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I’m Not The Girl You Used To Know

I’m Not The Girl You Used To Know



I’m Not The Girl You Used To Know PDF Free Download


Can you imagine if your parents get divorced and they send you to boarding school?Linda manages to survive through her high school but she is a different person before her parents divorce. After graduation, she got accepted to a college at a town where her brother lives and his best friend. Brian can't believe the drastic changes in her sister. Can Linda be the sweet and caring girl like she used to be?
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Chapter 1

Linda POV

I was at the airport, waiting for my bags. It was boring to just stand there and wait for my stupid bags. But that what happens when you move to another town to attend college. You got to bring all your things, especially when you were in boarding school for the rest of your high school life.

My parents got divorced when I was 14. After that, I hated them. I only saw them during summer, but of course not with both of them, sometimes with my mom or my dad. I stopped spending my summer with them around 2 years ago, because my best friend, Hailey started asking me to stay at her place for the rest of the summer. Her parents didn't mind it at all. She and her parents were the only ones who knew my problem and they seemed sympathy with my condition.

Her parents loved Hailey so much and I always got so envy because I couldn't have parents as nice as them.

Mine were the worst parents you could imagine. Their first fight was when I was around 7 because my mom accusing him of having an affair. They fought in front me and Brian, my older brother who was 6 years older than me. They even let out the curse words with me and Brian in the same room.

After few years, there were no fighting anymore. But when I was around 10, my mom started to scold us for something simple, like when me or Brian forgot to do our choruses, how she was so mad or even yelling us because she had stress from work.

I was never comfortable at home. Because everyday there was always my mom's yelling or scolding. I only felt comfortable when both my parents were at work. I never mentioned my home problems to anyone at school. They didn't even know I had problems at home, because when I was in school, I was cheerful and always be the funny one who made them laugh. I guessed it was true that the happiest person in the outside was actually the saddest.

My dad was ignorant kind of guy. When my mom started to yell, he would avoid her by going out of the house or stay in their room.

Maybe because he was tired of my mom's yelling everyday. Sometimes he liked to stay in my room or Brain's to chat with one of us. He actually wasn't bad but I just hated when he always avoided mom when she was mad.

The worst was when one day, my mom felt like she was ignored by my dad and started to accuse him again of having a affair. It was the worst fight they ever had. They started to argue about having affair, then it came about money, then all the things they did for the family.

My mom always made more money than my dad, because she was the head of accounting department while my dad was a regular employee. When they argued they always came about money topic about how my mom mostly bought the daily needs at home or how my dad was also worked as hard as her.

I was so sick of it. They were married and all they care and fought was only the money. They were bad example for their kids. Sometimes I felt that me and Brian were just burdens to them. I even wished that I wasn't born if it turned out that my family was like this.

After they got divorced, my parents sent me to boarding school, while Brian went to college in another town. Actually, it was kind of relieve because I wouldn't have to hear another yelling from mom. But when I got to boarding school, I couldn't adapt well.

First week of school, I was invisible and nobody would talk to me. But then I met Hailey, she was my first friend. She was a popular girl. After a while everybody started to treat me well because I was friend with Hailey. And from time to time, I started being the popular girl as well like Hailey.

For the first time in my life, I felt happy again, surrounded by my friends who would do whatever I said.

And I was still happy until I got accepted at a college which turned out to be where my brother lived now. Me and my brother didn't really talk after the divorce. He never sent postcards to me. The only letters I got from him was Christmas cards.

That was why I was so upset because when he heard my college was in his area, he asked me to move in with him. After all these years and he suddenly wanted me to stay with him?

When I'd got my bags, I headed out of the airport. I couldn't spot him. Actually I didn't really know how he would look like now because I never see him again after the divorce.

There was a tap on my shoulder and turned around. There was standing a man with the same familiar grey eyes with dark hair smiling widely at me, Brian.

"Hey, sis. Wow, you've grown so much", he said hugging me.

After he pulled from the hug, I gave him a tight smile. "Thanks", I mumbled.

He looked surprised at my reaction but then recovered and started helping me with my bags. "Here, let me help you", he said then he walked towards the parking lot. I followed him behind.

He stopped in front of the BMW car and opened the doors. Seemed that he got a really good job if he could buy that thing. I just stood there while he put my bags in the trunk.

I was still standing there after he closed the trunk. He looked at me confused and I raised my brow at him.

"Well, what're you waiting for, get in", he joked.

I got in the car with my flat expression in my face. The drive was filled with silence. I could sense he was uncomfortable with the quite so he tried to make conversations.

"So, you're going to college now", he chirped. "Have you thought about your major?"

"Computer science ", I replied.

"Wow, that's... cool", he said, trying to hide his impression.

"What do you do now?", I asked, filling my curiousity.

"Well, I work as assistant attorney, you know, it's about...

"I know what it is. I'm not stupid", I snapped.

"Oh...., okay", he said didn't know what to say.

He was a freaking lawyer, no wonder he could afford a car like this. The rest of the ride was filled with silence. The only sound was the music from the radio.

After a long ride, we arrived at his apartment. It was nice and looked quite expensive, which I wasn't surprised because if he could afford this car, meaning he could afford a nice living place.

He took my bags and headed to the lobby. At the front door, Brian was greeted by the security.

"Sir", the security smiled to him then me. "Miss"

"Taylor", Brian smiled to him.

We stepped in the elevator and Brian pressed the floor number,12. When the elevator door was opened, Brian stepped out and I followed him behind.

He stopped at one of the rooms, unlocking the door. When we were in, I was amazed. The apartment was quite big for him to live alone. The living room had plasma TV with home theater, two big couches and a glass cupboard that showed his wine collections. Fancy.

"Well, I hope you're comfortable here", Brian said after I glancing the surroundings. "Come on, let me show you your room".

He led me to the room, which was located around the corner. He opened the door and let me got in first. It wasn't big but looked comfortable. The room was painted in light chocolate, there was a bed with brown and white sheets, a closet, a standing mirror, a white desk with black chair, and the window with white curtains.

"I know you like chocolate, so I painted the room with the chocolate colour. Do you like it?", Brian asked, looking at me worried.

"Yeah, thanks", I said without looking him back.

"OK, so, I'm gonna leave you to unpack your things, so if you need anything I'm in my room next to yours", he said.

I nodded then he left me alone here. I sighed and started to unpack. I was almost finished when my phone went off. It was from Hailey.

"Hey", I answered the phone.

"Hey, babe, have you arrived yet?", she asked

"Yeah, I've arrived here. Sorry, I didn't call or text you after I landed", I apologized.

"No, it's fine. So you're unpacking now or what?"

"Yeah, I'm unpacking but it's almost finished. You wanna meet up?"

"You know me so well, girl", she laughed.

I laughed along with her. "Of course I know you, silly. So how about I meet you in an hour?"

"Sounds great. Where do you want to meet up?", she asked.

"Uhm, I don't know, how about you come to the apartment? I'll text you the address. Besides you've been here a week, at least you know the place a little bit, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. OK. Just text me the address. I'll call you if I'm there", she said.

"OK. See you later", I said and we both hung up.

I sighed then threw myself on the bed. I was really happy when me and Hailey got accepted in the same college along with some of our friends. Moving to another town and living with my brother were worst enough. I wouldn't know what would happen if Hailey wasn't here as well. It would be like purgatory.

I got up of the bed and decided to take a shower. The bathroom was just across my room. I grabbed my toiletries and took a long shower.

I went back to my room with just towel wrapping my body. I closed the door and picked an outfit. I chose to wear shorts and a white fancy tank top. I applied some mascara as well. It was my only make up every day.

My phone buzzed and I saw the text from Hailey saying that she was here already. Well, that was fast but then I glanced at my clock. One hour had passed eventually. I didn't realize that the time passed so quickly.

I grabbed my purse and stuffed it with my phone and wallet. I went out from my room and knocked on my brother's room next to me. The door opened and he looked surprised to see me got dressed.

"Where are you going?", he asked suspiciously.

"Go out with my friend, she's waiting for me", I said impatiently then turned on my heels.

"Wait, what friend? You just got here.", he said, following me.

"My high school friend, OK. She'll go to the same college with me", I said. My hands were already on the door handle.

"OK. Just don't stay out too late, ok?", he said. I nodded then opened the door and closed it behind me.

So I know it looked suck but I've tried my best to make it good. Hope you'll like this chapter, though. Xoxo.