Five foot six frame with curves in all the right places. Thirty four c tits. I’m guessing the size, but they are a good size. Round hips and damn what an ass. She made nurses scrubs look sexy without even trying. When other nurses tried flirting or showing us their tits Silvy would come in Lilly’s room and do her job.

Don’t get me wrong, Silvy didn’t ignore us or act afraid of us. She talked to us. She would introduce herself to who was in the room. Asked if we needed anything or if there were changes with Lilly. She would talk to Lilly while she checked her over even though she was unconscious. Silvy would answer all our questions about Lilly’s care. She had my respect for that.

Over time she became a good friend to the club. We all got to know her. I made a point to get to know her better. She is awesome. She doesn’t take our shit and gives as good as she gets. She has even been to the clubhouse a few times and never batted an eye at the skanks. And I’m going to make her mine. I just have to take my time. I became friends with her first. Best decision I ever made. I just fell for her the more I learned. Yes, I’m in love with Silvy and I’m about to make my move. She called me up for lunch saying she needed a favor. We have lunch together often so it is no big deal. Her asking for a favor doesn’t happen much so I’m curious.

I walk in the diner and look around till I spot Silvy sitting in a back booth. I head back, kiss her on top of the head and sit down. Yes, it is something we do. Now I just have to get my lips on her soft lips. “ Hey, babe.” I said. I have been calling her for months. I want her to get used to it. “ Hey Goof. Thanks for coming. I already ordered for us.” Silvy said. Before I can say thanks, a plate loaded with a double bacon burger with no tomato, onion rings and a cola. My favorite lunch. What can I say? My girl knows what I like.

We sit in silence and eat for a minute when I notice Silvy is tapping her fingers on the table. No big deal most of the time but when Silvy does it in a pattern something is on her mind. One of her quarks I have picked up. I wipe my hands and take a sip of my drink. When I’m done I say “ Spit is out Silvy.” Silvy stares at me for a second before she blurts out “ Goof, will you be a sperm donor for me?” My jaw drops. I can’t even respond. That is the favor she wanted to ask? Holy shit.

“ I know it is asking a lot but I promise I have given this plenty of thought.” Silvy said. Then she lays out her plan to have a baby through insemination. She explains everything she has done to get ready including starting shots next week. Silvy told me about the list of donors she looked at but none felt right. Damn right they didn’t because it isn’t me. My Silvy isn’t going to have another man’s baby, she is going to have mine. Silvy begins to tell me I don’t have to do anything but donate and walk away as soon as she gets pregnant. She won’t ask me for anything. While she talks I’m coming up with my own plan.

“ Now I’m not saying I’m going to do it but how many donations are we talking?” I asked. It is a lie I’m doing this but on my terms. “ I’m not sure. The doctor told me it could be several times before it took. We are talking once a month for who knows how many months.” Silvy said. That is thousands of dollars every month. “ And you need to not fuck around for at least four days before each donation and you will need to have an STD test.” she said. Silvy didn’t know this but I haven’t been with a woman in over a year. When I decided to make my claim on Silvy I quit fucking around. I know she thinks I’m a man-whore. And to be honest I was. I was banging a skank or two every night. But as soon as I figured out I was in love with Silvy I stopped. I didn’t want the drama of skanks causing trouble when I made my move.