
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Cara Melo



Mabel PDF Free Download


“I’d rather go to jail than date you.” I glared at him, my hand itching to punch him in his smug face. After a prank goes wrong, to stay out of jail, Mabel Summer agrees to embark on a relationship with her sworn enemy- Kai Ashford.
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Chapter 1

“I love you.”

I stood frozen in shock as I let the words wash over me. His face drew closer until his mouth was almost brushing mine. My eyes widened, and my breath got caught in my throat as I anticipated his next move.

His minty breath fanned against my face, and my eyes slowly began to close on their own accord when his lips brushed against mine. This was it. Kai Ashford was going to kiss me.

I waited…

And waited…

Then I heard a familiar snap of a camera. My eyes flew open. Kai had straightened up with a phone pointing at my face. He was laughing, and so was everybody else in the hallway.

“You should have seen your face.” He wheezed through his laugh.

He showed me the photo he had snapped of me. My eyes were closed and my lips were puckered, anticipating a kiss that never happened. I was humiliated. This was one of those times where I wished the ground would open and swallow me whole. I’d give anything, even a kidney to go back in time before I let Kai Ashford make a fool out of me.

I could feel the sting of tears threatening to spill, but I refused to cry in front of this asshole. I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break down because of him. I shove him out of my way, and push past the crowd that had formed around my locker.

Only when I was outside, could I breathe again. I let the air fill my lungs, and force myself not to cry.

I will not cry.

I will not cry because of that asshole.

My humiliation morphed into anger. I will get him back. I wasn’t going to cry because of that asshole.

“He’s an asshole.” A voice said from behind me, and I nodded in agreement. Becky’s familiar purple hair came into view. Her lips pulled down in a frown, as she looked at me with sympathy. I knew that look all too well, and I hated it.

Today I was blindsided by him because I let my guard down. I had to remind myself that he’s the enemy and I should never let my guard down around him.

“I know. I can’t believe I fell for his trap.” I groaned in frustration, shaking off the feeling I got whenever someone would look at me with sympathy. “He’s leveled up his game, and so should I.” My lips pulled into a smile as I began plotting my revenge in my head.

“I can’t believe that I actually wanted him to kiss me? What the hell has gotten into me?” I groaned, burying my face in my palms.

“I don’t know… maybe it’s because you like him.” Becky shrugged.

“I DON'T LIKE KAI ASHFORD!” I almost screamed at her for saying something as absurd as insinuating that I could ever like that jerk.

“Uh-oh. You’re making that face again.” Becky looked at me wearily.

“What face?” I asked innocently, my smile widening.

“Your ‘revenge’ face, and before you ask, I want no part in this.” She held up her hands, backing away from me.

“Oh come on, Becky. I just need you to do one small favor for me.” I pouted.




“Pretty please.”


“I’ll give you five bucks.”

She hesitated. Then finally, “No.”

“Ten bucks?”


“I’ll get you starbucks everyday for a whole week.” I knew she had a weakness for Starbucks, so I know she won’t say no. She never says no to starbucks, plus it was free.

“Okay fine.” She pretends to be annoyed, but I can already see how excited she is to get free starbucks for a week.

“So what do I have to do?” She looks at me excited.

“I need you to borrow a snake.”

We were standing outside Timmy’s modern Victorian two story house, which was two blocks away from my house. The paint on the white gate was peeling, and it creaked when I pushed it open. The house was painted in gray and white, a concrete path leading up to steps that gave way to a front porch.

I had to drag Becky up the steps, literally, because she was having second thoughts. When I revealed my plan and what I needed her to do, she looked at me like I was crazy. I probably was, but who cares?

“Stay!” I gave her a pointed look, rang the doorbell then made a break for it.

Once safely on the street behind the fence, I stopped and peered over at the house just as Timmy answered the door. He looked at Becky quizzically, then behind her. I ducked behind the fence before he could see me.

That was close.

Let’s just say that Timmy and I had a history, a not so pleasant one that might or might not involve an adorable golden retriever, who I might or might not have lost. Only for a few hours though, we found him idling by the lake close by.

But it was safe to say that Timmy no longer trusted me around or near his ‘precious’ pets. I peered back over the fence just in time to see Becky handing him what looked like a ten dollar bill in exchange for an aquarium with a snake inside.

Becky stares at the aquarium uneasily, forcing a smile for Timmy. I could tell that she was panicking, from the way her hands shook as she gingerly held the aquarium away from her body.

With one last forced smile, she almost sprinted down the steps, across the concrete path and through the front gate, where she saw me and basically shoved the aquarium into my waiting hands.

I looked down on the snake in the aquarium as an evil smile lit up my face. “We’re gonna have so much fun together.”

"At least I'll be getting free Starbucks out of this." Becky mumbled, looking down at the ground.

Right. I almost forgot about that.