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I Am The Lycan's Luna

I Am The Lycan's Luna

Author: Little Angelic Devil



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"Listen to me! As much as I don't want to touch you and vice-versa, I'm the only one who can help in ending your suffering RIGHT now!" he said as one of his hands slipped into my shirt, and I moaned as he cupped one of my breasts. ****** Aleena was a rogue who was banished from the Black Heart Pack, where she was raised as the Alpha's daughter. She had no wolf, or so she thought, until she met Kyson, the last Lycan and her mate. Kyson hated the Black Heart Pack for their dark secrets and planed to destroy them. Meanwhile, Aleena discovered that she was not who she thought she was, but a weapon created by a prophecy to kill Kyson. She faced a dilemma: to follow her heart and stay with Kyson, or to fulfill her mission and end his life? Would she be able to choose between love and destiny? Would Kyson trust her and protect her from the Black Heart Pack? Cover art by @rainygraphic
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Chapter 1

I hated being wolfless. It was like being a bird without wings, a fish without gills, a flower without petals. I was a freak of nature, a defective she-wolf who had never heard the voice of her inner beast. And I was nearing 18 years old now, the age when most werewolves found their mates and completed their bond.

But not me. I had no hope of ever finding my other half, let alone feeling the bliss of the mating bond. I was doomed to live a lonely and miserable life, a burden to my pack and a disappointment to my father.

My father. Alpha Andre of the Silver Moon pack. The most powerful and respected leader in the region. He was the only one who loved me unconditionally, despite my flaw. He spoiled me rotten, gave me anything I wanted, and protected me from any harm. He was also the only one who could make me laugh with his silly jokes and his warm hugs.

He was also the only one who could make me jump out of my skin with his mind-link.

"Aleena, come to my study now," I heard Alpha Andre's voice through the mind-link.

I gasped and dropped the book I was reading on my bed. What did he want from me? Had I done something wrong? Was he angry with me? Was he in danger?

I reached his study in record time and knocked on the door, hoping he would let me in right away.

"Wait," he said through the mind-link.

I frowned and waited outside, feeling anxious and impatient. What was going on in there? Why did he make me wait? Who was he talking to?

I tried to listen through the door, but all I could hear were muffled voices and rustling papers. It sounded like he was hiding something from me.

But what? And why?

"Come in," he finally said after what seemed like an eternity.

I opened the door and saw him sitting behind his desk, looking serious and tense. Next to him was Luna Rose, his mate and my stepmother. She smiled at me politely, but I could sense her discomfort and pity. She never liked me much, even though she tried to be nice to me. She probably wished I was never born, or that I had died along with my mother.

And on the other side of the desk was Beta Erick, my father's second-in-command and best friend. He nodded at me briefly, then got up and left the room without a word. He looked worried and grim, as if he had just delivered some bad news.

"Is there something wrong, Father?" I asked nervously, lowering my head in respect and submission.

He sighed and gestured for me to sit on the couch next to Luna Rose. He then got up and moved to the single couch opposite us. He looked too big for it, like a bear trying to fit into a rabbit hole.

He leaned forward and clasped his hands together, looking at me with a serious expression.

"Aleena, we need to talk," he said solemnly.

My heart skipped a beat. That was never a good sign.

"About what?" I asked cautiously.

He took a deep breath and said,

"About your future."

I felt a surge of fear and excitement. What did he mean by that? Did he have some plans for me? Did he know something I didn't?

"What about it?" I pressed him.

He smiled faintly and said,

"I know you've always wanted to explore the human world after graduation. You've always been fascinated by their culture and lifestyle. You've always felt more human than werewolf."

I nodded slowly, wondering where he was going with this.

"Well, I've decided to grant you your wish," he continued.

My eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

"Really?" I asked incredulously.

He nodded again and said,

"Yes, really. You can go wherever you want, do whatever you want, be whoever you want. As long as you're happy and safe."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was letting me go? Just like that?

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

He chuckled softly and said, "Because you're my daughter, Aleena. I want you to be happy and fulfilled, even if it means letting you go."

I felt tears sting my eyes as I looked at him with gratitude and awe. He was the best father anyone could ask for. He was giving me the greatest gift of all - freedom.

"Thank you, Father," I whispered, feeling a lump in my throat.

He smiled warmly and pulled me into a hug.

"You're welcome, my little firecracker," he said affectionately.

"Firecracker?" I asked, pulling back slightly.

He laughed and said, "You do always love nature. Sand, water, wind, even fire. I had to keep my eyes on you most of the time when you were little, in case you burned down the pack."

I laughed with him, remembering the times I played with matches and candles, fascinated by the flames.

"I guess I did," I admitted.

He ruffled my hair and said,

"You're a wild spirit, Aleena. You need to spread your wings and fly. Don't let anyone or anything cage you."

I nodded, feeling a surge of determination and courage.

"I won't," I promised.

He kissed my forehead and said, "That's my girl."

He then released me and looked at Luna Rose, who had been watching us silently.

"Rose, do you have anything to say to Aleena?" he asked her.

She cleared her throat and said, "Yes, I do. Aleena, I know we haven't been very close, but I want you to know that I care about you. You're part of this pack, part of this family. And I'm proud of you for being brave and adventurous. I hope you find what you're looking for in the human world. And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to contact us. We'll always be here for you."

She smiled at me sincerely, and I felt a pang of guilt for judging her harshly. She was trying to be nice to me, even though she didn't understand me.

"Thank you, Luna Rose," I said politely.

We shared a brief hug, then we all sat back on our seats.

"So," my father said cheerfully, "have you decided where you want to go?"

I shook my head and said,

"Not yet. There are so many places to choose from."

He nodded and said,

"Well, take your time. There's no rush. Just let us know when you make up your mind."

He smiled and continued, "Now go on and enjoy yourself. And do not fotget you have a prom to attend tomorrow night."

I grinned and said, "That's right. I almost forgot."

He chuckled and said, "How could you forget? It's the biggest event of the year, and also your birthday! All the packs in the region are coming to celebrate your birthday."

Honestly, I was really touched by the fact that my father still remembered my birthday, even though I rarely celebrate it. Maybe tomorrow was a bit different, since tomorrow was my 18th birthday, and I might obtain my wolf as I always dreamed to.

"Maybe you'll meet someone special there."

I snorted and said, "Doubtful."

"You never know."

He then dismissed me with a wave of his hand and said, "Get well prepared for tomorrow, my daughter."

I got up and bowed respectfully to him and Luna Rose.

I turned around and left the room, feeling a mix of emotions. Happiness, excitement, sadness, fear. I was leaving everything behind to start a new life in the human world. It was a big step, a big risk. But it was also a big opportunity, a big adventure.

And I was ready for it.

As I walked toward the ballroom where the prom was going to be held, I bumped into someone familiar.

"Hey," he greeted me with a smile.

I smiled back and said, "Hey."

It was Greg, my best friend since childhood. We were born on the same day, in the same pack. We had always done everything together. He was like a brother to me.

And also my secret crush.

I had always hoped that even though we were not destined mates, he would choose me as a chosen mate. He was kind, funny, smart, loyal, and handsome. He had everything I wanted in a mate.

But he didn't see me that way. He saw me as a friend, nothing more.

And soon he would see me as nothing at all.

Because I was leaving him too.

"Where have you been?" he asked as he ruffled my hair.

"I know I'm small, but don't treat me like a child!" I huffed out and ran my fingers through my hair to tidy it out.

He laughed aloud at my reply and reasked his question.

"Alpha just called me to ask me about what I would do after graduation," I informed him.

"Still thinking of living in the human world?" he asked.

"Yeah.." I replied, and we both fell silent as we walked toward the ballroom.

"I'm gonna miss you, you know," he said after some time.

"I'm gonna miss you too. We could still mind-link and tell each other everything like usual," I told him calmly despite the way my heart was fluttering. He wouldn't know how sweet his words were.

"We're gonna attend prom tomorrow and celebrate our birthday the next day. Double happiness!" he exclaimed.

"Yes, I know!" I laughed at how excited he was.

We were both turning eighteen in two days' time. My dad had suggested celebrating my birthday at prom, but I declined the idea. Of course, I wouldn't cut the cake at the event, and I had begged my father not to make a big deal out of it as I didn't want everyone to turn their attention to me, the wolfless Alpha's daughter. To feel embarrassed would be an understatement, it would be humiliating! Thankfully my father finally agreed after some hard begging on my part.

"How are you going to celebrate?" he asked.

"I'm not sure.. Luna had asked me permission to deal with it. So.. I guess it would be a surprise," I told him with a huge grin on my face.

"What about you? How are YOU going to celebrate?" I asked in return.

"Just with family," he shrugged. "Let's talk about the prom, alright?" he suggested, and I agreed happily.

"Would the students feel that our theme is cliche?" I'd been wondering about this since it was first selected by the prom's committee.

"Rainforest?" He laughed.

"Yeah.. Forest.. Wolves.." I pointed out.

"I think they would be surprised at how life-like the decorations are." he laughed again.

At long last, we reached the ballroom building. It was situated in a different area than the pack members' houses, so it took a while to walk there.

"Ready to see?" he asked as he was about to open the double door.

I nodded, and he pulled open one of the doors. Today we were finishing the small touches, and as per his words, I was astounded while looking at the decorations. It felt like we had traveled to a natural rainforest.

The trees, animals and their sounds, the waterfall, and the ceiling was even painted as black as the sky with lighting as stars and moon.

"Do you think some would turn into wolves because of the life-like moon?" I blushed when I realized what I had just asked.

He laughed out so loud and hard until his eyes were teary. "Sometimes you are just too naive."

I rolled my eyes at him despite my blush.

We walked around the "rainforest," and I could feel that after I attended the prom tomorrow night and turned eighteen, something big was going to happen to my life.