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Hestia University

Hestia University

Author: Sushimiii_Aish



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In a University where only elites can afford, there's a girl who never knew that love will strike her heart hard. Is this finally the love she's been longing for to have? or it's only a one sided love? She was just a some normal girl who happens to transfer to a new University because of her mother. But fate is really playing with her because after she transfer there, her mother died in an accident. She mourns everyday and always questions herself if she did wrong for this kind of thing to happen to her. But in the middle of her suffering, a man came to her life and mess up with her heart.
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Chapter 1

New School, new life. WELCOME TO HESTIA UNIVERSITY, that's what was written in front of the school I was transferred to.

I still don't know why my mother decided to transfer me to another school, because it was good in my previous school. It's big, beautiful and it was a school for elites. But I didn't imagine Hestia University is much more beautiful and even triple the size.

Just before I step my feet inside the gate, the students passing by look at me with curiosity in their face, maybe it was their first time seeing a gorgeous lady. HAHAHAHA just kidding. I know the reason, it's because I'm new here. Right? I hope that's the only reason.

But really? Do they really need to stare at me like that, it seems like they are going to eat me alive and I really hate attention. Tsk.

I feel irritated all of a sudden

As I continue walking, the people staring at me became triple.

What the hell is their problem? Do I look like a prey? Is this some sort of vampire diaries? Are they gonna eat me?

sign of the cross

Please, Lord, from now on I'll be a good woman, just don't feed me to these vampire creatures. Huehue


'Oh my god! Ouch!' It looks like I collided into a wall

'What the hell is--' Oh My God! Why is an angel doing in front of me? Am I dead? '--your problem?' I think he did not hear it because, it sounds like a whisper

'You're in my way'


'Are you deaf?, I said you're in my way'

'Ha! Is this yours? Asshole!

And for your information, the space is too big for you to say that I'm on your way! Hmp!'

'Okay' okay? seriously?

'By the way, don't come to school looking like that, you're not in a fashion show' the asshole said after he continue walking

Whatever, I still need to find my classroom

I'll just ask someone

'Hi! Do you know if where this classroom is?'

'Ofcourse, that's also my class!'

'Just go with me'


'What's your name, by the way, today's the first time I saw you here', of course I'm a transferrie that's why you didn't see me in the past days

'Zani is my name'

'Yeah, I just transfer today'

"And I'm Sally, nice meeting you Zani!'

'Finally, we're already here, come here! There's a space behind my table you can sit there'

Shit!, What's the asshole doing here?

Are we classmates? You're really stupid Zani, of course he is your classmate, isn't obvious?.

'Ahm, can sit here?' *no response

A minutes had passed and I'm still standing, *still no response

'Hey, why are you just standing there? Just sit there, I know that Brix won't mind if you sit beside him, I assure you' said the girl I was with a while ago, well I forgot her name

'Good morning class!, I hear that this class has a transferrie, could you please stand and introduce yourself?, and by the way I'm your teacher for the Art Appreciation subject' our teacher said

'Hello, I'm Zarniah Zena Montecastro, Zani for short, that's all'

'Oh! Okay, please take your seat. Today, we will be talking about Music. Can anyone of you wants to define what's music is?'

'Yes Zani?'

'I define music as the art that produce a pleasing or expressive combinations of tones especially with melody, rhythm, and usually harmony'

'Very good! Is there anyone from the class who still wants to define what music is?

What about you, Brix?'

'Music is something that can inspire people, give them hope, makes them believe in something greater, or lets them escape for a moment. It can be your best friend in time of need and is always there when you need it' said Brix

'What a beautiful meaning is that, thank you, please take your seat

Music is about how you express---- blah blah blah blah'

I'll just take a nap, I hope our teacher won't see me hihi

*Kriiiinnngggg, Kriiiinnngggg, Kriiiinnngggg.

'Zena? Wake up, it's already break time and I'm already hungry. We should go now to the cafeteria' Ah! that was a great long nap

'Okay, I'll just fix my things. Let's go? What's your name again? Sorry I forgot'

'Sally. That's my name'

'Right. Let's go.'