
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Beeza-ize



HADDIYAH PDF Free Download


We got at the ice cream stall. I don't know the owner and I don't care in as much as I get my ice cream I'm good. I was carried away by my thoughts when I heard screams at the road side I wasn't bothered at first but curiosity got the best of me so I decided to check what was happening. When I got there and saw the cause for all the screams i couldn't believe my eyes. I lost my voice. it was like my airflows were constricted I had to double check the person more like the child laying in her own pool of blood
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Chapter 1

Haddiyah pov

Hadddiyaaaaaaaaah I heard my mum screaming my name angrily I stood up from my bed lazily already used to the shouting there and there honestly it's draining living this type of life, though I've accepted my destiny of being the unlucky one the only person that has my heart and will always have my heart is my little sister we aren't biological sisters but I'll always treat her like mine because why won't i she's just four!! And sweet. She doesn't even know the situation she's in and she's the only one that kept me alive because honestly I'm a walking dead.

'' ummi what have I done this time it's eight in the morning what could possibly make you scream my name like I stole your money it's not like you have any money I can steal " I said sarcastically. My little sister came running to me luckily I caught her on time before she lands on the ground '' habibaa how many times have I warned you to stop running in the house you could hurt yourself and big sister doesn't want to see you in pain" I said pouting my lips. " Didi I Mitch youuu and ummi was looking scawyyy" she said in her cute voice oh how I wish she'll never grow up she's too cute and innocent for this world but as they said change is constant. I heard my so called mum clearing her throat astaghfirullah

I seek forgiveness from Allah

she has been getting on my nerves these days. " Bibi okay go and watch cartoon and I'll make noodles for you " deal? " Dwill" off she goes to the sitting room.

" What is it " I looked at her deadpan in the eyes not caring if she's my mum because I don't consider her one.

   " Young lady I demand respect from that stinking mouth of yours" she turned around her back facing me " I just wanted to remind you of your worthlessness to me " she cackles evily " you haven't done your house chores, you haven't made breakfast and aren't you going to the market to source for income you know I'm not giving you a dime of my money" " it's not like you have one anyways" I said quietly she faced me this time if looks could kill I'll be six feet underground it's not like I haven't been looking for an easy way to die

the sarcasm

  " anyways I don't have your time I'm going out and won't be coming till evening I know you don't care but I still wanted you to know take care of the house and that little witch " I pointed my fingers at her " watch your tongue ma if you Don't have a heart you don't have to make it obvious" I know it was disrespectful of me to do that but I don't play with my sister and moreover she's a human a little cute human if theirs anyone that's a witch between the both of them she would be the one.

After my little encounter with my mum I did all the necessity and took my sister to school. I'm a school drop out not by choice but by situation that'll be another story for another day * sighs* here I am in the market I work for an old lady who owns a jewelries store I'm going  to be honest I found my self lucky for the first time in my life well for the second time in my life when she hired me. She's nice,she pays well and at the end of the year she gives us a raise on our salary but the bills are too much for me so at the end of the day the money isn't that worth it but as the saying goes " half bread is better than none "

My coworker walked up to me she's a chatter box and right now I'm not in the mood for talks " hey diyah how are you" " I'm fine" I turned around ready to bolt to the restroom " waittttt " I turned my face to the side, my body still rigid I looked at her uninterested " what is it Mirabel " " umm nothing" she said looking down at her feet before she could be open her mouth to say say anything I didn't even give her time I hastily went to the restroom not in the mood for anything actually I'm not always in the mood I've been used to keeping to myself and I like it though sometimes i do feel lonely but I get over it.

  "So what did you do today in school my baby" I pinched her chubby cheeks " we cwolourd and listen to stories and our teacher told us to always pray to Allah that he answers our prayers" I looked at her wondering how Allah blessed me with such a sweet being that keeps my sanity at check the next question I heard from her little mouth shocked me " didi why don't you pray your salat our teacher taught us about prayers and how Allah loves children who obeys " I diverted the question " Bibi why don't we leave this question for another day and go drop your bag in the room and wait while I prepare dinner" o lord that conversation she's about to bring isn't one she would be able to understand.

Later in the night when i had eaten and I had cleared the dishes and put my little sister to bed she do have her own room but for some unknown reasons she decided to sleep in my room not that I mind I'll love to cuddle with my sweet bunny * sighs* I covered her with the blanket the weather isn't cold but I do not want her to catch a cold children are high maintenance not gonna lie about that but at the end it's worth having her with me but obviously some people don't have the heart to love and know.

Laying down on my bed facing the ceiling close to my sister I was thinking about what she said earlier this evening. Tears already building up in my eyes I slowly stood up from the bed without waking her up I tiptoed to the living room and sat on the floor I didn't even know what happened next I just bust into tears I couldn't hold it anymore I have been acting all tough and strong but I'm not I just wished someone was with me to always tell me it's going to be alright and the suffering will end I was bawling my eyes out I just wanted to let it out.

  When I was little we were a happy family. I had my dad I could still remember the forehead lines he had when he smiled and my mum she was so sweet that I can't still believe she has changed to an evil witch. What actually broke our family was my father's death and the secret he hid. My dad died by accident that morning I and my mum were eating in thedinning when we heard chaos outside our building and heard the terrible news deep down I knew the death hit her hard but she wasn't the only one suffering I also lost a dad and at that time I was six.

     Four years later we weren't prepared for what we were about to hear. My mum had tried to move on and we weren't grieving again we had accepted what has happened Allah knows best that afternoon someone knocked on our door dropped a baby at the footstep no trace of any human or living being my mum was hesitant but she took the baby inside the baby was put in a little cot. my mum was looking for anything to Identify the baby with and why the baby was put in her doorsteps then she saw a note inside the cot and decided to read the content while reading the notes I noticed tears building up in my mum's eyes I wanted to comfort her but I was also eager to know what was behind the tears and by the time she was done she was breathing heavily and looking at the baby with contempt and hate I have never seen my mum portraying such type of emotion before she looked at the note and threw it in the trash and left me with the baby there I was confused though I knew something in that note must have pissed my mum so badly so I went to the trash and took the note.

     By the time I was done reading the note I was heart broken and I pitied the baby who was birthed by an immature mother who has no love for her daughter the moment I set my eyes on the baby I knew I wasn't going to neglect her and make sure she knows what love is even though it wasn't going to be given to her by her biological mother.

  The note said that the baby was my late dad child from the girl he had an extra marital affair. The mother of the child was begging my mum to take the child as hers because she wasn't able to afford the upbringing of the child and she was a teenager herself and can't take care of herself talk more of a child and she named the Baby ummulhabiba.

Honestly I was disappointed in my dad for cheating on his family he claimed to love but he was dead and there was nothing we could do about it and we can't just abandoned the baby in the streets. Later that night my mum had put the baby to sleep. Well, it was just I and her in the living room the TV was turned on but our minds were occupied my mum was quiet and she had this frown etched on her face so I decided to break the silence I wasn't a baby anymore though I was just ten then but I had the mentality of a fourteen years old child " ummi what now " I said. She didn't reply me immediately after some minutes she said" we have no choice but to keep her " .

And that was how habiba became my little sister. Back to reality I was still on the floor with my head resting on my folded knees.