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Enemies Or Lovers

Enemies Or Lovers

Author: Hatomi



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Vampires and wolves have been natural enemies for centuries with continues bloodshed and bodies left in their path. Even in this modern day, the war still continues. And no one knows better than Lola Bloodmoon, a vampire, the kind of sorrow, pain, and hatred the war has brought upon her kind. With once again having to move to another town and starting another new high school, she finds herself once again fixed up with a pack of wolves whose alpha, Marcus Moon, loathes vampires. Will Lola be able to survive the wolf pack or will she be enslaved like she was many decades ago?
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Chapter 1

Unpacking... that's how every new fresh start begins once you move to a new town. Its a little different for me though. There's not much to unpack seeing as I move every 2-3 years for this so called fresh start.

I look around the bedroom in the safe house that's set up for those of the vampire race. Nowadays we have a website with all the safe houses around the world. It's easy to book a place for as long as you need, if you have the right kind of payment...or if you're royalty.

I grunt as a ray of light shines upon my skin. It doesn't burn me or turn me into ash like humans think. All sunlight does is cause tingling on the skin and a headache. The severity of the headache depends on the level of sunlight though. So it can get bad sometimes.

I look to my clock and once again grunt. It's time for me to start my "first" day of Senior year in this god awful place I found for cheap. I only plan to stay one year...two if I'm lucky. I sit up in my bed letting my long red hair drape down to almost the middle of my back. I yawn and stretch before rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Getting out of bed my thirst sneaks up on me causing dry throat and hunger to build up inside me. I flash to the kitchen and open my fridge to show a stash of medical blood bags. I quickly grab one and puncture my fangs into the bag as I drink every drop. I throw the empty bag to the ground and grab another repeating the same motion. Two more bags later my thirst is finally quenched and I can think clearly again.

I look to the ground at the four bags as they lay there. I sigh and slowly pick them up one by one as I take in several deep breaths to calm my racing heart. Another things human have wrong.

We, vampires, have a heart beat like any other animal, it just pumps at a very slow rate causing many to believe we have none. As for why we drink blood, I don't know exactly. It has something to do with how our own blood flows and is used so quickly in the body. Or something like that.

After putting the bags in the trash, I walk into the bedroom and change out of my almost see through night gown. I put on a pair of jeans that shows the perfect curve of my ass and a sleeveless blouse that hugs my flawless breasts and flat stomach. Normally I would show more skin but I think this is enough to get all the boy's attention. That is if I'm not asked to change first. But no matter, I have ways for handling that.

I put on my stylish black laced heels that fasten on the ankle and then lace up the cavs and ties on the outer side of the leg into the perfect bow. To say the least, they're hooker heels that I find desirable to wear with almost any outfit. Grabbing my bag, I walk to the front door and put on my sunglasses to reduce the headache to some degree.

I open the door and walk out into the world ready to break hearts. Walking down the sidewalk, I humm a little toon I knew from back when I was younger. It always entices people to look my way and become aroused in some way or another.

I giggle as I see a young guy look my way with lust driven eyes. I lift my sunglasses up and give him a wink as I pass by. I hear a moan escape from his lips as he whispers we wants me. I smile to myself knowing that all the boy's will be drooling over me before lunch is over.

As I walk up to the school building, I see several groups of students standing around gossiping over who knows what. I start to hum that same toon and not long after everyone's eyes are on me as I walk up the way to the school door. Of course I'm strutting my stuff while making it seem effortlessly.

I open the doors still humming the toon and walk down the hallway all the while eyes are on me. I smile to myself before entering the main office. I take my sunglasses off and look around the room. It's simple and bland with no taste of colorful pictures on the wall. I sigh and walk up to the woman at the desk with a bright smile.

"Hi. I'm Lola Bloodmoon, the new student starting today." I say sweetly.

She looks through papers before finding what she was looking for. She gives me a smile while nodding.

"Yes, I have your paperwork right here, Miss Bloodmoon. These are the classes you signed up for online and this is a map of the school. Would you like someone to show you to your first class?" She asks politely.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you." I say with an innocent smile.

She walks around her desk and into the hallway where a herd of boys are standing there gawking over my appearance. I give a slight giggle as I stand behind the woman.

"Boys get to class or all of you are getting detention." She says frustrated. She turns to me and looks over my appearance. I look to the ground and hold my hands down by my waist.

"I'm sorry. I guess my outfit does make me stand out. I guess I should go home and change." I say as if I'm about to cry.

"Oh no dear! Please don't cry. It's okay. We just have a rule that outfits can't be too revealing is all. Your shoulders showing will be just fine. So please don't cry dear." She says embracing me in a hug.

"Oh that makes me happy to hear." I say after she lets me go from the hug.

Just as she's about to say something, a girl walks in and looks around. I look over to her and immediately I catch her wolf scent. I take a step back as her eyes lock with mine. She smiles and turns towards the woman.

"Sorry to interrupt. I heard we had a new student and wanted to offer to show her around. I hope that's okay." She says sweetly.

"How wonderful of you to volunteer Abby. Let me introduce you to Miss Lola Bloodmoon. She's starting her senior year with us today." The woman says introducing me.

"Hi. I'm Abby Moon. It's nice to meet you Lola." She says smiling.

"Same to you Abby." I say slightly hesitant.

"Your in good hands Miss Bloodmoon." She says before returning to her desk.

I turn to Abby and hand her my schedule. She looks it over and smiles. She hands me back the paper and grabs one of my hands.

"We have first period together. Let me show you the way." She says excitedly as she pulls on my hand.

I follow behind her making sure to remember every turn and hallway we walk down. She leads me to the end of a hallway where we find a door with no name plate.

"Here we are. I know it may look scary but Mr. Smith is very kind." She says opening the door. My gut is telling me to run as the scent of several wolves invades my nose. Reluctantly, I walk into the room to find a normal class setting. I smile and make my way over to the teacher's desk.

"Hi, I'm your new student. My name's Lola Bloodmoon." I say sweetly.

"Welcome Lola. I'm Mr. Smith and I shall be your homeroom teacher." He says nicely as he stands up from his desk. "Let's can't sit in the back between Marcus and Abby." I look to the back to find Abby waving and pointing to the seat on her left.

I slowly make my way to my seat, looking at the faces of the students as I walk by. I don't dare show off, knowing it would tell them about myself if my last name didn't already. I sit down and look at Abby with a worried smile.

"Ok class. Since we have a new student let's go over the rules of homeroom. Sasha, what's rule number one?" Mr. Smith asks.

A brunette towards the front stands up and says, "No fighting allowed with the other students at any time."

"Good. Sam, rule number two...go." A dirty blonde headed boy stands up not too happy to be picked.

"You can do whatever you want within the classroom as long as you don't break rule one." He says before sitting back down.

"Nice. And rule number three...Marcus."

"Alpha has final say." Marcus says standing up. Horror quickly rushes over my body as everyone else stands to their feet.

I rush to the door in my vampire speed not even caring about hiding it anymore. But I wasn't fast enough for three boys stood in the way of the door.

"Did you really think we would let a vampire get away in our territory Miss Bloodmoon." Mr. Smith asks.

I look around to all the wolves that surround me and can think of only one thing to do...use my powers. I sink to the floor making it seem like I give up. With my head down I start to cry tears of blood as I work up the magnitude of my power.

"Marcus you're the Alpha. What's your orders?" A boy asks.

"Kill her." Marcus says coldly as he walks out of the crowd.

I start with a low growl in my throat like how wolves give warning signs before a fight.

"Down!" She's a royal!" Mr. Smith tries to warn the others but it's too late. I screech as high and as loud as I can, calling other vampires to my side and causing everyone's ears to bleed in the school. Being the Vampire Princess, I knew my father had people looking after me. The only screech leaves me unconscious once my throat gives out. On the plus side, it leaves everything within a five mile radius of me stunned and unable to move. Or so I thought.

As my voice begins to die down, I see Marcus walk up to me as if he hears nothing. I now aim my voice towards him in an effort to keep him away. Sadly it doesn't even seem to faze him in the slightest.

I force myself to stop in order to not pass out just in time before Marcus reaches where I sat. Panting heavily, I know I only have five minutes before the other wolves will recover. I fight my way to crawl away from him but to no luck. He grabs me bridal style as I try to push him away desperately to get free.

"Looks like you're worth keeping alive after all Princess." He says in a deep husky voice. Shivers run down my spine as strength leaves my body. I can no longer fight let alone protest to being a captive. The only thing I can think of is biting and hoping my toxins kill him or at least weaken him so I can be saved.

I rest my head against his shoulder, showing him no sign of fighting back. He chuckles as he leaves the classroom. Where he is taking me, I could only guess was the den. He walks straight out the front door and into the nearby woods. He walks deeper and deeper until suddenly he stops in his tracks causing me to worry.

I look to see what's in front of us only to find a cave. I look up at him as he looks at my face. He tilts his head and starts to take a couple of steps. Before he is able to enter the cave, I lift my head enough and kiss his cheek. This startles him long enough for me to sink my fangs into his neck. I push the toxins from my fangs into his bloodstream before he was able to rip me off of himself.

My back hits the ground as I hear grunting from Marcus. I'm able to stand and take a few steps before I'm pushed against the wall of the cave with my hands above my head and a knee up my crotch. I heavily breathe as I stare into the eyes of Marcus. I hadn't noticed it before but he was quite good looking. I feel my heart start to speed up from his hot breath on my face and his scent invading my whole being.

"That hurt Princess. Let me return the favor." He said before placing his lips on my own. Our lips become entangled and I can feel myself longing for him. But he soon rips his lips from mine and goes straight for the crook of my neck. I can feel him leaving kisses as it sends my mind into over drive.

I go to bit him again but he holds both my wrists above my head with one hand while holding my head with the other. His jet blue eyes tell me he's not mated yet and I feel a bit relieved for some reason.

"I said I would repay you for that bite you gave me, didn't I Princess?" He says holding my head to the side, giving him plenty of room for a much deeper bite.

"Marcus stop!" I hear a woman's voice. Marcus turns his head to the right and I follow his gaze with my eyes. As I met the gaze of the woman, I started to cry for I knew who she was.

"Hello Lola. It's been a while hasn't it." She says with a kind smile.
