
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Codie



Hunted PDF Free Download


It has been centuries since anyone had ever seen a vampire. Over the years they turned into myths and legends but one day the leader of the vampire decided to come out the shadows and take back the earth making them the apex predator. The human decided to fight back trying stop the blood suckers but that didn't work so them formed groups of hunters protecting the last of the population that's until one day when a certain hunter found a certain vampire.
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Chapter 1

It was a quiet day in the small village of the eastern mountains. Hardly anyone in sight except a group of hunters. "Ash anything in there" someone shouted and the middle aged girl walked out the empty house.

"Not a single person in sight" she said looking back hoping someone would come out and tell them what happened but nothing.

"Must have been another vampire attack" Dylan said looking around the ghost village. "This need to stop" he said and ash walked over to him.

"We need more hunters" Tyler said walking over to the two of them. Ash sighed looking at Dylan then at Tyler.

"It would be easier if there were more people around" ash said and Tyler rolled his eyes. "Has anyone seen Charlie" ash asked looking around.

"Yeah" someone said from behind them. They all turned around to see a person in a cloak with a knife against Charlies neck. Ash took out her gun.

"Put my girlfriend down you monster" she shouted pointing the gun at them. All the figure did was laugh.

"Well that's rude" they said. Ash pulled the trigger hitting the person in three different places. "Was that supposed to hurt" they said.

"Ash calm down getting angry won't save charlie" Dylan said and the figure took his hood down. "Vampire" Dylan spat and the man laughed.

"You hunters are so stupid" he laughed slashing Charlies throat. Ash screamed and charged for him pulling out a stake and plunging it into there chest.

"Your so pathetic" he laughed pulling it out and throwing it. Ash was thrown back by the vampire. She watched as the vampire killed the last of her friends, her family.

Ash knew that she couldn't win this fight so she ran off into the woods hoping the vampire didn't notice her escape but ash couldn't be more wrong.

"You shouldn't run hunter I'm so much faster then you" he laughed appearing right infront of ash. "This might hurt a bit" he laughed and he pinned her against a tree.

"Let go of me you bloody demon" ash said kicking and thrashing about in the vampires arms.

"You have a strong spirit, it's sad that you won't see the sun set tonight" he laughed biting into Ash's neck. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small knife.

"You will pay" she said stabbing him in the stomach. He let go of her and she ran off again.

"Stupid human" he shouted and jumped on her. She hit her head on a rock and fell to the ground. "You have lost a lot of blood hunter stop fighting me" he said and ash looked up at him.

"Never" she said and the vampire bite his wrist and shoved it into her mouth. She tried to fight but eventually gave in.

"There you go my little hunter can't let someone like you as strong spirited as you die can we" he laughed and ash started to feel faint.

"What did you do" she asked and the man laughed and picked her up. Walking through the forest.

"I turned you now sleep you going to need it" he said and Ash's eyes started to feel heavy. "There" he said and walked back to his castle.

"My Lord who is this" Joshua asked looking at the girl in his arms. He walked up the stairs and Josh followed them.

"She was a hunter but I decided to turn her" he said and josh looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"A hunter" he said and the man glared at him setting ash down on the bed. "Why would you do that" he asked.

"Stop questioning me your my butler now please stay quiet" he said and josh nodded. They both left the room leaving ash resting on the bed.

"Leo are you sure about turning the girl though, who knows what she will do when she wakes up" Joshua said and Leo smiled.

"Who knows but she will make an amazing vampire, she is technically my child now and I'm a lord which makes her a lady and you will address her do you understand me" Leo said.

"Yes master Leo" josh said walking away and Leo sighed walking back into the room, watching his new child sleep.

"You can hate me all you want my child but I will always watch over you and protect you my child" Leo said kissing her forehead. "My blood runs through your body now" he whispered and sat down on the chair next to her.