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Be Seduced In Porn Movie

Be Seduced In Porn Movie

Author: bibiyenini


Steamy Stories

Be Seduced In Porn Movie PDF Free Download


“Sex is a thing, but for me, it’s a lifeline I needed because without it, I’ll never eat dinner again. Just like the usual routine I did back when I was just a normal girl.” – Alison Marcus As the burdens of her life took toll on Alison, she met a man named Drake Garcia, who had a limited-time job offer that can help her with the pile of expenses she had. The post she needed to work on… is to be a porn star.
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Chapter 1

She was beyond control. Right after she lay down on an empty mattress without any saplings on, Alison played the role well. She resisted the arms grasping her wrists, as if any strength she exuded would be enough to push the man away.

He lowered his jeans, kicking them on the floor, making sure his crotch dangled lowly. Before Alison can even react and kick his naked balls, Drake hovered on top of her. She became wet all of a sudden, and her legs voluntarily spread themselves wide.

Mind you, she’s just wearing a short skirt. Drake admired the carvings of her flower in the middle of her legs.

Drake gripped the buttons of her uniform and slipped one finger inside, before hitching the sewn threads. He tore her clothes apart, showing off her big mountains. Alison doesn’t wear any bra. Drake journeyed his fingers from the abdomen up to the areolas.

Alison let him squeeze it. She moaned gradually. But the touch of this strange man was enough to let her live inside a sexual trauma.

A part of her wanted to stand up from the bed and run.

Alison gripped his wrists, but Drake had to lower his body down, pinning her to the comforter. It made her groan, but what came out of her lips was a grunt, after all. Alison realized he’s too heavy to push away, and her body would get wrecked once she tried to roll him over—or even, at the very least, head butt him.

It’s useless. Besides, his warm radiance spread through the tangles of her fingertips, arousing her in every way.

Alison tried to knock off his abdomen, but Drake was strong enough to rub her clitoris for a second. Alison hissed, hitching her breath. She gave enough access to his fingers. It’s pleasurable to tolerate.

“You’re so wet,” Drake whispered. He removed his fingers and wet them with his own saliva. Alison anticipated his touch, and when it came back, it made her fall back on the bed, groaning.

He rubbed it for a while. As Drake was about to cum, he readied his penis. He stopped his fingers. Alison recovered from that delectable touch, but Drake was ready for another torture.

He pushed his penis down the opening of her vagina. Drake licked his lips before finally slipping in, making them call out in angst. Her cave has gone wide, but Drake has been obsessed with Alison’s body, and how warm it was.

Alison got shocked. It was rough in the past few days. Alison held onto his toned arms, scraping her fingernails on it.

She closed her eyes, feeling the rhythm, and arched her back to meet the sword. Alison moaned, whispering, “Yeah, come at me.”

Drake got aggressive. He’s getting faster in every second, holding Alison’s bare hips. She’s still in a skirt, but oh, she’s too hot to resist. He thrust in a faster pace, even yelping out, leaning down, hissing, or even clicking his tongue. It was enough for the sweet torture.

Alison forgot the role already, and that, in one second they come by wetter, a director cut off their intimate moment.

“Cut! Cut!” The director threw the earphones at the table as all of the staff members took a step back, not even daring to pick on his anger. Drake and Alison got awoken in their intimate moment. For Alison, she knew Drake found it hard to ejaculate later, than sooner.

He must have been that fast, scraping off the fact Drake had to take it slow.

“Alison’s playing the role of a college student, and you fuck her hard?!” the director screamed.

It’s uncomfortable. She does felt sore every time Drake did it. He always had it too fast, like he’s running from an errand, and he had to finish the scene all at once. Alison can feel Drake was drifting away from the reality.

He withdrew his penis, hitched Alison’s skirt back to its original place, and pushed her legs back down on the comforter. Drake closed the gap in her legs before turning to the director, asking, “Can we have some recess first? I think Alison and me can talk about it.”

The director wore off the small microphone clipped in his shirt, and put it back on the tray in a slam. He pointed at Drake, asking, “Aren’t you a star here for 5 years already, but you don’t know the basics of slow sex?! What kind of a worker are you?!”

Drake retrieved his jeans on the floor, covered up his lowered body, and looked down, letting the director scold him for the nth time. Alison stood up, buttoned up her blouse as she looked helplessly to her boyfriend.

In the scene, it’s always the men who get reprimanded at. It’s because they lead the sex, and the woman will just follow. If any case the woman had to take over, riding them, they should display a fierce and naughty image. Alison had never done it, because she’s not known inside.

Alison Marcus is just a normal porn star.

The director sighed angrily. He placed his hands on his hips, barking, “30 minutes for the recess! Come back here with a plan to make the sensual sex worked!”

The staff around him followed the director outside of the studio. Some of the assistants lend them blankets, so they can wear their clothes accordingly. Alison helped herself on panties and boxer shorts. Drake also straightened out his jeans, and buckled up the belt.

Alison dismissed, “You can leave us here. We would just make our own coffees.”

The assistants bowed their head down and walked out, leaving the two of them alone.

Alison admired the background of the scene and the hundredth bed they use to film their sex scenes. She sighed, took a seat down on the edge, and waited for Drake to say something. Alison turned to him, asking, “What’s wrong? It seemed like you’re nervous. You always ejaculated in advance.”

Drake turned halfway, but didn’t meet her eyes. Alison sensed something wrong about her boyfriend. Drake breathed, “I will be transferred, Alison.”

She widened her eyes instantly. Alison stood up, walked off to the other side, and hunkered down in front of him.

“Can you repeat what you said?”

Drake looked at her, saying, “I will be transferred to the headquarters next week, Alison.”

Alison got a little sad. If he’s going to be there, it’s going to be far away from the MIMI branch she’s working on for two years. Here from there, it would take 4 hours on a car drive. Only then, they don’t have a car.

Alison asked, “Can’t I come with you? I didn’t know what to do when you’re not here, Drake.”

Drake blinked, reaching out for her hands. He clenched his jaw.

“Would you come and leave everything behind here? You worked here for---“

“I wouldn’t know peace when I’m not with you, Drake,” Alison pointed out, trailing Drake off. She entwined her fingers with him, and those infatuated eyes were the ones he’s waiting for. Alison smiled sadly.

“Alison, you already have a life here. Would you want to adjust your life there, just for me?” Drake remarked. Alison shook her head vigorously, and took a seat down beside him. She looked at him for a moment. Whenever she saw Drake’s eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

It’s still like the first time.

“Drake, you were the one who saved me. I never knew until now how much I love you. You were the one who stood me up when I was falling apart, and I wouldn’t let you get away from me, hmm?”

Alison treated him as a possession, but not to the point of obsession. She’s giving all her heart to Drake, and even though they had sex with another woman or man due to their line of work, they didn’t care about it.

Drake understood it the most.

“Do you think your life would still be the same if you transfer there?”

“My life…”


“No, Drake, listen to me.” She unclasped her fingers and held his face. Alison quivered her lip.

They should be talking about the re-filming process, but now, they’re having a lecture.

“My house and clothes can change every day, but the life I led would change without you,” Alison confessed. It made Drake furrow his eyebrows. He let her held on. Drake rose up his hand and held onto her wrist.

“You’re far away, and it’s like the soul has left my entirety, too. So, I’m going with you.”

Drake couldn’t hold on for a while and leaned on, meeting her lips fast. With the tears falling out his cheeks, he knew Alison would have wanted to accompany him on an unknown city, too. Both of them… against the odds of the world… and they had promised to do that.

Drake held onto her bare lap while Alison slung her one arm around his neck, kissing back. It’s as passionate as ever, not the same with the kiss he showed to the cameras. Minutes passed, and both of them broke apart, and felt they needed to talk.

“Recess is going to be over, Drake, we should plan how you can ejaculate later,” Alison smirked.

Drake raised an eyebrow to her, asking, “Do you want me to torture you later?”

“Challenge me,” Alison threatened. She tilted her head to one side, lifting a corner of her mouth.

Drake wickedly grinned and pounced himself to Alison, throwing her to the bed. Both of them laughed.