
Let’s Read The World

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Realising Reality

Realising Reality



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Four young teenagers who were in the safe and warm nestle of their parents, now have a chance to go alone by themselves into the the world. Will they be able to survive the harsh world? Will they give up? Read this story to find out more about love, friendship, loyalty, parenthood and lots more!!
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Chapter 1

Winter in the northern part of India is not something very unusual. India has wide range of climate starting from the extreme hotness of Thar to the extreme coolness of the Himachal.

Aarohi's POV

I was warming by sitting beside the fire which was tended by my grandmother. Aarohi Bhattacharya, yes that's my name and I belong to the one of the upper castes in India. Just 'cause I mentioned my caste, that doesn't mean I'm a racist . My father Vyas Bhattacharya is a renowned military officer and my beautiful mother Vasudha Devi is a mathematics teacher.

Believe me, when I tell about my mom to my friends, they exclaim like "Oh My God!! Mathematics teacher?" "You're so lucky to have a mom like that" "Main nahi aaungi thumhari mummy kho dekh ne keliye...mereko math teachers darabne lagthe hain....."

I'm not coming to greet/see your mom, I find math teachers scary

. Pathetic, right?

Aria's POV

I was sipping some hot chocolate; I mean Boost

Indian beverage drink

while watching the rain pouring down. I'm Aria Oakley. My dad Abraham Oakley is a famous cardio-surgeon and my funny, sarcastic mom Eden Oakley is a lovely homemaker. Without her home would be a total mess. I love both my mom, dad and so do they. I was taught to be humble, service minded and fun loving.

Zaara's POV

"Coming ammi!” I shouted while chopping some veggies. "Zaara Akhtar! This is the 100th time I'm calling you!” Seriously, I'm done! I love helping Fayza Akhtar, my mom at home but, sometimes she turns lazy and simply lay around.

My dad Ibrahim Akhtar is a lawyer and people fear him but, he's kinda cool, sassy and I'm daddy's princess. He tells me, "Though you are a girl, you have to stay strong, fearless and bold!”

Author's POV

Aarohi's home was simple but huge, Aria's was extravagant and cozy and Zaara's was large and welcoming. All the three girls had their secret, cozy and lovely hideout. They stacked their favorite collections and books.

Aarohi checked whether anyone's around or watching her, she closed her bedroom door and slowly pulled a colorful rope which was behind her wardrobe and it immediately opened a portion of her roof and a ladder came down. She gave an excited, small squeal and climbed. Aarohi loves astronomy very much; her father and mother encouraged in pursuing her dreams and passion. Her room has a telescope, lots of geography books, maps, a small planetarium projector, a warm bed around the corner and a bay window which has soft cushions and some stuffed toys.

She sat in the window looking up the sky. The stars and the moon were shining bright. Aarohi always admired the stars. According to her they symbolized unity. One single star cannot bring beauty and brightness in the dark sky. So, she always had a strong sense of unity. She always wanted to bring peace, unity and brotherhood among people.

Aria was walking in the library. Their library was large. As she was passing through shelves, she stopped by one. She pulled out a book and there was a keypad. She entered her secret code

only she knew it

and the whole shelf opened. She replaced the book and went in. The entrance immediately didn't lead into her room; she had to walk two to three feet in order to reach her warm room. She didn't want her room to be large so, she preferred to keep it small and cozy. Her room is stacked with camera collection and lots of beautiful pictures.

There was a small sized cot around the corner and a serial light set ran through the walls giving the whole room a simple yet, a warm vibe. A whole wall was made of glass. She loves watching rain and stars during night. Aria is also a great lover of music. She would listen to music when raining 'cause they gave the best vibes! She always admired nature 'cause it's beautiful in it's own way and doesn't need to impress anyone, people simply fall for it.

Zara slowly sneaked out of her home and went into the garden. Their compound was big so they were able to bring up lots of trees and a lovely garden. Zara went to one of the trees and pulled a small branch

imagine unlocking a door with a handle

and a door opened. Zara's hide out passes through generations

since her grampa's time

the door opened revealing staircase. The staircase eventually leads her into a room. It was neither huge nor small. It was just in the size which Zara wanted.

The room was stacked with lots of story books and also books related to her studies. She has a violin and a piano, she is a singer and she loves music. She is a melophile. She believes that music doesn't need to be in a particular language because, music itself is a universal language. It is "nature's natural healer…”

They were lost in their own thoughts. They wanted to make this world a better place. Yes, it's not possible just for a single person to bring in a change. But, "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

Lady Galadriel, The lord of the rings by J.R.R.Tolkien
