
Let’s Read The World

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Author: T~writes





A weak omega falls in love with her gay alpha's son only to find out he's her mate, her once boring life gets spiced up when both lovers compete for her. Coupled with two other mates, rich, fearless, and powerful alphas who love getting their kink up, one obsessed with her, the other scared to lose her and the third makes her drool in her bed and in her dreams. Who will Laura choose? Will she have her harem? Will she dare challenge any of them? Will she break one to be with one, or will she lose out in the end?
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Chapter 1

Nathan's pov.

I slam the door in haste, bolting it lock as I push him towards the wall, he bites down on his lower lips in a manner that makes my senses get all jumbled up.

"Woah woah, go easy on me okay?" he says with a smile, I pull him closer to me, smashing my lips into his as he welcomes me with a moan, he glides his tongue open for me to have access to every inch down to his throat.

He digs his fingers into my sides and I hear a groan escape his lips,

"come on easy, easy boy" I say to him,

"I don't want your wolf all over me today Lucas" he smiles, pulls away from me a bit, he gives me a knowing look as I stare down at his claws.

"Okay, I'll try to hold it in," he pleads. I lower my gaze to see the huge bulge in his pants, pressing hard against the fabric, threatening to rip it apart.

I lock my lips into his once more as we thread slowly towards the bed, the kiss becomes intense, hot and merciless our hands digging in everywhere, I feel him lock his hands into my hair and bury them deep beneath their curls before thugging hard at it as I graze my teeth across his neck..

"Nathan please" he moans my name but I do not listen to him, I glide my hands deeper into his pants as I feel his member twitch slightly in response to my touch..

"fuck" Lucas moans, this time louder than before, he Archs his back upwards as I kiss up behind his ears.

"anyone in?" the voice I detest the most call out from behind the door…

With the speed of lightning Lucas rolls away from me, he pulls his pants up and sprawls across the bed in the most casual manner ever.

The knock continues, coming on more fiercer than the previous and a snarl escapes my lips.

"common, she's probably here for her usual routine just let her in" Lucas persuades,

I walk grudgingly toward the door, dragging my feet behind me cursing at her inwardly.I fling the door open wide and ajar, to meet with her annoyingly deep green orbs starting back at me.

She has a mop in her hands, gloves worn and a brush as well,

Her faded blue gown which had holes in them like moths feasted on it made me sick down to the Pit of my belly,

I stare down at her in disgust, hating her even the more. I should be having a good time with my boyfriend but thanks to this bitch it had all been cut short.

"good morning your highness I'm here to clean, like always' 'she speaks, flashing a bright smile that only irks me the most.

I move away from the door and walk back towards the bed, I exchange glances with Lucas and he smiles in response.

"Good morning Lucas' ' she greets and he flashes her a bright Smile in response that causes me to roll my eyes as she walks into the bathroom.

"manners Nathan, don't look at her that way" Lucas presses on.

"Well, don't flirt with her '' I respond with a Grin, my tone cocky with a hint of sarcasm in them.

"I was not flirting Nathan, all the poor girl did was greet and I responded, then what does it matter if I flirt with her, stop being a jealous friend" he explains slurring out the end of his words and nudging close to me before switching his attention to his phone.

"yeah, of course just friends" I answer as I feel a part of me get stabbed again,

Lucas and I had been dating since middle school, we've remained friends to the public thanks to the fact that my parents are the alpha and Luna to the park while his Were the betas.

Our parents thought of us as close friends and nothing more, of course I cared less about what people would think but lucas had always wanted to keep our relationship on the low,

Across the years I found out I'm gay while Lucas is bi, it had been hard keeping up with our differences, knowing I'm only attracted to him and he's attracted to pretty much everything else as well

Lucas is the one person I've trusted for long but these past few days I've noticed his sick obsession and closeness to Laura the pack slave.

A weak omega with no parents, always being so goofy and irritatingly nice, this is the fourth time this week she had interrupted my make out session with Lucas and it's only Tuesday.

It's either she forgot something or wants to clean something, either ways she is really getting under my skin and I hate how welcoming Lucas is about the whole thing…

"I guess I have to leave now, Tara wants to meet with me, we'll be grabbing dinner together" Lucas chirps in as he stands from the bed and slouches his bag over his shoulder.

"oh, and it's tara again" I answer with so much sacrum this time,

"common man, we could meet up later, play some video games after dinner with her '' he says with a wink, his words coded not wanting Laura to understand what it had meant.

I nod slowly and watch as he was away from the room and out the door, tara is his make believe girlfriend, like the one he presents to his parent to prevent them from snooping around in our personal life, only that I had no interest in being with anyone at all but I still played it safe,

At first the idea was cool but now I think he had been canceling out way too much time with me to spend with her and now I'm beginning to think he's having actual feelings for her for real.

"Come down to my office now!" I get a mind link from the one person I dread the most, my father.