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Reward To Drop Love

Reward To Drop Love

Author: Akshaya



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Celestine Rose is 21 years old and an award winning novelist; whose freshman and sophomore romance novels have made it on .The New York's best sellers list. Everything was perfect. That is until she finds out her rock star boy friend Scott in cheating on her,changing the trigectery of her entire life,spiraling it out of control.when she makes the implusively decision to accompany tabloid writer and best friend Imogene Carter on a kamikare mission to lbiza to seduce vactioning billionaire Tristan Black, everything changes when sparks fly between her and the billionaire instead of with he and Imogene. Her best friend offers her $1,000,000 to take her place, get the story and save her article and her job
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Chapter 1

POV: Celestine

What have I done? I cleared out of Scott's  loft apartment last week. I did it without telling him,  so when he gets back from touring with his band and realizes that I am gone, there will be hell to pay.  But that‘s of no concern to me. He cheated;  and it is clear to me that our nine month relationship meant absolutely nothing to him.

Now, I am sitting on a plane headed to Spain with my best friend Imogene so she can seduce some hot millionaire CEO from New York, Tristan Black; talk about going from one end of the spectrum to the other one.

I look over at her as she is sleeps in the seat next to me, shaking my head as my lips curve into a smile because this impromptu trip is nostalgic for me;  it is typical Imogene. Every since were were kids, she would always come up with these crazy adventures, which usually landed me in hot water with my parents with seemingly no repercussions or consequences for her. She has always been the curious one between us, always snooping around, asking inappropriate questions and getting herself into messes that I always ended up getting her out of;  She is defiantly the rebel between us and her beautiful blond hair, her hazel eyes and her size 4 body frame is without a doubt her secret weapon, the accessory to her crimes; but to hear her tell it, her super hero side kick.


She has never met a man she can't tame nor one she was unable to seduce; she is the quintessential femme fatale, so when she asked me to tag along with her on this trip for moral support, it totally surprised me. I know my best friend, she has an agenda, she always does; but for the life of me, I can't figure out what it is.

So despite my reservations and the red flags that are waving at me, I decided to join her; because New York is a prison to me now and I was eager to leave. 

My famous boyfriend's infidelity, has put me in the crossfire of the paparazzi; who have collectively decided that I am the next sensational story for their magazine's  news cycle...and I use the word "news" loosely and with contempt. In fact, in a wicked twist of irony, I found out that Scott was cheating on me by reading about it on the front page of  Scope magazine, the magazine that Imogene works for. When I confronted her with this unmistakable  peculiarity, she swore she had nothing to do with it; so I took her at her word...and here I am.

Up until now, I have managed to be a  chameleon, able to blend in to the background of Scott's life unnoticed. I am like the wife of Adam Levine or Matt Damon, famous on paper but unrecognizable and of little interest to anyone if I am not on his arm. I liked it that way. But unfortunately that reality doesn't exist anymore. My life has been infiltrated by flashing light bulbs and vipers with no conscious.

Imogene has been my rock during this week of circus theatrics and I don't know what I would have done without her. She has always been there for me;  and despite the fact that she is "one of them," It is so refreshing to know that her toxic work environment hasn't changed her...

 "I can feel the wheels turning in your head sweetie...everything okay? Is something wrong?" Imogene's voice stirs awake, snagging me out of my thoughts as she smiles while keeping her eyes closed.

 "What? Other than Scott cheating on me? Or could it be me packing up all my things without having a place to stay? Or maybe, just maybe it's because my publisher breathing down my neck about my third novel not being finished. Oh wait....I think it could be that I'm headed to Spain , supporting my best friend while she seduces another poor unsuspecting innocent," I giggle sarcastically as she winces at my analogy. "Sure Imogene, everything is just peachy."

She opens one eye and then the other, staring at me frowning. "Ouch." She complains as she sits up in her seat  while placing her hand over her heart in mock injury. "First of all, Scott never deserved you, he is a jerk for cheating on you and you shouldn't feel bad about leaving him; second: you can stay with me until you figure out your living situation; Third: this trip is exactly the inspiration you will need to finish up your third novel; and finally, there is nothing innocent about Tristian Black." She smiles, proud of herself as she wipes her hands together to demonstrate that she has just solved all of my problems,  and now we are done with them.

I laugh boisterously with a hint of sarcasm. "I wish it was that easy Imogene." I answer, thinking about Scott. I haven't spoken to him since the news broke and he has called me everyday, countless times wanting to explain; but I sent all his calls to voicemail, because the thought of hearing his voice and his excuses is too painful to think about.

 "You worry too much Celestine. Everything will be okay. Once you get to Ibiza and relax on the beach, feel the ocean breeze on your face, your problems will melt away...and besides with that body and the way you look, every man in Spain is going to want to Fuc—"

 The pilot's voice over the intercom, interrupts Imogene's sexually charged obscenities with an announcement about our arrival:

“Good Morning everyone. Please take a seat and fasten you seatbelts. We will be arriving at Aeropuerto de Ibiza

Ibiza Airport

in approximately 10 minutes. The temperature is a pleasant 84 degrees, and we hope that  you enjoy your stay. Welcome to Ibiza!" He broadcasts, as Imogene claps her hands in unbridled excitement, submitting to the pilot's instructions.

“It‘s too soon to be thinking about another man Imogene...I don't share in your rebound regimen. I like to take my time..." I try to explain, as she is waving me off and vehemently shaking her head from side to side in protest.

“You just haven't found the right man who will make you forget about all the others...hell, a man who will make you forget your own name; but when you do, and I predict that it will happen in Spain, that judgmental tone you have in your voice will quickly dissipate and you will happily join me on the dark side young Anakin Skywalker." She smiles prophetically. "So lets vow, before we step off this plane, that for the next month, we are going to have a great time in Spain, forgetting everything that is weighing us down and focus on the here and now, to live in the moment...agreed?" She asks hopefully.

I just shake my head in affirmation, unable to respond to her optimistic enthusiasm.  She grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly as the wheels of the plane hit the tarmac. "Remember what we used to say as children when we were embarking on one of my insane adventures?" She asks, raising her eyebrows and shaking her head, motioning me to say the words out loud.

 “Let the Games Begin?" I smile thoughtfully, as Imogene smiles back.

“Hell yeah! Spain will never be the same again!"