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Groom For The Day

Groom For The Day

Author: Kabirat Aleem



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Tanya Darlington's well-planned future was ruined when she caught her best friend and supposed bridesmaid in bed with her fiance a day before their wedding. Devastated and heartbroken, Tanya was crying her eyes out in a darkened street when she heard rushing feet and saw a man being fiercely chased by men with guns. Scared but impulsive, Tanya unlocked her car for the man to get in, and that almost killed her as she became the target of the assailants. Adrenaline-sparked passion flared between Tanya and the stranger while they were in their hideout, and for the first time in a very long time, Tanya threw caution to the wind. Only for her to learn the following morning that her famous musician fiance was determined not to let a "little" misunderstanding stop the wedding. It was meant to be the wedding of the year, and he wouldn't "allow" anything to ruin his good image. Enraged beyond comprehension, Tanya made an impromptu decision and asked the stranger to be her groom for the day. Will he accept this proposal? What is in it for him? Who is this man, and what will be the consequence of an impulsive decision? This story is strewn with intriguing, suspenseful plot twists, steamy moments, unexpected turnabouts, and, of course, love. Enjoy!!
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Chapter 1

"Chase him! Don’t let him get away! Make sure you take him down!”

Tanya sat up as she heard the approaching feet and commotion as a group of men seemed to be chasing someone.

“Oh great! She sniffled and added the mangled tissue paper in her hand to the growing pile on the passenger seat. ” Just my luck! A girl can’t even wallow in her misery in peace? Is it too much to ask for a moment of solitude?” She shouted to the roof of her car and then quickly shut her mouth when she saw a man dart out of a corner, running full speed towards where her car was parked in the dark away from the streetlights.

Tanya mistakenly flashed her lights while she was fumbling around for her phone on the console and quickly switched it off back but the guy had looked right at her in that fleeting moment.

Tanya was taken aback by the sheer terror on his face.

“Nobody should be that afraid” Then she shook her head when she realized belatedly that he was not just intending to run past her. He was running to her!

“No, no, no, buddy. Keep going! Keep going!” She said fervently to herself as she saw him getting closer to her car with intent. As if, if she recited it enough, it would happen. “Don’t stop, please, just keep going!”

She realized belatedly that her windows were rolled down and she was trying to reach for the button in the dark when the guy got to her.

Tanya screamed shortly, hating the girlish sound even as her subconscious registered how hot the guy was.

“Damn, he is so hot!” She thought as she shouted at him. “What the heck? Get….”

“Please, save me” he shouted in a gravelly voice.

“What are you talking about? Save you from what?” She shouted back at him and was answered almost immediately as four burly men with murder in their eyes rounded the corner the guy had come out from. The streetlight shone on their faces as they looked around obviously in search of the guy. The menace in their countenance made Tanya shrank back involuntarily against her seat.

“Those…those men are after you?” She asked in a whisper like they could hear her from three lanes away.

“Please! Please!! Please!!! Just get us out of here! They would kill me if they found me here! And they won’t spare you as well” He pulled urgently at the car door as he looked back to check if the men had seen him yet “Just open the damn door!”

“What? I can’t just…..” She saw the desperation on the guy’s face as one of the men spotted him near the car and then shouted to the others “The motherfucker is there!”

Tanya knew that she would certainly regret her next move but she unlocked the car. The guy got in, shouting at her “Please, go, go go!“. Tanya gunned the engine and pulled out while he was still getting in.

“Jesus! I am going to kill somebody. Are you okay?”

“Just go! I am fine!” He snapped.

Tanya froze when she saw that the approaching men did not intend to leave the road; instead, they were getting together to block the car’s path.

“What are you doing? Get going!” The guy snapped, fear evident in his voice.

“Don’t you shout at me, you idiot! What do you mean by ” Get going?” I should simply run over them, yeah?”

“Yeah,” he said simply.

Tanya looked at him like he had lost his mind then she voiced it “You are crazy!”

“They won’t stop coming!”

“No, I am not deliberately hitting anything or anyone a day to my wedding or ever! Not for you or anyone!”

“You are getting married?” He looked at her in surprise then back at the road. One of the men had gotten to the car and was hitting the car with his big fist even while in motion as he tried to stop them.

Tanya saw one of the approaching men bring out a shiny object. “Is that….”

“Yes, a dagger and he wouldn’t hesitate to use it on me, well it is us now. You have to run them over or at least attempt to or the one behind us now would probably smash the window in no time at all”

“What do you mean by us? There is no us! Get out of my car now and go sort out whatever it was that you have with them! ” Tanya yelled at him.

“I will be dead then and I would rather not. Also, you won’t be spared as well, these people don’t leave behind witnesses”

“What?” Tanya swallowed hard, involuntarily slamming on the brakes.

“I am sorry,” the man said to her, and before Tanya could reply, he put his hands over hers on the steering wheel, taking control. He was bent sideways on the passenger’s seat and Tanya quickly pressed the button that depressed her seat back. She scrambled out of his way after removing her seatbelt to get to the back seat. He gave her a brief grateful look and gunned the engine

He hit one of the advancing goons while the other one quickly scrambled out of the way.

Tanya heard a pinging sound behind her as something penetrated her rear window and she looked up in time to see something whizzed by the guy’s ear, breaking the front glass in its exit.

“Was that….”

“Yes, a bullet. They are not joking at all!” The guy informed her hurriedly “Please stay down as you are”

“Oh my God! Oh my God! We are going to die! A day to my wedding and I am going to die in my car with a random guy;?! This sure would make a great headline” she panicked.

“No one is dying today if I have anything to say about it so please stop worrying about the fact that you wouldn’t look perfect in your morgue shot” Then he looked back as he saw something in the side mirror “Shit, that was what he went back for!”