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My Precious Jewel

My Precious Jewel

Author: Pearl white



My Precious Jewel PDF Free Download


After a one night stand, he could not forget her, but he did not know who she was. When they meet again, he thought she was just another woman trying to attract his attention. He did not expect her to think otherwise. Instead, it was him who ended falling head over heels for her...
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Chapter 1


Along the hallway of a luxury hotel.

"Catch her!

The men giving chase close behind look fierce and vicious. Amaya Jones felt that she was going to drop dead from exhaustion. She was so tired that she could not possibly run any further.

Who did this to her? Who ordered these people to chase her? Was it her sister or somebody else? She had no time to ponder carefully, the footsteps were closing in on her. Covered in a cold sweat, she gritted her teeth and continued running.

She could not let them catch her. If she got caught, her Innocence would be lost.

"Hurry! Don't let her get away!"

Amaya was getting frantic. She didn't know which way to go. Suddenly, she saw a room up ahead where the door was not fully closed. Without much thought, she ran and hid inside, closing the door behind her.

She leaned against the door panting hard and covered in a cold sweat. She prayed fervently for those men to leave soon. The sound of footsteps outside the room got closer and closer. Each step hammered against her heart. She could also hear a voice insulting her.

That b**ch sure can run. Where did she hide now? When I catch her, I will teach her a lesson..." "Boss, could she have hidden inside the guest rooms?" "Search"!

She could feel her heart in her mouth. She was so anxious that her hands were sweaty. She leaned against the door, and covered her mouth. She was afraid she might make a sound and be discovered. If her room was searched, she will be doomed.

"Boss, we cannot offend the people who can afford to stay in a place like this."

"Dammit! Go search up ahead. I don't believe she can fly. When the sound of the footsteps had died down, Amaya's body went soft, and she sank onto the floor. She felt as if an eternity had passed. "Woman, who said you could come in?" 

In the dimly lit room, she heard a voice speak suddenly. It sounded so cold, it made people tense up in fear. Amaya jumped up in shock. She looked up, and her eyes locked up with the man's eyes. She started shaking inside.

Such icy Cold eyes! She wanted to run.

"I'm sorry, I..." She gritted her teeth and pushed the floor with her hands for support to stand up. Once she got up, she slowly collapsed forward.


She let out a cry of surprise. Her heels staggered forward, and she waved her arms about in an attempt to steady herself. But she ended up falling into that man. They fell onto the ground together.

The man's face turned very dark. His voice became even icier, "Get lost!"


Amaya was feeling dizzy and light-headed, yet still got yelled at. She felt her temper rising. She grabbed the man's shower robe by the collar and hollered back.

"Do you have to yell? Do you think I like to touch you?"

Very good!

A coldness flickered across the man's narrow and long eyes instantly. It was your choice not to leave. Don't you regret it!

The next second his tall and slender body held her down...

---The next day---

Amaya woke up with a start she felt something heavy on her waist and she swatted at it without thinking, but she suddenly remembered something. Her heart skipped a bit and she looked to her side. The face of a man she did not know lay buried in the pillow, sound asleep.

The room was a little dark and so she could only see his sharp profile but not his features.

Oh my god!

She swallowed with difficulty while her heart panicked. What happened last night... The absurdity of the things that happened the previous night came back to her mind in bits and pieces. She had no time to admire the man's face. 

She quickly scrambled off the bed, look for her clothes, and put them back on. She had spent the entire night out. If her father find out that she had slept with a stranger, he would most certainly not let her off.

 Amaya saw that her clothes had been ripped in some places and so she frantically picked up the man's shirt from the floor, put it on, and tied a knot.

When she thought of how the man was involved with her, she wanted to make up to him. She searched her pockets but only found two dollars and a penny. 

She hesitated for a while and eventually placed the penny on the man's tie. She needed the remaining two dollars for her bus fare.

"I am very sorry! You didn't lose out last night either. I'll never see you again!" She apologized to the man and left quickly.