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The Twin Hybrids

The Twin Hybrids

Author: Victorex



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Arthur, an hybrid from two most powerful supernatural and extraordinary cults who are sworn enemies. Born in a world where he is the greatest threat and destruction to the world. His mother, the vampire princess, separated him from his darkness like of an hybrid, his twin brother who has already being destined from birth to work hand in hand with the powerful evil immortals that wants to rule over the entire Multiverse. The sinister twin, Luthor has the same level of powers as his brother Arthur, but he wasn't the ultimate, but in darkness he is the paramount after the Hell King Lucifer. After the aftermath of the situation of the Multiverse years ago between the Outworlds, the Creator choosed Arthur as the next ultimacy of all creations. The call fated him with misery. Arthur lived most of his life being human, but there was it's limits as he must be ready to fulfill his destiny. His stay in the human world cost a lot of destructions for the humans as a lot of his close friends and family-like have to pay huge sacrifices for his sake. Fate has concluded his battle with his sinister twin and unfortunately for him, that was not how he suppose to meet his likeness ofa brother after so many years he hadn't known of his existence. Arthur must use his ultimate powers to end the evil against the Multiverse. But thinking he had only that mission for his destiny, The Hell King Lucifer awaits him all Hell!! Can Darkness be destroyed? It's all in the hands of the great all ultimate true King, the hybrid of light and form of darkness, Arthur!
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Chapter 1

** The Multiverse **

** The Worlds **

** The Outworld Immortals **

** The Lords **

** The Earth Immortals **

** The Mortals **

** The Daemons **

** The Archfiend **

And the one who owns them All!!

** The Creator **

** Races of the Immortals had being existing for Millenniums and there were battles and competition of conquest of the great Worlds of the Multiverse.

The Devil has been sealed up in Hell after causing soo much destruction in his great creation. The Creator separate the realms to avoid the Devil from having access to glorious creations he has made. A well deserve kingdom called Hell the Creator made for the likes of the Devil and his Daemons.

**The present and the future of the Multiverse of different worlds is about to be in a disastrous moment of the Annihilation and it is bound to happen if the mantle of succession is not handed to the right Immortal being. **

**How was all that going to happen?! **

Immortals will battle against Immortals and it will begin to cause the deaths of so many creations until a young man from an english country on Earth would be chosen by the Creator to be the next supreme King of all creations of the Multiverse by Prophecy to bring about the balancing of the Multiverse, but in a very complicating situation.

The mortal human did not know anything about his past and he never knew of his quest in the Outside Multiverse and most of all, he didn't know who he was and the powers he possessed....

.. And What!!!.. 'A Mortal Human?!' How can a Mortal be king over Immortals?!... It's not known yet! He lives a live of a complete Human..... But he is the most powerful Immortal in the entire Multiverse.

... And It all began.....

..... A Millennium ago outside the Earth, in the great throne of the Planet of Pentera, the greatest of all the Worlds in the Multiverse which was ruled by any being who sits on the Golden and glorious Throne made by the Creator.

The Creator made Pentera the largest and most powerful planet ever, and made anyone who sits on the Golden Throne to be the Ultimacy of all that are in Existence.

In the Multiverse, there were over a hundred planets in Existence but what would happen to the heart of individuals of species especially when the Lords of the Worlds are the Daemoniacs who will want to rule over other Worlds, and for that reason there was always a time to battle against the odds to survive.

Two of the greatest Dread Lords of darkness of the Multiverse; Lord Zhergar of the Titanium Planet and Lord Bhoax of the dark World.

* Lord Zhergar is one of the most dangerous, evil and venomous being of the Multiverse generated from the species of Monstrous Titans from the third largest planet after the great planet Earth; and it is called the Titanium Planet.

Back in the Millennium, every being called him an Archfiend while his Minions address him as the Demigod who would lead the future of the Multiverse.

This Monster Lord has sealed his heart on his decision to Overrule all the Lords of the Multiverse and sit on the throne of superiority that controls the races of the Multiverse. He have to wait patiently for the right time, watch and outsmart in order to achieve his goal. But he is not alone in the plot of the subjugation of the entire Multiverse.

* Lord Bhoax is the Hell's Lord dwelling on the darkest World of Daemons who alone has the connection of subjecting Daemons from the realm of Hell to obey on his evil devices. He was a friend of Lord Zhergar till they parted for the Lust of gaining power of the Pentera golden Throne of Ultimacy.

..... Just when they both had gotten their unstrategized plan differently on which would be definitely eliminating the One who sits on the throne as he would not offer his position to any being of the Mutiverse; something had gone wrong somewhere.... It doesn't seem right with them as there was a strick law of the Multiverse that would make their plan void until an opportunity was created.

"At the Pentera World!"

"Your Grace, I am here again as you have summoned me," Lord Ethean bowed faced floor as he worshipped the great almighty king Ghrampp who sat on the golden chair of the great throne of Pentera...

* Lord Ethean is the Informat Minister of the great king who is always loyal to his king and the course in which he served faithfully despite the offers of the evil Lords of doom for him to betray his grace and become their commanding officer. But in some way circumstances caught up with him and he had a dread choice that would cause a big time Chaos.

* King Ghrampp is the chosen superior of the Creator to lead the Multiverse to light and controls all beings activities and has been given the most Superior Powers than all other powerful beings in the Multiverse.

He is a gentle sort of a King; he is loved by all the Worlds of the Multiverse but had himself envied by the once who thinks he is soft enough to rule a whole of a Multiverse.

..... "Yes my humble informat minister, you may not have any idea on why I summoned you today, but don't worry I'll not be giving you any task on getting me any information today but if you still have something to tell me you are free to open up to m," King Ghrampp spoke in mild voice having deep sensations.

"Your Grace I have not any information too serious to be deliberated on," Lord Ethean replied in faint words but not too faint to be noticed by the great King or any of the council of ranking Immortals in the throne of the Pentera Palace.

Lord Ethean seemed to be hiding some truth and information from his Grace. He is one of the closest ally of the great King and many greedy and bad Immortal Lords have been targeting him for the possible destruction of the great King that controls the Multiverse of different Worlds.

He might be a little bit having a change of heart as he has been given many offers by different Lords of darkness that wants to take over the Multiverse. He is been needed to betray His Grace and enjoys his offers.

Lord Ethean has been a very close servant of the great King right from childhood; King Ghrampp father saved Ethean years ago from being executed by one of the dark lords in a kingdom planet ruled by a dark Lord of War very far away from Pentera. Lord Ghrampps' father was a soldier of the armies of the Kingdom of the species of Gotzon 'having the size of a titan but a definite structure of an Earth Creator's own image called the Humans.

In the sense of Immortality, king Ghrampps' father was an average man who fought for his people. He was into the darkness under the rule of the most powerful Gotzon named Lord Beelium the Lord of War who loves to battle with other Worlds as his most favorite hobby on Conquest.

* Lord Beelium is an Evil and powerful terror Immortal who ruled the Nurne Planet after he Curb down the governments of the planet. Committed treacherousness and tried to eliminate Lord Ethean when he was a child after murdering his entire family. He was called the Lord of Terror because he loves Conquest as a hobby after he came to power.

People feared the Nurne Kingdom Planet of the Gotzonians because of the treacherousness of Lord Beelium who rules over the whole four continent of Nurne Planet. Before he came to power, the Kingdom was under the safe rule of a formed government of the Gotzonians before he successfully eliminated all the officials and curb down the government to become the ruler and the Lord and since then no one was able to bring down the Lord of Terror.

Ethean was a little kid from the Gotzon species and was sentenced to death by the dark Lord Beelium for trying to have his vengeance for the bloody murder of his parent and his two female siblings. He got arrested and thrown to the Dungeon at a tender age.

King Ghrampps' father who witnessed the cruelty of Lord Beelium went unto the Dungeon and rescued the helpless child as he betrayed his colleagues and attacked the soldiers mounted to watch the child before his execution.

After the rescue, he smartly used his powers of disguise to get himself and his family together with the child to a safer planet where Lord Beelium is not welcomed and could be hunted down if he tried to breach his way in. They stayed in the safe planet till the Creator brought down the greatest favor of the Multiverse on his own son who became the Creator's chosen king of the Multiverse.

....... What kind of Offer would the evil Lords of Darkness use to satisfy Lord Ethean to betray his Grace whose father saved him years ago from the hands of the same line of dark forces that destroyed his family and left him to battle with survival alone in the Multiverse.

The heart of the humble servant remained constant on serving His Grace loyally and with no intentions of betraying the chosen King of the entire Multiverse.

Lord Etheans' strong belief to his course angered the Evil powerful lords and they conspired to make King Ghrampp to demote Lord Ethean and fix in an assassin on his position to accomplish their task because it was nearly too impossible to destroy the supremacy endowed with unlimited powers by the Creator and only a weakness could be their only hope to their Conquest.

Lord Ethean thought over the offers once more and evil immediately occupied his heart and has to see reasons to dethrone his King who he had served for many years without thinking of his live he owes his father years ago.

**'Dethroned!' Could a chosen King be dethrone by any being of the Multiverse?! **

Lord Ethean went evil and accepted the offers of the Evil Lords of darkness not only because of the offers were super tempting but because he intended to make his fate as the fate of the living creations in the different Worlds of the Multiverse.

"I will make every living being attorn for the Murder of family and I will use this chance to launch my payback against that evil born bastard Lord Beelium for I will ruin him," Lord Ethean gave a wild thought to himself as he demonstrated angrily in his chambers of the Palace of the great Pentera.

**Lord Ethean flashed back to his tragedy as he still could hear all the wailings of his family when they were being tortured by the order of the demonaic Lord Beelium. He also felt the pain as he watch them die one by one**

The Law wouldn't accept his vengeance on Lord Beelium but being transformed and blackhearted will.

The Evil Lords from the other planets that came together for the Conquest were glad immediately they got their unexpected replies from Lord Ethean and they immediately closed their plans of demotion as they were not too sure on what allegations would be layed against Lord Ethean that the great King would ever believed but now it has been made easy to deal with.

In some ways Lord Ethean has proven to be a strong and powerful Lord subjected to the Throne despite being under the course of information.

What would make Lord Ethean accept their offers is what keeps running through their minds as the evil lords came together to the conclusion of betraying Lord Ethean after he has finished the diabolical task of the Evil Lords of darkness.....

The decision was clear for the evil quad Lords of the four worlds of the Multiverse by their Leader who convene the other lords for the evil operation.

Their leader knew the background of Lord Ethean long before he became favored by the King. It was as if Karma runs through their generation for years before it finally caught up with him.

**The fact the King's father was not aware of was that, it was a curse for the family of Lord Ethean to die horribly because of the same course of what Lord Ethean is about to do to King Ghrampp.

Lord Ethean great grandfather was from the species of Houngus ' almost likely to the Gotzonians but they had extra features of sharp bladed spine, they are green in color and had extra size almost like that of the Titans.**

His great grandfather killed his only closest friend to take the position of the third greatest to the Lord of the planet Uthium.

The same evil ran through the bloods of their generation, then same to his grandfather who came to dwell in Gotzon, as the new Lord of Uthium became harsh to their family.

He left his two siblings in Uthium and promised them he would be back after he had seen a suitable planet for them all to come and live together, but when he came to Gotzon, he forget about his family back in his home planet and started a new family after he married a young and beautiful Gotzonian feminine.

They had a son who was famous all over Gotzon for being an Hybrid. Little by little, the part of the Houngus were not seen in their appearance as the Hybrided son grew up and married a Gotzonian feminine who gave birth Lord Ethean's father**.

**But before Lord Ethean's father was born, his grandfather was amongst the top rankings to the great Lord. He didn't gain the position in a clean way but he did evil of sacrificing the lives of some Gotzonians to prove his worth of leadership.**

Then after the death of his grandfather, Lord Ethean's father was placed into the rankings by his already ranked friend who was the closest minister to the great Lord. His greed didn't made him satisfied with his position and he aspire for the top. With his blacked heart, he called out his high ranked friend into a lonely place and then stab him in his heart till he is dead then he stylishly took the rank in success after he made himself incredible in the sight of the great Lord.

Lord Ethean didn't know about his background but it seems that he is about to follow the evil that has become a tradition in his generation.

** Ethean's great grand father died in the hands of the evil Lord leading the Uthium planet. His grandfather died alongside his innocent wife under assassination. Then Ethean's father and his family destroyed under the same curse of their course, then what is his fate?! **

The type of being the Leader of the evil quad Lords is; visionary beings who see the pasts of any being they had come in contact with...

To be continued...

_____________________________________________________________Written By : Victorex. __________