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His Human Huntress

His Human Huntress



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Emery Grace Conrad had thought that moving to America means bad news. But she least expected that it will turn into a disaster after fate play its role, and throw her between the ALTA-SOCIETY that’s lead by renown Alpha’s who are all looking for their mate, and restoring peace against enemy pack, a werewolf empire. But could she be the luckiest or the unlucky woman after knowing that she’s mated to one of the most heartless Alpha, who loathed her existence? The other half who promise to end her, and bring her doom in order to restore his leadership without having a Luna that’s no more than a human herself. As she dwelled deeper unto their world. She became entangled into the chaos, secrets that was supposed to be hidden were revealed, and love that wasn’t more likely to develop took her by surprise. A world that breaks her, but build her all along. Tragedy awaits for Emery. Would she still wish to escape this world or fight alongside as the chosen Luna by the moon Goddess herself? @cycy
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Chapter 1


Some things existed, when we least expect them to. To remember some that isn't supposed to be there, lived days and breathe air that cost a lot of what one could offer. Chaos ruptured anguish least to lost, and loss life thrive, yet given none, but reap.

"Run, and never look back, Emy!" A male on his late 30 s in distress screamed on his might. Scraps, and calves covered wounds earned a wince he bear, bleeding, and enduring affliction of agony course through a never-ending torment.

Her legs felt sore. A malady to occurred encompassed an avalanche of threat. The smell of burning flesh, blood, and the smoke had almost made her nauseous. Weary, yet choices daren t given so forth or to get caught means doom. She lost count of how long had she? stay awake only to be meet with another misfortune. Clamours right there, and then. Corpses lie to where she was before. Chained paws, eyes bulging from its sockets –terrified, and mortified, to sough and escape they had failed lead them on peril.

Her head is spinning –at lost. With fear-stricken face, she whispered a quick prayer before pushing her legs to run away from the chaos. The growls made her ears shattered. The fear doubles. Loud thuds took her breathe in fear that one beast would just pounce out of nowhere, and shred her flesh into pieces. To get baited and devoured isn t something she wouldn t asked for.

She is? mortified to what fate awaits her? between this war. To say she s sacred is beyond that word. It was indescribable. Imposed emotions convey in regards to a rabbit on a hole, hunted by the shadows screeching non-stop on a scornful bark of a wolf, who s on its trail for a jump. Ensnarled only to get eaten.

"You will never get away from me! You little bitch!" The ferociousness coming from the voice made her shiver.

She know that the promising threat would come into life as a horror. The? madness that the owner had for her. She ll be taken, and tortured – if not, keep only to suffer from the misery they brought even to their own people. Agonizing that she ll wish for doom to be at her service.

She was never there– put into a predicament of life, and death, not until she? was thrown to the world she never knew co-exist alongside with humans.

"A-ack!" She let out a loud yelp, when her ankles caught up with a corpse she failed to notice.

It s a beast. Tongue-lolled out, and eyes reddish in colour, but gauge by something that was sharp similar to its claws. Blood covered its fur. Lifeless orbs stared back at her.. She can tell how much it suffer from its injury that its ability to regenerate haven t help it to survive death s psychte when he visits. Pitiful, but she s no fool at? the wolf lying on its despicable nature.

Whoever it might be, she? knew the cruelty he had carried all along, when he is alive. A rouge had always never meant a good news.

Her train of thoughts were cut off by another howl.

She lifted her head. She wanted to runaway again, but her legs wouldn t let her. Tired and weary – frustrated, scared, and she was starving. Why had she been taken? Have she done something wrong in her life to be in this place? Is it because she d been loathing her father for so long just because he left her mother? It doesn t make sense. He deserves all the hate conform inside her chest.

Her eyes watered. What have I done?

And so it landed to the massive beast that was no more than far from where? she was. He is too large unlike the rest. His eyes were much sharper. His limbs seems to be more stronger as it crushed anybody who dare lay a hand on him. His canines took a chunk of flesh from his enemy without mercy, and the girl glued on her feet let out one of the loudest blood-curdling scream.

Their eyes meet. His – stone-cold orbs that promise death, while her, which show fear lead for her consciousness to slowly drift passed on her? grasp.

But she sure about one thing. To put the blame on him. The Alpha she hadn t ask to cross paths with.



"A weak man can t love a strong woman." I read aloud that it had caught may attention, heed prior to the truth it imposed as I can envisioned my own mother.

With chuckles ruptured to emerge deep on my throat, I placed down the book clutched on my hand to my bed. The phrase took me by surprise. Amazement was drawn over. Who would have thought that it was kind of rare to find a strong woman seeking compassion from the opposite sex?

They don t need a man. They make their own money. They have their own job. They created empires unlike what history thought most of us before. To see a woman as a nurturer, a mother weary to how had days had gotten them to do chores around the household. Needles to say, women were never underestimated again. They became empowered, and hold their ground more firmly.

'Just like my mother. A soft voice whispered beside my ears.

I chuckled before pulling my backpack, and walking downstairs to meet her. The floors gave a low creak as I stride. Locks tied above my head bounced back and forth. Chiselled brown strands hangs behind my nape as they slides down with mischief. Regardless of, I remain unbothered.

"You are just a jerk, Adam." It wasn t long before I hear Reign s voice, the youngest of us, and the taunting coming from our older brother, Adam.

When I enter the kitchen, I ve saw Reign s puss murderous glares to Adam. While the latter did not even make an effort to stash away his smirk. Quietly amused by Reign s annoyance with him, I presumed.

"Good morning, Mom." I planted a soft kiss to her cheeks as I got nearer.

The smell of freshly-brewed americano – pancakes heated on a pan, and the flowery fragrance coming from my mother invaded my senses. Robins chirp enthusiastically outside the window. Thud. Chad stout, and nudge his snout on my legs. Tongue out, he barks.

"Seems like he wanted to say good morning too, Emy." Mother took out the pancake, and walked to where my still arguing brothers are. "And you two, eat up or you ll be late on your first day."

"Hey, Chad." I bent my back to ruffled his head. This earned me a purr from my furry companion. I scratched his neck for the last time, before joining them on the table.

"So, how s your sleep?" Mom queried."Emy? Adam? Reign? Any troubles or what?"

I took a spoonful of flakes. "Everything is alright, but that doesn t mean it was easy. I still miss our old house, Mom."

The look on her face told me that she does too, but I know she wouldn t admit it. Mom is stubborn, and I wouldn t blame her either way. Philippines hadn t done any good for us, ever since dad left for his mistress. To chose somebody over the family he built for years. So sudden that we woke up one day, and it felt so unreal. Behind closed doors, we never anticipate the wreckage that their marriage took turns.

Mom shouldered every burden. She tried so hard, no matter how painful it has been. We never knew the problem not until our very own father packed all of his things – introduced the woman, and believe me, she s no more than around my age. I always wonder why men were never consistent. If not for tempest desire, would they covet the bow they pledge? I never understand men, but I loathed their nature. Inconsistent dogs, who can t keep their balls for themselves.

I am not sure about Adam, and Reign, but I am silently hoping that they wouldn t have the same choices just like my father.

"If my first day turns out good, I wouldn t complain moving here, Mom." Adam took his coffee, and grin.

"I am sure it would be." Reign rolled his eyes with sarcasm.

Adam is our older brother. And believed me, his name means trouble that it lead for countless detentions, community services and a lot of that I lost count ever. He brewed storm, in contrast to Reign, who is reserve. He may not be athletic, but he is skilled on his academics generally excelling, which we could always be proud of, with or without those trophies and awards.

"Just admit it, you just missed Arianna that s why you re being pussy right now." Adam s grin gets wider.

Reigns face burst out into a fiery pit. Arianna is his childhood bestfriend, and it wasn t a secret to us that he likes her a lot. When I mean a lot, it means more than the friendship they developed through years. The only problem was, Reign is a coward. He doesn t wanted to ruin their relationship.

"ADAM!" That told us he had enough.

"Quit being a jerk you too." The stern we saw told otherwise by her laughers. "And Adam stop pushing your brother s button."

Adam gobbled what was left on his plate, and raised both of his hand in defence.

Watching the three of them made my heart swells. Regardless of the absence of our father, I am grateful that little by little we are getting through without him anymore. He doesn t deserve mom. He fucked up big time.

I emptied my plate, and before I knew it, we are kissing her goodbye s.

"Enjoy your first day!" Mom smiled happily.

But I knew that when we re gone, the light on her eyes would be in depth. She ll cry for hours, and break down into pieces, but I wanted to trust her. I know she wouldn t like being seen that way, that s why I ll pretend that I never knew those sleepless nights, where she locked the doors – sobs, and question what was missing that father look for another woman to pleas something that she failed as a wife.

Reign sits far away from Adam, who s beside me, and was busy chatting with a teenage girl I am not familiar with.

My gaze doze off outside the bus.

When we heard that we are moving. We knew that it will not going to be easy, especially to a foreign country, America. Dad asked for annulment, and it was messy. All of the properties were sold out. The company that was left to mom by her parents became bankrupt. The investors transferred their shares to my father s account, because they all felt like Mom was not credible enough to lead promptly to what happened. They trusted him more than her.

The result brings no good. Mom became prone to depression. She turns her back, and locked herself up. Until one day, she called the three of us, and told us that we are moving to States. The woman I ve seen that day was firm, and strong. She looks different to the mother I ve knew all along – like she s actually soughing after the composure she lost during those struggles.

The bus stops.

I gathered my belongings. Seeing that my two brothers are already getting along with some people, I never bother to wish them goodbye. My bag felt heavy. The books I carried on my arms felt like they weighed more than a kilo. How I wish that I could reach my locker to relieved them. The thought remain that I failed to notice the screams coming from the far end of the hallway.

It didn t take long for me as well to find my classroom. Students are filling in, and I rushed at the back. Some were giving me confuse looks. The others are curious, perhaps wondering who I was.

"You are a new girl." The teenage woman adjacent to my desk pointed out.

"I am." I smiled at her. "Emery. My name is Emery, but you can call me Emy."

"Luna." I earned a soft smile coming from her. She s tan. Her locks deemed to be soft. They are wavy, curling around her neck, and at the back of her head that actually compliments her features.

She s beautiful compared to what kind of a mess I am right now. I am already expecting to have a messy hair nestled above my head.

"I ll say that nice to actually meet you, but I think that you have taken the wrong seat." Unsure, her nervous laugh took me by surprise.

"Somebody owns it already?" I asked her, ready to packed my things and leave.

"Not really –" Her response made my forehead ceased. "—but that s where he usually sits."


BANG. My heart felt like it would jump out from my ribcage. The loud bang coming from the door startled me that it felt like my soul would also come up just like what mostly happens in the movies. I turned to look who might be causing the commotion, and my eyes landed to the most beautiful man I ve ever seen in my whole life.

His eyes were as deep as the Atlantic on the west. Darker, and too mysterious that those blue irises almost felt like drowning me the way his gaze focus carried to where I was. Long eyelashes in an arc, pointed nose, and lips sculpted to appear soft regardless of not being touch, and be promise of so many unimaginable things that it could have done.

He s lean – muscles were bulging from the blue polo shirt that was rolled up to his elbow. Three buttons were in a mess up picasso that allowed my eyes to travel across his chest.

The man before me is a God himself.


But I ve never been mortified either way when the ocean-like orbs became the darkest pit I ve never seen. They turned black, and they look deadly.

'Run, Emy. RUN! The voice inside my head snapped me out of trance.

My legs felt like they have their own life, and I ve done one of the most stupidest thing that I could left as an impression during my first day. I run. I run like a mad woman, wanting to get away as far as I could from that man, and I don t know why even from the beginning.

I never bother to pack my things, and thankfully that the bag I had in my back were light or it will pulled my weight from behind.

My mind may have been playing tricks on me, because I swear that I felt like I was being chase. Worst, I don t wanna think that the one tailing me was the man himself or anybody around his group. Besides, why would he? I didn t know him. He is a complete stranger.

Stranger. A sudden pang emerge, but I brushed it off. This is fuck up. Why my first day suddenly gets mess up like this?

Fortunately, the corridors are empty – classroom doors were all locked, and shut down. No souls were loitering around, and no faculty that would mean a detention during my first day, if ever I was caught running here. That wouldn t mean a good news to Mom. I do not like giving her worries, and another troubles, because she d enough on her plate.

I used the soles of my shoes to jump, the railing connected from the upper stairs brought me down successfully to the lower floor. Breathless – but I did not dare to stop. I don t wanna get caught for whoever might be chasing me as of this moment.

I pushed my legs to run until I have nowhere to go. The woods lie ahead of me. I stop. Why does I felt like I was being lead here obviously? For no apparent reason, suspicions grow inside my chest.

This time, I can entirely feel how tired my muscles are. I felt like I ve just came from a mile, and this happened.

"Good for your first day, Emy." My voice drips sarcasm.

I didn t dare to continue, and I was hoping that whoever was chasing me had given up their luck, and go back to wherever he came from. He. I can feel that it is a he, because what kind of a woman would chase me as well, since I am just new here? It doesn t make sense. So my conclusions were all pointing to the men I ve meet inside the classroom. Not actually meeting them in a sense of knowing their name, but a foreboding encounter.

Their presence means troubles, and that s a no-no.

I was too lost at my thoughts, failing to notice a pair of shoes going towards my direction

"I never knew that the new student would be in trouble today." The baritone voice made me gasp.

I turned around, and as quickly as I does, I was meet with another beautiful specimen. Emerald eyes that sparkle underneath the thousands array took me in a trance. They were accompanied behind his spectacles that gave him a gentle aura, although I could depict the slyness hidden behind. He looks grim, but handsome. Dark, yet gentle. Mysterious, but parading the judgement he could have done to whoever had caught his attention.

"I-I...—" I was tongue-tied, shamelessly staring at the man in front of me.

I heard him clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Detention after class, Ms. Conrad."

He slips a piece of paper on my hand, and tucked it in between my fingers. And so before he turn his back, and leave.

I felt like I was stupefied. What just happened?

Am I surprise or his looks were just too unrealistic that I drools over him? My face heated up. I felt like my first day really fuck up.

My knees gave way, but it didn t take long for me to recover from such embarrassment embark upon my memory for the rest of the school year here in America. A twig snap. My chest run another mile. I turn to where it was coming from. The woods that lie in front of me emitted an aura I am always familiar with. The eeriness, dry terror, and grim horror that made my skin shudder.

From the distance – on the deepest part, where light were all forbidden to reach the midst. Blackness lie, and so branches that protrude to keep intruders away, I ve seen the most scary orbs that I ve never seen in my whole life. Reddish in colour that I was reminded of the spider lily bathing in blood. They look deadly, and somewhat evil that I felt like it is a beast taking its chance to pounce at its prey. Me. I will be the feast it could have during the day possibly, if I was caught onto its canines, which I swear would tore my flesh within mille-second.

It breathe. Slow, and deep. Another twigs snapped. My legs tremble. With quivering lips, I turn my back, and soon I run, I run for my fucking life, not even caring about the detention or whatever that consequences it could have.

All I can think about was getting as far as I could from the danger lurking in that woods.

'Emy. It calls, but I was already gone, carrying a heavy heart, and the will to survive.
