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Man of My Dreams

Man of My Dreams



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AIR is all I could think as I woke up drenched in sweat. I had been having this dream about the most handsome guy I had ever seen. He had the body of a God. No make that a Greek God. You know the ones the made sculptures of in the ancient times. Only this guy was way sexier. I didn't have a clue who he was. All I knew was that he couldn't exist.
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Chapter 1

"KYLA come dowm for breakfast" my mom yelled up the stairs. I immediately jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs bumping into my older brother on the way.

"Watch it clumsy" he said chuckling to himself as he caught me by the wrist. "Shut it jerkface" I said childishly sticking my tougue out at him. He just laughed and continued down the stairs knowing that I hate being called clumsy.

I honestly was not clumsy it wasn't my fault if things just happened around me. I made my way into the kitchen with a sour look on my face. "Did you say the C word again?" my mom asked my brother.

"She just walked right into me" he said trying to defend himself. She just shook her head and handed us plates.

"What are you up to today?" she asked me.

"I'm headed it over to Jana's were gonna have a girls day" I told her putting more food into my mouth.

"What about you Jace?" she asked my brother.

"Don't know. Hanging with the guys might grab a couple girls" he said winking at me.

Most girls drooled over my brother. They found him hot although I couldn't see why. Maybe it had something to do with the fact he was soon to be Beta of the pack.

I quickly finished eating and rolled my eyes at him. I kissed my mother on the cheek and headed upstairs to do my morning routine.

I showered and brushed my teeth and proceeded to find something to wear. It was hot and I rarely wore anything besides dresses.

After picking out an orange one and getting dressed I told my mother I was leaving and hopped into my 2012 Jaguar and headed to Jana's house. Yeah being a Betas daughter had its perks.


I reached in my purse to grab my phone and call Jana. It rung three times before she finally answered.

"Hey girl I'm on my way over you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah of course I'm ready" she said giving me her aren't I always ready tone which I had to admit was true.

It normally took me longer to get to her house then it did for her to get dressed.

"Alright be there in ten" I told her hanging up and backing out the driveway.

I pulled up after fighting some traffic and got out making sure to lock my baby while knocking on her door.

"Hello Kyla come on in" her mother said greeting me. Me and Jana had been friends for a while and her mother was awesome and very funny at times.

"Thanks Mrs.Thomas" I said walking in to the door.

"Jana is upstairs" she told me as I began to walk up to her room.

"Hey girl lets go" I told as she grabbed a few last minute items.

"Okay let me just tell my parents I'm gone" she said running down the stairs.

" JANA WATCH OUT FOR THE" I didn't get to finish my statment before she tripped on the last step almost landing head first. And they call me clumsy I thought to myself almost laughing.

"Dang it" she said catching her balance. She had decided not to curse and was struggling to keep it up.

"Ky don't you dare laugh" she scolded me. I held in my laughter in and she told her parents she was leaving.

We walked outside to leave "My car or yours?" I asked her.

"Mine we drove yours last time" she said unlocking her silver BMW.

I gave my midnight blue Jag one last look before hopping in her car.

"You really love that car don't you?"she asked backing out the driveway.

"You know I do" I told her truthfully.

We arrived at the movies about fifteen minutes later. When we got there our other friends Mya and Jessica were waiting on us.

"What's up girlies?" I said greeting them both. We all paid for our tickets and went in to see the Man of Steel. Yes we like Superman.

After the movie we did some shopping which was what I looked forward to the most considering I was a shoppoholic. After spending what most people would consider way to much money me and Jana finally drove back to her house to get my car.

After telling Jana we would do luch tommorrow because it was Sunday I drove back home to find my brother and his friends demolishing the pizza that mom ordered for dinner.

"Hey where's mine?" I yelled at them.

"We left some" my brother said between mouthfuls. I opened the microwave to see three pathetic slices. At least I ate at the mall I said to myself thankful I wasn't that hungry.

I grabbed the pizza and began taking it to my room. Before I made it up the stairs I spotted Nigel the soon to be Alpha.

"Hi Nigel I said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Hi Ky" he said smiling down at me. He was 6'4 with tanned light skin. He was ripping with muscles and had hazel eyes that would make any girl melt. He had nice tattoos and wavy low cut black hair.

Needless to say he had girls throwing themselves at him. I didn't see him that way though. He was like another big brother.

We had both shifted so no we weren't mates. I would have been shocked if we were because like I said he was like a brother.

I continued on my way upstairs and turned on the tv and begin to eat my pizza. After a few hours I drifted off to sleep. That's when the dreams began.