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The Servant Girl

The Servant Girl

Author: Biabarbie2



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All her life, Layla has been a servant along side her mother and best friend. She has never dated anyone before, never kissed someone. shes completely innocent Damien is her ruthless master. He has a wife and many mistresses, but they don't satisfy him. He needs someone pure..someone innocent. What will happen when he comes across Layla by destiny. She's just the girl he wants, beautiful and innocent Will his cruel wife and envious mistresses manage to tear them apart or will their love prevail?
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Chapter 1

"I'm coming madam"Layla yelled from the kitchen as Mrs walker hollers for her breakfast from the dining room. The coffee was taking forever to brew and the scrambled eggs were still frying. Layla woke up late this morning despite setting her alarm. She was overworked last night thus her body was tired and sore.

"Maid" Mrs. Walker screeched. In a hurry, Layla scraped the eggs from the frying pan into a plate with toasted bread. She poured the coffee into a mug and speed walk to the dining room where Mrs. Walker was sitting impatiently, waiting with a scowl on her face.  

"It's eight-thirty, I should have already eaten my breakfast" She quivered with rage. Layla gracefully placed the food in front of her then bowed her head as she's been told to do many times

"I'm sorry madam I-"She tried to explain her tardiness not knowing how much her presence annoyed  the cruel woman

"Get out of my sight this instant" Mr. Walker's wife bellow at the timid servant. Layla rushed out of the room in fear of being whipped for not moving fast enough. She went to the washroom and immediately got to work. 

She washes clothes after clothes with her bare hands seeing there was no washing machine at the home. she walked outside with the wet clothes and hang them on the line to dry.

At the barn, she fed the horses. This is her favorite thing to do seeing as she loves horses. She wishes so badly to ride one in the future. Her favorite is Max, a black and very loving horse, well only to his master and her. Whenever he is being fed by the other servants and not by either, he always caused trouble. Layla was enjoying her time with max when a servant girl approached, she looked no older than her

"you are needed in the kitchen, "the girl said before walking off.  A sigh escapes Layla's lips as she said goodbye to Max and walk towards the house

In the kitchen, she hummed as she washes the dishes. She didn't notice her friend Isaac watching in amusement from the doorway.

He starts to clap, finally announcing his presence to her. The plate almost slipped from her hands as the sudden noise filled the empty kitchen

"you scared me" she stated

"I can see that" Isaac beamed running his hands through his blonde hair.

"What are you doing here? not that I mind or anything "was her remark, she was glad for the little company.

"Came to check up on you that's all," he said, a tint of red tainting his cheeks

"Thank you for always checking up on me, Gosh I don't know what I would do without you" she uttered the last part as a joke but it means more to Isaac than she could ever imagine. His heart swelled in his chest

"Do you have anything to do after this?" he inquired. Hoping she would be free so they could spend some time together.

"I have Mr. walker's clothes to Iron for his meeting tomorrow" She slapped her hand on her forehead at her forgetfulness. If it wasn't for Isaac's question she would get a heavy whipping later for forgetting the Master's clothes

"When are you free tomorrow?" he asked, disappointed

"I don't know yet. I have to go Iron master's clothes, so I will see you later"

"OK," Isaac said as she pats his shoulder and went to the Master bedroom. As she entered the room she looked around in astonishment, the room was unlike anything she has seen before. There is a large queen size bed, elegant drapes, and soft carpets. There  is also a closet  and flat-screen tv and other furniture

She was not used to seeing these things in the servant quarters, where she resided. She was used to seeing a sponge bed on the floor where she slept, a lantern that light up her tiny room, her rundown walls, and her small dresser that kept her few little clothes.

After staring around for a minute she remembered the only reason she was allowed in there. She took out his suit from the packed closet and put it on the iron board.

She was unaware of the fact, that the iron is on high performance and is way too high to press the master clothes without burning it. As she put the very heated Iron over the newly bought shirt the fabric sticks to the iron and burns.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she smells and sees the burned fabric.

"oh no, no" she panic. 'what must I do?' she asked herself.

As she stood there thinking a voice boomed throughout the room

"What the hell is burning in here?" A strong voice demands an answer. Layla turned and saw the most handsome man she had ever seen in her life. His sharp eyes pierced hers and she felt like she couldn't breathe. He is a god in her eyes and not just hers, other female servants as well.

A shocking thought accord to her. This must be the famous Damien Walker she heard so much about.  " He is my master.... and I just burned his expensive suit shirt," she thought to herself, worrying even more.

"What the hell happened in here?" he walked further into the room towards her, His strides confident and accurate. Layla's heart pounded in her chest as her trembling hands holds the master's burned shirt

"Did you burn my shirt?" Damien asked in disbelief and anger.

"It was an accident I---I D-didn't mean to" She stuttered as  Damien walked closer to her until his chest is pressed against hers and his face is almost molded with hers

"But you did. Now, what are you going to do to repay me for my shirt?" Layla's eyes water as she thought about her payment, she has no money nor does her parent or her friend. She has no idea how she's going to pay him

"B---beat me," she said thinking that's what he was suggesting, little did she know that wasn't even close.

"You want me to spank you" Damien inquired, running his tongue over his cherry lips. His eyebrows furrow as a tear slipped from her eyes

"S--spank me? "she asked, her innocent mind not quite understanding what he's saying

"Spank your ass," he said more specifically, making sure to emphasize the word 'ass'

Tears roll down her face because of this.

"You're going to whip my bottom?" Damien's eyebrows arch higher than usual." What the hell is she talking about?" he thought to himself. "Whip?" the wheels in his head starts turning. His fist clenched as he finally understands what she meant. "They better have not whipped her before," he thinks in his head'

"Isn't that what you want?" he asked already knowing the answer. Layla shook her head no

"Then what? You burn my  expensive shirt, You have to pay the price"

"What do you want me to do?" she asked meekly, in hope of him letting her free without punishment

"spend the night with me"