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Always Committed To You

Always Committed To You

Author: purpleorchards



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Love: four-letter beautiful word. Do you think, with time it's lost?? Two love birds, not in a relationship but still committed to each other. Is it possible? And what if they have a beautiful angel who brings them together? Ella, an ambitious woman left Daniel due to uncontrollable circumstances without officially breaking up with him. However, Daniel in the given situation embraced the role of a workaholic since he doesn't seem to forget his Ella. After six years, destiny brings them together and their beautiful daughter Lilly who is the string holding them together. Read further to unfold their story
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Chapter 1

  "Mommy, mommy wake up, it's time to shake up, nanananaaa nanananananaaa."

  "Urge yes-yes, I am up" Ella groaned and got up reluctantly.

  "Stop jumping on the bed berry, else you will hurt yourself," she told her five-year-old daughter while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

  "Okay-Doki mommy," she said cheerfully.

  "How can someone be so perky like you, this early morning?" she asked her, dumbfounded.

  "Because I am an early morning riser." her little girl started jumping again.

  "Ughh! no more jumping Lillian." her mother told her firmly.

  This made her stopped immediately. Whenever Elle uses her full name, she gets the message and stops her deeds.

  "Come on Lilly, get ready now and I will cook something for you."

  "Okay, Doki mommy." she ran outside the room to get herself dressed for school.

  Ella would say that for a five-year-old, Lily is definitely a smart girl. But sometimes, she can be a handful. Whatever it is, she is her life, her oxygen.

  For the past five years, she has been like her alarm clock. As mentioned, Lilly is an early riser. She is habituated to get up at six every morning. Whereas Ella, she can sleep till noon, but no such luck when you have a little notorious girl jumping on your bed at six am every morning.

  So, she finally got up, brushed her teeth, and made her way downstairs towards the kitchen. Ella thought about cooking pancakes for her little daughter. Lilly loves pancakes. She is also a sucker for sweets, but which kid doesn't like sweet food.

  "Mommy, I am ready." she ran downstairs and sat on the dining table.

  "And your pancakes are also ready." Ella put the plate filled with three pancakes in front of her.

  "Yay, I plovv you mnomaa" she said with her mouthful.

  "Love you too berry, but no talking while eating " It's beyond her imagination how this little girl in front of her can feed herself with three pancakes.

  While she was digging into her pancakes, Ella took a hot shower and dressed herself for work.

  "Hurry up berry, or else we will be late for your school."

  After 20 minutes, they both reached their destination.

  "So here we are Lily; Tinsley Grammy will pick you up. I'll be a bit late today. Be a good girl and don't harass her."

  "I won't mommy, I will be a very good girl," she giggled.

  "I am sure you will be. Have a good day." Ella kissed both her cheeks.

  "You too mommy." Lily pecked her mother's cheek and ran into her school.

  After dropping her off, Ella drives herself to work.


  "Dude, didn't I told you that we will get the best coffee here." Danial's best friend Timmy told him.

  "Sure Tim, whatever you say." he rolled his eyes and went inside the café 'The Brunch'. He sure has heard about this cafe a lot. It has created quite a goodwill.

  After a few more sips and enjoying the ambiance, Tim asked his best friend.

  "So, what do you think about this place?"

  "Much better than I thought. It just has this unexplainable aura around it," he said with full honesty.

  "Good thing we agreed to visit here and consider Mr. Thompson deal, didn't we," he told him

  Dan thought for a while and answered, "Yes, Tim. If this place is expanded, it will do wonders. Great for our business and his too."

  He was not lying when he said that. This place is unique in its own way. It's a cafe along with a spacious library on one side of the cafe. And on the other side, there is a small sitting arrangement where people could sit calmly on the couch and do their work. And in the middle of the room, tables and chairs are arranged for people to eat their snacks and enjoy the coffee. The colours of the walls are neither too bright nor too dull. It is the perfect balance of the combination of the colours. In the background, slow music was playing. It is pretty lively and yet peaceful.

  Overall, this place is good. It gives a comfy and cosy feeling. But minor changes here and there and a bit of expansion to the place could definitely do wonders.

  "I hope that things work out with Mr. Thompson. This place is really something and would create a good amount of profit with some changes," he told Tim about his thoughts.

  "Yes, hopefully. I will call him and inform him about our arrival. Anyway, we have a meeting with him tomorrow so we have got enough time." Tim answered happily.

  They both were drinking their coffee peacefully. Few customers were coming in and going out. At nine o’clock in the morning, also this place is pretty full.

  Suddenly his train of thoughts was disturbed by the ringing of a bell. Dan glanced towards the door of the cafe. He saw an average height woman rushing inside the cafe. He was not able to see her face as there were people around her.

  She pushed past the crowd and ran towards the counter in haste. He guessed she was late for her work. His eyes were following her around like a magnet. She seemed familiar to him, but he didn't want to let thoughts there. Just when he was going to have a glimpse of her face, Tim butt in.

  "Dude, we should get going, or else we will be late."

  He reluctantly got up and left. Dan really wished to see her face. Maybe he will if the owner of this place agrees to their deal. Which he has to anyhow.