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Her Long List Of Ex Lovers

Her Long List Of Ex Lovers

Author: Yeoja



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Ashejan Araullo is the campus’ girlfriend. At a young age, she already had 11 boyfriends. She’s the type to give it all but it seems like the guys don’t really take her seriously. Because of that, her self-esteem goes down and she began questioning if there’s still the right man for her. Until she met Knighton Javier, a transferee who also happens to be her neighbor. He seems to be different from all the men she dated because he was actually a decent man—he likes books and studying. He was a model student, one that Ashejan isn’t. She thought of running away from him because he was different and he didn’t want him to be affected by her status. But Knight was adamant in getting close to her and eventually, fell in love with her. However, not to Ashejan’s knowing, Knight has a deep secret—something that would be a deciding factor in their relationship. Will they live happily ever after? Or will he just be another name on her long list of ex-lovers?
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Chapter 1

“Let’s break up.”

I took a very deep breath as Jervic Perez, my eleventh boyfriend, broke up with me in front of his club members. He’s the president of the computer geek club and he’s overly devoted to this club of his.

I looked at him and sighed. “Why?” I managed to ask before my tears fall. I’m trying my hardest to not look weak in front of him – especially now that we’re in front of his club mates.

To be honest, this isn’t the most embarrassing break up scene that I have ever encountered in my whole life. There was one time when Hades Cortez, my eighth ex-boyfriend, broke up with me in front of the whole student body at prom night after being crowned as the King and Queen of the Night.

He told everyone that I am the most gullible girl in the whole world to actually believe that a Casanova like him would like a woman like me. A woman who a lot of men have kissed. A woman who a lot of men had dated.

He said he was more than that. That I was overly inferior in accordance to his standards.

And yes, he broadcasted that in the whole Newton High School. There was even a footage of that incident in Youtube that has almost half a million views – one reason why I don’t watch videos on that site, even if I really have to. It was written down the history of the most embarrassing breakups of all time.

After that incident, I didn’t go out of our house for two full weeks no matter how hard Mom convinces me to. I wasn’t afraid of the people who are looking down at me and criticizing me. I was afraid I would see Hades with another girl that would pain me.

Everything that the people are saying means nothing to me. I know what’s true and what’s not. It’s not like I would make them control how I run my life. So what if I have a long list of ex-boyfriends? So what if I got dumped in front of everyone? It’s not their problem. It’s mine.

But the reason why I am teary eyed right now is that for a while, I thought Jervic was actually different from all my eleven exes. He was different, though. He’s caring and thoughtful and he makes me happy – at least before he got the president position in this club two months ago and his time is all focused on this club.

He had devoted most – no, all – of his time for this club and he had no time left for me. At first I thought he was just adjusting to his position but then his devotion for this club grew more and more to the point that he doesn’t show up on our dates because he was busy organizing some fund raising things for his club.

Of course, no woman would not get tired of being in this kind of relationship but I had been understanding enough, I believe. I’ve always tried to think positive. I have always thought that if I really love him, I have to support him in whatever he does because I thought that’s what I was supposed to do, as a girlfriend.

But no.

For the past two months, we grew apart. And now, he’s breaking up with me. In front of his club members.

“I can’t handle being in a relationship anymore.” He looked me in the eyes. “I don’t think I have the time and effort to be in a relationship now that I am the President of the Computer Club.” He tried to explain his side.

Computer Geek Club. I wanted to shout this in front of his face and of his members. I’m not actually judgmental but what do you call those students who are too obsessed with studying? Nerds or geeks, right? And since, they are too obsessed of computers – I don’t even know what the hell they are doing in front of computers for too long – they are called computer geeks. And their club should have the word ‘geek’ in between the words ‘computer’ and ‘club’.

“Okay,” was all I could reply.

Maybe he’s right. Maybe, ending this relationship is the best decision since we’re both not happy anymore.

I guess this is the reason why I break up with men – more like the other way around. If I’m not happy anymore, and if I know that they are not happy with me anymore, if they told me that we should break up, we really should break up.

Who wants to stay in a relationship when none of you are happy anymore?

“I’m sorry.” Jervic told me and I smiled weakly.

The truth is, he’s the only one who apologized after breaking up with me. Or maybe the second one. Yuan Zaragoza, my third ex-boyfriend, didn’t actually tell me he’s sorry but he told me, “I wish I am the right one for you.” And maybe that’s considered an apology because he’s not the right one for me, though he wished he was.

“Goodbye, Jervic.” I spoke softly as I dragged my feet out of the club hideout.

As soon as I closed the door, tears fell down. I would be lying if I say that it doesn’t hurt because it hurts so much. Out of all the breakups I’ve ever went through, this has to be the hardest to go through. I’ve programmed inside my brain that Jervic would be the last man in my life. I have always imagined how we would grow our kids and grow old together.

But now, it’s ruined.

We broke up.

I harshly wiped my tears and ran to my locker. It’s a good thing I have my bangs on, so my red eyes won’t be that obvious.

I have always put on a poker face after a break up. I don’t cry in front of people – especially not in front of the man who’s breaking up with me. I don’t want to let them think that I am weak. I don’t want them to think that I am breaking.

And I’ve learned to keep my poker face for a long time. Since Yuan. But now, this breakup is something I have never prepared myself into.

I have always told myself to understand Jervic no matter what happens. I have always told myself to support him. I have always told myself that he is the one.

Well, not.

He is not the one.

I took the books I needed to study tonight before walking towards the gates. I have to get my ass home or people would see me breakdown.

I walked to the bus stop and waited for a while before it started to rain.

“Seriously?” I hissed as I ran over the shed, using my books as my umbrella.

Damn! Why did it have to rain when I don’t have an umbrella? Jervic didn’t –

Stop, Ashejan! You and that Jervic has broken up.

Normally, he would tell me what the weather for the day will be, according to his fearless forecast. But, I guess, he was busy these days that he got no time to text me about it anymore.

I shook my head and tried to shake him off my thoughts.

“It’s going to rain this time of the day every day for this coming week.” I was shocked when I saw a tall man offering me an umbrella. He’s not wearing our school uniform. In fact, he’s just wearing casual clothes. I wonder if he’s just a passerby or a high school dropout. Or maybe he’s in college? I don’t know. I can’t even think well.

I stared at him as he stared down at me. He is smiling at me and I can see his gums as he smiled widely. He has this double eyelids and he’s undeniably handsome.

What is he doing wasting his time on me?

“Don’t have an umbrella?” He asked me as he reaches his hand holding another umbrella out on me. “Here, take this.” He smiled wider.

I looked at the umbrella he is offering me before looking behind me. Maybe he’s not talking to me. Maybe he’s talking to someone else. I mean, he’s tall. It’s possible to see the person behind me with that height.

There’s nobody behind me.

I awkwardly looked back at him before pointing to myself. “Me?” I asked nervously.

What if he’s a part of a syndicate who abducts high school girls then rapes them before killing them and throwing them to the Han River afterwards? I mean, yes, he’s handsome but don’t bad guys nowadays look so angelic?

He gave me a look and nodded. “Do you see anyone else around?” He asked me and I shook my head. “Then, take it.” He spoke. “It shields a lot more rain than your precious books.”

I smiled unknowingly as I accepted his umbrella. “Thanks.” I told him. “Are you new here?” I asked him. I have been meaning to ask him this question since I saw his face moments ago, but I was preoccupied with all those syndicate thoughts.

He nodded and stood beside me. Maybe he’s waiting for his bus too. “We just moved into Pines Village days ago.” He replied.

I gave him a look. “Pines Village?” I asked and he nodded. “What a coincidence! I live there, too!” I beamed. Suddenly, I grew at ease.

He looked at me brightly. God, spare my eyes from this godly creature!

“Really?” He asked excitedly. “I’m glad you are!” He beamed. “I was afraid I would get lost going home because it’s my first time riding the bus alone.”

I smiled brightly. “You must be in it for luck.” I joked and he chuckled.

“Actually, I just enrolled in your school.” He informed me.

I looked at him. So we will actually be in one school. Maybe we could ride the bus together if I’m lucky. “Wow! Took you so long,” I beamed and he nodded. “The principal was out and I had to wait for him to come back before I could get my papers signed.” He explained.

I nodded in understanding. “That’s sucks, really.” I told him and he shook his head.

“Not really.” He replied. “It gave me the time to explore the school and I must say that your school is cool. Cooler than how it looks from the façade.”

I nodded. “I know.” I chuckled and extended my hand. “I’m Ashejan Araullo.” I introduced myself.

He smiled back and took my hand. “I’m Knighton Javier. But you can call me Knight.” He smiled wider.

“Nice to meet you.”