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The Hidden Luna

The Hidden Luna

Author: Amy Cullen



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"What? What is this?" she stammered, her gaze flickering up to meet his. Asher's expression remained impassive, and his tone was cool. "An agreement. If you want to keep your Luna title, you'll do as it says." "A threesome between me, you, and Sera?" Asher's gaze bore into her, his features unyielding. "It's non-negotiable. Sign it if you want to remain Luna." Elara Summers is an omega werewolf, but she is also the luna of the most powerful werewolf pack, the Moon Stone Pack. Her husband, Asher Knight, chose her as a chosen mate to marry in order to rebel against his father. Elara agreed to marry in order to raise money for her mother's surgery, but later she truly fell in love with Asher . A year after their marriage, they had a child, Rowan, but Rowan was killed in an attack initiated by the rogue king. Since then, Elara has not been pregnant. Elara was questioned several times by the pack's council, and eventually, the council planned to impeach her and strip her of her Luna title. But the council's decision is rejected by Asher , who himself makes a new request to Elara . He asked Elara to live with his fated mate and also his first love, Sera Stone. Would she give in to the Alpha's Indecent Request or fight for her rights?
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Chapter 1

Elara sat with her back straight, her hands resting on the polished oak table that separated her from the rest of the room. She was in the heart of the werewolf council's conference chamber, a place of great power and judgement. Before her, Chief Inquisitor Valerius stood, an imposing figure cloaked in dark robes. His eyes bore into her, his expression stern and unyielding.

"Today," he began, his voice resonating through the room, "we gather to discuss a matter of utmost importance. A matter that concerns the very fabric of our pack and its legacy." He paused for a moment, letting the weight of his words sink in. "We are here to deliberate upon the fate of Elara Knight, the hidden Luna of the Moon stone Pack."

Elara's heart raced as she listened to his words. She had expected this day to come, but the reality of facing the council was far more daunting than she had imagined. The Luna title was more than just a position; it was a mark of honor, strength, and lineage. And now, it seemed, they were considering taking it away from her.

Valerius continued, his voice cold and unyielding. "The evidence against Elara is significant. First, as an Omega werewolf, her class and abilities are far from what one would expect of a Luna. Her legitimacy in the eyes of our people is questionable at best. Second, her inability to produce offspring threatens the very survival of our pack, a grave matter for any Luna."

Elara's chest tightened at his words. She felt a pang of sorrow as memories of Silas flooded her mind. Her firstborn, her sweet and fragile child, had been taken from her too soon. She could still hear his laughter and see his innocent eyes. The pain of his loss cut deep, and now it was being used against her.

As the council's deliberations continued, the heavy wooden door creaked open. All eyes turned towards the entrance, and Elara's breath caught in her throat. Her husband, Asher Knight, strode into the room. His presence was a mixture of strength and grace, and his stance exuded authority.

Valerius raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by Asher's unexpected arrival. "Alpha Asher," he acknowledged with a nod. "To what do we owe the honour of your presence?"

Asher's gaze remained fixed on Elara as he spoke, his voice unwavering. "I've come to stand by my mate, Chief Inquisitor. To defend her position as Luna of the Moon Stone Pack."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the room. Some of the council members exchanged knowing glances, while others smirked and whispered among themselves. Asher's support for Elara was unexpected, and the reaction was mixed.

Valerius studied Asher for a moment before addressing the council. "Very well, Alpha Asher. You may state your case."

Asher's silence stretched, the weight of his gaze never leaving Elara. The room seemed to hold its breath, anticipation hanging in the air. Whispers and chuckles filled the void, but Elara's attention was solely on her husband.

Finally, Asher spoke, his voice calm and resolute. "Elara is not defined by her class or abilities. She is a Luna in her heart, and her dedication to our pack is unwavering. As for the matter of offspring, we have faced loss, but that does not diminish her worth. We have found strength in each other, and that strength will guide us forward."

The council chamber was filled with a charged silence as Asher's words echoed. Valerius regarded him with a measured expression, then turned to address the council members. "The Alpha's defence is duly noted. We shall now deliberate."

As the council members began their discussions, Asher walked over to Elara. He offered her a reassuring smile, and his touch was a gentle comfort on her shoulder. She felt a mixture of gratitude and disbelief. She had not anticipated his unwavering support, and it touched her deeply.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, Valerius spoke again. "After careful consideration, the council has reached a decision." He looked directly at the ocean. "The charges against you, Elara Knight, are hereby dismissed. You shall retain your title as Luna of the Moon Stone Pack."

Relief washed over Elara, and she felt tears prick at her eyes. Asher's faith in her had prevailed, and she was overcome with emotion.

Asher led Elara out of the conference room, their steps heavy with the weight of the day's events. Once they were outside, Elara turned to Asher, her voice choked with gratitude. "Thank you, Asher. I never expected..."

He interrupted her with a curt gesture, pulling a folded piece of paper from his pocket and handing it to her. "Sign this."

Elara took the paper, unfolding it to reveal the contents. Her eyes widened as she read the words written there. Her heart sank, and her hands began to tremble.

"What? What is this?" she stammered, her gaze flickering up to meet his.

Asher's expression remained impassive, and his tone was cool. "An agreement. If you want to keep your Luna title, you'll do as it says."

Elara's eyes brimmed with a mixture of shock and disbelief. The words on the paper detailed a demand she had never imagined. Her voice shook as she read aloud, "A threesome between me, you, and Sera?"

Asher's gaze bore into her, his features unyielding. "It's non-negotiable. Sign it if you want to remain Luna."

Tears welled in Elara's eyes as she stared at the paper, her heart torn between her position and her self-respect. The weight of her decision hung heavy in the air, and she realised that the trial she had just faced was only the beginning of her challenges.