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My Claimable Wife

My Claimable Wife


Realistic Urban

My Claimable Wife PDF Free Download


Amellie Cruz is a normal girl who is boring to other girls on her age. She is not legally adopted but her family never made her feel unwanted and unloved. Her world will be entangled in a sweet return. Will she realize that she’s no longer acts her role instead she starts to fall in lover to her brother? Ethan Andrews is a sweet and caring husband. But his world turns upside down when he saw her wife cheating on him. When he comes home after several years, he can’t believe that her sister is now a beautiful woman. Due to and accident, he wakes up claiming her as his wife.“Amellie is my wife.” Will his claim help his heart to heal and believe in love again?
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Chapter 1

Ethan Andrews

I look on the beautiful baby that mom bought after she saw a basket on the side of the road. It has a baby on it.

“Honey, it’s a girl. They left a child on that basket and beside the road? How ruthless and heartless her parents is.”-mom.

“She can stay with us. I can be her brother.”

“Are you sure, Ethan? What if you’ll get jealous and treat her badly?”-she said.

“No, I won’t. You said that you can’t give me a brother or a sister because of your health issues. So she can stay with us.”

“How about you honey?”

“No problem with me. She can’t stay on the road at times like this.”-he said. She smiled. I’m just ten years old but my parents never let me to be a spoiled brat and look down on other peoples lives. Since Amellie came in our life it became much livelier than we thought.

“Mom! Amellie isn’t here!”-I shouted. But at the same time she made us worry.

“She’s with me, I went out to have a vitamin D.”

“That scared me off.”-mom said. I look on her and she starts to smile and play with us. It looks like Amellie is a smart kid. We called her Amellie because their is a name on her clothes.

“Mom, why don’t you file for an adoption?”

“We are thinking about that but we wanted to make sure that no one is finding Amellie. What her mom misses her? We need to give her back.”

“No! Amellie will stay with us forever.”-I said.

“If the time will tell us so. It’s okay, if Amellie will stay with us and be our princess.”

“Uhm. She is our princess.”

“Of course, I will cook the egg that she’ll eat today. Son, made her milk.”-daddy said.

“Okay dad.”-I said and starts to make her milk.

As time goes by, Amellie grew up with a happy face and she always gives us a smile.

“Happy 7th birthday, Amellie!”-we shouted and she blew the candle.

“Thank you mommy, daddy and brother Ethan.”-she said. She never wanted to throw party instead she wanted to share foods on the street dwellers.

“What is your wish, baby?”

“Uhm… I wish to see less people on the street until they vanish and have a good life forever and ever!”

That made us smile. She had the same wish since her 3rd birthday and that made her unique. She’s consistent in her wish and instead of playing dolls, she loves to play with my toys, my sport and read book that mom bought for her.

“That’s good, let’s help them again.”-I said.

Amellie Cruz

“My wish is to see less people on the street until they vanish and have a good life forever and ever.”

I blew the candle and my mom and dad claps their hands. Today is my 20th birthday and ever since brother Ethan marry her French wife, he came less and less each time. Maybe because her wife is a bit…spoiled brat and she didn’t like mom because they’re not the same.

“You have grown up so fast Amellie.”-dad said. I just smiled. I’m 3rd year college student and I’m taking two courses. Culinary and business management. I have been accelerated twice since elementary and high school that’s why I’m already in this year as a college student.

“Your father and I will visit your brother by next week.. Are you going to come with us?”-mom.

“I can’t mom. You know very well that my available time are holidays. I’ll buy them gift as my regards.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want. I knew your brother, he’ll understand it. He said that he will give you a special gift when you graduate.”-mom.

“That’s why I’m trying my best and make sure that I won’t fail somehow.”-dad.

“You have never fail us, Amellie. That’s why we’re proud of your achievements. You’re selfless.”

“Thank you mom, dad. For giving me a life that everyone wish to have.”

“We love you always, our princess. You deserve the love and care from us because you do the same to others. Since you’re a kid.”-mom said.

“And that’s our reason why we are happy that you came in our life. But instead of being emotional, let’s all eat instead. The food had been waiting for us.”

“Your right dad, I’m hungry already.

“See. Happy birthday again, Amellie, our daughter.”

“Happy birthday, honey.”-mom said. I spread my hands and they get what I mean. They hug me. I embrace them tight and remember the warmth that I always feel whenever they hug me.

“I love you both.”-I said.

“We love you too.”-they both said. I’m happy that even if I’m not their legally adopted daughter, they never made me fell unwanted and unloved. They made me feel belong that we’re a family. Even brother Ethan left the country, he never changed even if his wife is a bit spoiled brat. And I’m happy that he didn’t even if he’s a successful businessman like dad. If he will inherit their family business from young multimillionaire then he’ll be a multi-billionaire soon. We’ll, he is the biological son and he had all the right to inherit mom and dad’s business.

“Good morning, Asami.”

“Good morning.”she said and cling into my hands as we entered the campus. She’s my best friend.

Ethan Andrews

I drink the wine in the glass and good thing that my best friend is here in Paris for his business.

“What’s wrong with your face, Ethan?”

“I have a bad day as usual, Peter.”

“You always do even if I called you each time. Is this about your wife?”

“Of course, she always have the reason to irritate me and give problems.”

“If your unhappy anymore then let her go. Runaway to your failed marriage. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’ve done your best to save what you can.”

“I love her.”-I stated and pour brandy in my glass.

“You did. You even give up half of your life for her and yet she never changed. I’m sorry if I tell you this frankly but she never deserve you and she’s not a girl that fits to be with you.”

“And I hate that truth. I give up my life with my family and followed her likes to stay here in Paris with her parents and yet she keeps on complaining. Just like what she did today.”

“Speaking off, what is it?”

“She wants me to call my parents and tell them not to visit us.”-I said. His jaw drop.

“That’s crazy. You have said that five months ago she said and now again? What did she want from you, huh? Don’t tell me she wants you to forget about your parents? Come on, Ethan. Don’t tell me you agreed to her again. You haven’t see each other for two years.”

“That’s the reason why I’m here. I said no, I wanted to see them again too. I always pamper her parents with everything that they wanted but I can’t even treat my parents for a bowl of soup. I feel like I’m the worst son in the world.”

“Good, your sister might not be able to make it because she’s been busy. She’s just like you, focused in her studies.”

“Uhm, I remember that she jump twice to her grades. She’s really clever.”-I said.

“And she grew up into much beautiful lady.”

“Wait, are you eyeing my sister, hmm?”

“Nope I am not. I’m just telling you what kind of woman she is now. She’s already 18 years old and she raise a big event instead of having a debut celebration. She never changed.”

“I’m happy to hear that. She have been the kid that never fails to make everyone around her happy.”-I said and drink my wine.

“That’s why you shouldn’t set aside your family each time, Ethan. ”

“I know. This time, I won’t let my wife cut my ties with them slowly.”-I said. He smiled and raise a toast. I made up my mind this time.

I got a call that mom and dad are already here in Paris. I don’t want them to see what kind of spoiled brat my wife is that’s why I told them that I book them on a hotel. My wife warned me anyway. She didn’t want them to stay with us wile visiting our country. The elevator opens and my eyes widened when I saw a two opposite sex making out inside the elevator. I grab the man’s shoulder and punch his face.

“Oh my gosh!”-she look at me and she’s surprise when she saw me. I slap her.

“How dare you!”-I said. I was about to punch him again when someone grab my wrist. It was my dad.

“What is happening here?”

“I saw her kissing and making out with that bastard.”-I said. My mom went in front of me to stop me in attacking that man.”

“Go away, the two of you. Wait for the legal action.”-father said. My wife turns pale.

“Let me explain, Ethan.”

“Stay away from me, I’m disgusted.”-I said.

“Please mom and dad. Let me explain.”

“I said, leave. I’m feed up with your spoiled brat actions, Tyra. You failed me over and over again. You think I didn’t know that your trying to ruined our relationship with our son? Your wrong.”-mom.

“We let you decide and just listen to what Ethan ask to us. We missed our son and we respect his decisions because he is no longer a kid. But this? This?! I didn’t raise my son to cheat and be cheated by the likes of you. You heard my husband, leave or else I’ll kick you out myself in this hotel!”

My mom push them on the elevator and click the button. I punch the wall once we enter their room. My mom hug me and I cried on her shoulder. I also feel my fathers hand caressing my back. They let me cry. My father told me that crying isn’t a sign of weakness to a man like me. It’s a sign that you have a heart.

“I can’t believe that she did that. I just let her… damn it!”-I shouted.

“Do you want to make a legal action?”

“Yes dad, I will file a case against her and that man. I will talk to the hotel personnel and I’ll have a CCTV footage as an evidence. I’ll file a divorce.”

“Okay. We will support you. These gifts for you wife and in-laws are a waste. We’ll just give it to the hoteliers in this hotel.”

“Gifts?”-I said. I look on the paper bags. It was from the Gucci and Chanel stores.

“That was a gift from your sister. Before I forgot, she had a gift for you. She knitted this for you.”-she said. It’s a warm sweater. I smiled.

“It’s been a year. She’s already a fine lady.”

“She is. But for now, let’s focus on your problem.”