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Demon Or Angel

Demon Or Angel

Author: AbbySax



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She's a badass... He's a goody two shoes... She's against the rules... He's for the rules... She's dark... He's light... She's had a rough past... He's willing to listen... ??? ???? ???????????, She's his demon... He's her angel
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Chapter 1

I sighed as everyone's eyes were on me but, it's nothing I'm not used to; I rolled my eyes before glaring at each of them and immediately, they messily focused back on their books. "Miss Shapen, may I be excused?" I crossed my arms over my chest with my feet on the desk, not caring.

"Yes Charlotte, you are excused but be back immediately to get your homework", she replied, looking at me with this stern look I've got used to but never taken seriously.

"Yawn" I rolled my eyes before swinging my legs off the desk, not minding that I hit the person right next to me. Slinging my half-empty bag over my shoulder, I walked out of the classroom into the deserted hallway.

I breathe out in anger wondering why the Principal called me to his office again. It is the second time I'm visiting his office today. The first time was because a guy had the guts to report me to the Principal, claiming that I bullied him. Obviously, He was a newcomer because everyone in this school knew never to cross me or any of my close friends.

Standing in front of the office, I pushed the door open. And there, my most favourite person in the world was, sitting behind the computer, typing away. Well, that was till she spotted me, and a breath left her old chapped lips.

"Hello again, Gladys" I sent a smile in her direction, and as, usual she shook her head at me.

"When will you ever change?" she muttered, sympathy swimming in her ocean blue eyes that seemed to glimmer with tears behind her square-framed glasses, making me roll my eyes at her.

"Probably when you find true love and get married" I winked at her before entering the Principal's office that had its door at the other side of the room where I was standing.

"Ok, I'm here. Which of my crimes do you want to scold me for again?" I leaned against the door frame watching the man behind the mahogany table stand up approaching me, but he knew better, so he stood at least ten feet away from me.

"Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte-" I cut the old man off.

"Yeah, I know my name's amazing. Cut the crap and tell me why the hell you requested for me in the middle of a class and as a good student, I need to be in class" I smirked, taking him back to the time when he asked me why I couldn't be a good girl and attend classes; Clearly, my teachers had reported me for ditching classes.

He sighed, "Why don't you take a seat?" he gestured at one of the chairs in front of his desk. Shrugging, I walked over to the chair and took a seat and was about to swing my leg on the table until I was cut off, "And no feet on my table, please" he closed his eyes, making me raise my hands in defence.

"Ok, boss man", I smirked as he took a seat on the chair opposite mine, where he had stood up from earlier.

"The reason why I called you here is to show you a video recorded from the CCTV camera downstairs", he said, bringing out a tablet from one of his drawers making me smirk, knowing what he was talking about but I waited patiently for him to show me what he wanted to.

He handed me the tablet, and a video of me beating up a girl who insulted me just earlier today popped up. I laughed when I watched her feeble attempt to defend herself after several minutes of me slamming her head on the lockers, leaving blood smeared on them. I hid her unconscious body in the janitor's closet, and then the video stopped.

"Do you realise what you have done?" the hoarse voice of the principal spoke up, making me shake my head as a sadistic smile danced on my lips. He sighed, seeing that there was no more hope for me "I'm sorry Charlotte, but I can't tolerate this nonsense from you any longer. You're getting worse day by day; I'm afraid I'll have to expel you", he said, but I just shrugged, already expecting it.

"Goodbye then" and with that, I walked out of his office, not sparing Gladys a glance as I walked out of her office as well. Immediately, I greeted the noisy hallway of the school.

People shifted from my path, leaving a pathway for me, as I walked to the farther part of the school where my locker was situated to see my friends standing there waiting for me as usual.

"What happened again? Oh wait, let me guess you got expelled?" my ex, Paul, voiced while smirking at me, making me nod.

"Good. I was getting tired of this prison of a place. I've beaten up almost half of the student body and most of the teachers here. Everywhere is just boring", I sighed, ripping open my faulty locker to dump its content into my bag, which consisted of nothing more than my extra clothes and a few books.

"I'm gonna miss you though", my best friend, Amelia, spoke up, hugging me making me laugh before wrapping my arms around her just in time for two other people to wrap their arms around me, and I knew it was my ex and my boyfriend, well my new ex now, Reid.

I detached myself from the hug before turning to Reid. "I guess it's goodbye then", I shrugged before slamming him on the lockers, locking my lips with his animalistically, not caring that a teacher could come at any time.

I smirked as my two friends hollered at us. I shook my head as Reid grabbed my ass, making me break away from his lips before winking at him. Slamming my locker shut, I turned to them smiling, "I guess C.R.A.P is over then", I said

They shrugged, "We can still communicate. You're only leaving the school, not the country or something", Amelia said as we all began walking towards the doors which led outside the school.

I shook my head in amusement, fully knowing that they were ditching class to hang out with me for a while, "You're right about that. Where are we going to now?" I asked as we stood on the pavement next to the road

"Our usual place?" Paul asked to which we all nodded. Stopping a taxi, we boarded it to the place where we hung out frequently.