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Love Boundaries Between Burak And Zoya

Love Boundaries Between Burak And Zoya

Author: Sunflower1



Love Boundaries Between Burak And Zoya PDF Free Download


The "BURAK FAik REYES" , a coldhearted, merciless and dominant multi-billionare and Prince of Orgonia...A man of his words and orders, the rule or cammand of which everyone keep an eyes on.A heart who never beat for anyone who never feel any emotion of love until Zoya came into his life like a sparkle! Will zoya fill colours in Burak colourless life? Will she be able to melt the heart of stone??? """LOOk in my eyes zoyaaa!"""" I hear a heart-throbbing voice from Burak mouth, who is just few inches away from me... I slightly open my watery eyes and my eyes meet with the most drop-dead gorgorus man in front of me who is trembling and breathing heavily, he looking like a broken and wounded lion whose veins going to pop out soon due fury, rage or indignation. I put my hand slightly on his furious or intense face in order to comfort him! """"Zoyyaaaaa""""""" A deep husky whisper came from burak mouth.. ""I DID'NT CHOOSE YOU ZOYAA, MY HEART DID! My heart did this......He wrapped his arms around my waist densely and pushed me toward his hard chest! From the begining to the end... ""YOU ARE ONLY BELONG TO ME, ONLY I HAVE THE RIGHT TO LOVE YOU, IN EVERY SECOND IN EVERY TOMORROW,IN EVERY PART OF MY LIFE YOU ARE MINE""""I closed my red eyes after hearing his true and obsessive words for me... """Youu never be like this Burakk" I said her tremblingly with closed eyes... "YOU ARE RIGHT ZOYA!!!" "BURAK FAIK REYES NEVER BE LIKE THIS....." HE NEVER HAVE ANY WEAKNESS, HE NEVER KNEW HOW TO FEEL UNTIL HE STARTED LOVING YOU MADELY...... once I thought that i also live happily BUT YOU PROVE ME WRONGGG ZOYAA!!! His voice crack due to continous shaking.... On his words, a drop of tears ran down my cheeks... AND HERE YOU TELL EVERYONE YOU DON'T KNOW ME" How could you say this? Did youuu forget all the lovely moments we spend together.... "TELL ME ZOYA BURAK REYES??...."
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Chapter 1

""I want to run away...I want to go somewhere new. A place where no one knew me and i don't knew anyone...

Somewhere he can't find me, where i can walk down the street and no one knows me and my secret!

These words was revolving in my mind that time and made me so restless...i don't know why i wanted to run away from all the things at that time, may be i was timid!


End of flasback

"Dr.Zoya why are you sitting in your office??? I heared a voice of my senior Dr!!

I get up immediately from my nap and cleared my throat!

" Yes Dr.David! i said nervousely....

Dr you sleeping here...don't you know patients are waiting for you....???

" Actually Dr.David i already checked my patient ward and they are all well!"

"I know you do everything" but why one of the patient still asking for you..........????

He said me that Dr.Zoya said her that he check her later but you don't came to check him cuz you are sleeping here peacefully and on the other side your patient are taking his last breath!


Don't you know he's a heart patient and still you are so careless, he has had a third heart attack!


Dr.David trust me i checked all his reports yesterday and Liam was completely fine, all his reports was normal! i'm going in ER!

You are not going anywhere Dr.Zoya! You have to listen me first!

Dr.David plz let me go right now my patient needs me plz i wants to safe him he still really young....plz plz let me go!

I said to my senior doctor with teary eyes...

Ok but Dr.Zoya if you can't save him then you have to get ready for the bad results or may be we transfer you to another hospital !

"But Doctor how could you...."

"Your patient is waiting for you, go and save him and then talk to me!"

Yesss Doctor...! I WILL SAVE HIM!

I went straight from my office to the dressing room.After changing my clothes i went to the ER!

I was shocked to see him in this state, three doctors were standing around him and he was lying unconsciously on the strecher,he is only 18 years and are fighting with chronic cardiac arrest...He has to live i will save him!

Dr Is he all right???

No Dr.Zoya!! He is in critical condition, due to sudden heart attack his plaque ruptured, and a blood clot form and block his two arteries....we are giving him oxygen supply but still he can't show any recovery sign!

"We have to do his operation right now!"

"Then what are you waiting for???" DO IT RIGHT NOW!

But Dr.Zoya we don't take the consent cuz none of his family member are there if something happen to him who take the responsibility?

Are you serious Doctor???

"One patient is standing on the verge of death and you all worrying about consent!"

We are doctors and we are here to save the life of the patients no matter whats happens!

But still Dr.Zoya!!

Ha! If you are still so coward then i'll take the responsibility but let me operate him firstly!

I appreciate your confidence but don't get your hopes bigh don't you see he is in last state! One of the doctor mockingly said to me!

"I know very well doctor but still i wants to do because my mother taughts me to fight to the end no matter what happen!"

"If that's what you wants Dr.Zoya, then do it but if something happen then only you have to deal with the consequences!"

"Sure Doctor" But shall we start the operation?

Yes why not!

"Lets start the Bypass surgery"

"Doctor plz made a long cut in his left leg and then i take the healthy blood vessel from his leg, arm or chest and then i connecting it above and below his blocked arteries in his heart"

Ok Dr.Zoya!

After a few hours

"Dr he has started taking breath"

THANKS GOD! i know Nurse liya! i take a long breath and slightly smile toward her!

Can you please bandaged his bruises liya?

Sure Dr.Zoya!

"Thanks God Operation successfully completed in six hours! "Congratulation Dr.Zoya! one of the doctor said to me!

It's our duty to save the life of the patient but you most welcome! I confidently said to him!

"He is not in critical condition but still we will keep it in our under obeservation so you will stay here Nurse Liya and it's your responsability to tell me about every single thing!"

Yes Dr.Zoya!

I take a deep breath and after coming out the ER i see Dr.David sitting on the chair!

He saw me and came toward me!

I'm impressed Dr.Zoya! You fullfilled your task.

Doctor it's not my task it's my duty but thanks doctor! You know what doctor why my mother gave me this name?

No Dr.Zoya!

Because, Once my tell me the meaning behind my name, this means life, Zoya means life! and she told me it's her wish that i save the peoples and gave new life to the peoples as a person, and i hope she is happy wherever she in the world! a tears ran down my cheeks after saying this!

" Your mother will be a very good woman who gave birth to a daughter like you Dr.Zoya!"

Thankyou Dr.David!

[THAt's all for today i hope you like this 1st chapter i must say this story is really interesting so keep reading and i'm sure you all will be satisfied after completing this story so plz stay with me on this beautiful jounary .... i will be very happy if you all share yours thoughts with me via comments....and plz also like, comment, share♥︎.]