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Inky Day To Collide

Inky Day To Collide

Author: Drrews



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Living on a thin thread, Ingrid knight is an average twenty year old trying to get the best out of life, even if it means working two jobs and not going to college. Her entire life changed on a rainy night on her way to work, Unknowingly meeting Harry Black, a multi billionaire posed as Chris an unemployed young man, their is a spark ignited in both of them as they seemed to get lost in their presence. What happens when secrets and dark pasts are unraveled, would they both stand the test or will they fail?
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Chapter 1

The last thing she wanted was to get fired at her third job this month, she pursed her lips in anticipation, waiting for her time to get into the bus, if she didn't get into the bus now, it was inevitable that he was going to be late for work. The thought scared her, her boss Mrs. Carter wasn't the nicest woman on the block, she was a cranky old woman, with full grey hair that she always packed in a tight ponytail, which Ingrid thought would one day make her hair pull out of her scalp, Mrs carter small frame didn't limit her from yelling so loudly especially when one of her staffs made a mistake. Ingrid shivered at the thought, rubbing her sweaty palms on her black jeans and pulling her leather jacket tighter around her body. It was mid September and the cold rainy season had come by in New York, the rumbling of the clouds reminded Ingrid that if she didn't hurry up, she was going to not only end up late but drenched too.

The ride to the cafe was depressing this time, the rain Didn't hesitate to pour down heavily, Ingrid had scrolled through her cracked phone, opening her music player and looking for her special playlist which helped her stay calm along the way. She plugged the earpiece and into the phone, inserting the buds into each of her ears, she placed her head against the cold window glass, her eyes watching the night lights, the sun had gone down and New Yorkers were already waiting for the night to come. She smiled as Night light plays, the coincidence she thought.

She rushed to the door after the bus stopped, clutching her tote bag tightly, mentally scolding herself for not taking an umbrella to protect her, taking a quick stop under a shade around the corner. she looked at her watch, she had just twenty more minutes to get to the cafe, change and ready to serve tables. As if the universe hated her and wanted her to lose her job, the outpouring becomes more heavier.

'Oh come on.' She yelled to no one in particular, if she ran under the rain she was definitely going to get sick.

'You took the word right out of my mouth.' A voice said which startled her, she placed her hands on her chest to calm her racing heart beat. She turned to the stranger who was properly dressed in a long rain coat, his jet black hair styled neatly to the side, framing his face perfectly, his bright hazel eyes piercing into hers as she stared.

'I'm sorry if I startled you, I didn't mean to.' He apologized, maybe something was wrong with her hearing but he sounded like a reporter, his tone calm and confident and definitely well learned. Ingrid doesn't answers still lost in how good looking the stranger is, the rain was pushing through where she stood, the water getting on her boots and some on her jeans, she hissed.

'This is the best angle if you're trying to get away from the water.' The stranger told her. She eyed him for a while not sure if she should listen to a complete stranger who could be a serial killer.

'Are you trying to get me close to you?' She asked before she could stop herself. The stranger laughed, a foreign sound that made Ingrid feel like she was in a dream.

'Now that you mentioned it maybe I am, but honestly you should really leave that area if you don't want to get wet.' She doesn't budge, which made him to sigh.

'I'm not a serial killer if that's what you're thinking.' He said as if reading her mind. 'I'm just an average guy waiting for my Uber to arrive.'

'I see. What's your name?' She asked boldly.

'Chris.' He replied.

'Chris.' She repeated after him.

'Yes. What's yours?' He asked curiously

'I'm not telling a stranger my name.' She said

'But I told you mine, and let's not forget you're a stranger to me too.' He said calmly, clearly amused with the girl standing with him.

'It doesn't count, I mean you're the one dressed like a serial killer. What's with the coat and gloves by the way?' She defends.

'You're judging me because I'm wearing a coat and gloves.' He said humorously.

'Yes.' She chirped out.

'Fine, I'll take off my coat and gloves.' He chuckled. He removed the leather gloves handing it over to her, she stairs at his hands, a bit skeptical if she should collect them or not, her eyes lands on his bare hands, which were well formed, his fingers long and neat. She noticed the watch on his wrists, it looked expensive.

'Who did you say you were again?'she asked suspiciously.


'Right.' she draws. He proceed to take off his coat, revealing his well built shoulder.

'Damn.' Ingrid clamped her mouth shut when she realized what she had said.

'You saying something?' he asked taking of the coat completely, she shook her head sideways. He was wearing a black Shirt dress tucked into his black pants. How had she not noticed, the watch, his accent, even his shoes looked like they could cost a fortune, he was well loaded.

'What are you? A big shot business man.' she said sarcastically.

'You're judging me again.' he said

'Well what do you want me to think? Look at your watch, your shoes, even your coat is probably designers.' she said

'I just finished from an interview, the watch was a gift from my aunt, the shoes was a gift from my friend, the coat is mine and not designers.' he replied casually.

'Oh.' a bit embarrassed that she judged him a quickly. 'Im sorry, how did the interview go?'

'To be honest, it sucked.' he replied. The rain beating the covering they were under filled up the silence that was growing between them.

'Ingrid.' she said, her eyes looking ahead.

'What?' he questioned

'My name is Ingrid.'

She had successfully reached the cafe with five minutes to spare, the rain drastically reduced immediately she mentioned her name, it was like a password to lock the heavens but she was grateful anyways, she shoved his gloves back in his hands and skipped out of the shade, Chris had tried to get her to wait but keeping her job was more important.

'Ingrid, I was beginning to get worried.' sally her co-worker said when she packed her semi wet hair in a sleek ponytail.

'I'm fine sal, just the stupid rain.' she assured her, staring at herself in the mirror. At twenty two, she had seen life in it's extreme, could've been worse but she was thankful that it wasn't. Her long glossy black hair shining under the light, her large hazel eye starting at her reflection in the mirror, they've told her couple of times that her skin was too pale, and she definitely agrees, sometimes she wondered if she had any blood in her, but the gash the poured out of her finger when making dinner one night was all the proof she needed.

Her lips coated in the her favourite pink lipgloss gave her face more color and that was enough.

'Ingrid. Get out here!' Her boss yelled. Sally sent her a knowing look, making Ingrid to grimace.

'Oh boy.'