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The Substitute Groom

The Substitute Groom

Author: DeraChi18



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"What would you be needing my help for?" I asked, curious. "Do you remember those times when we were little…whenever I do something wrong in our class, you always come forward pretending to be me and receive my punishment?" He asked, and I hummed in agreement. "And do you remember those times when I couldn't read for any exams and I was scared to fail, you would pretend to be me and write the exams for both of us and no one knew because we were so identical?" "Yeah, but where are you heading with all of this?" "I want you to do the same thing for me again." Nolan said, getting me more confused. "What exactly is it for you?" "I want you to pretend to be me and get married to Savannah, it will only be for some time till i'm really ready to face the responsibility of marriage." He said. I burst out laughing so hard that my stomach hurts. What he just said sounded so funny, he is really good at making jokes. "What's funny?" "Sor…Sorry, your jokes are just so funny." I said, trying to control my laughter. "What joke? This is no joke Nate, I am being serious. Think of it as a substitute, you will substitute for me till i'm ready." He said, looking all serious. He wasn't joking. He has gone mad!
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Chapter 1

Nathan's Pov

Walking out of my closet looking all dressed for work, I came in front of my dressing mirror to fix my tie. Once I was done with my tie, I put on my wrist watch, then some spray. I grabbed my phone and my car keys, then made my way down stairs with my case.

Making my way to the dinning, I met my lovely mom and dad sitting there enjoying their breakfast.

"Good morning mom." I greeted with a kiss on her forehead as usual.

"Thank you darling." Mom said.

"Good morning dad." I greeted dad who seemed busy with his newspaper as usual.

"You're up quite earlier than usual, why is that?" Dad asked, folding up his newspaper.

"Yeah, our company is having a meeting with those new investors of ours that I told you about the other day." I explained, taking a slice of bread.

"Oh, I see. I didn't know it would be today."

"Actually, it wasn't supposed to be today. I actually scheduled it for today, I thought it would be better for the company to accept this deal soon enough before it slips from us." I explained, taking a bite from my bread.

"That's the heart of business!" Dad praised me as usual, I just smiled back.

His praise usually gives me that boldness, seeing him being proud of me is my motivation to achieve more for the family business and make him more proud of me.

"Have you heard from, Nolan?" Mom asked, making me stop for a second.

I spared a glance at my dad to see his reaction on hearing Nolan's name. Nolan is actually my identical twin younger brother. Nolan and dad don't actually share that father and son kinda bond because dad thinks my twin brother is an irresponsible pervert.

I don't blame his thought though, Nolan has actually given him the reason to think that way. I mean, he never took his studies seriously. He's a full time playboy, and barely stays in one country. Sometimes dad would seize his accounts, but later lets it be once mom sheds some few tears on his behalf.

To be honest, I wish he could be a bit responsible, and maybe by now be in a good relationship with father.

"You haven't heard from him?" Mother asked, starting to sound worried.

Just like am dad's favorite, Nolan's mom's favorite too.


"Why worry about that punk?! He must be enjoying himself wherever he is, I wonder why you worry so much about him." Dad said with an hiss.

"I do hear from him, and he's completely fine." I assured her with a small smile which she returned.

To be sincere, I haven't heard from Nolan for two weeks now and I am beginning to worry about it because it's so unlike him. I can't even tell mom about it because she will surely pass out from too many negative thoughts.

I hope wherever you are Nolan, you are okay.


I walked into my office with my PA carrying my stuff and informing me on my schedules for the day. I stopped dead on my track when I saw Nolan seated on my chair with his legs crossed on my desk.

Typical Nolan.

How did he even get in here?!

"You may leave, inform me once they arrive." I concluded with my PA who left afterwards.

"My sweet brother!" Nolan said, standing up and walking over to me. He gave me a tight hug and a kiss on my cheek.

"Oh I've missed you!" He said dramatically, making me roll my eyes.

"Get off me, you fool." I said, pulling away from him.

"What's this?! You don't miss me?!"

"Where have you been, you punk?!" I asked, glaring at him.

"Jeez, brother! If only stare could kill, yours would've killed me." He said dramatically.

That's Nolan for you.

Never serious.

"Shut up you fool before I slap you." I threatened him.

He held his lips dramatically.

"Everyone was worried about you, the least you could do is call once in a while so we would know you are safe!"

"When you say everyone, you don't mean dad. Right?"

I gave him my - don't you dare me - kinda glare, making him mouth an 'oh'

"I'm sorry I kept you all worried, I'm back now!" He said with a toothed smile.

I let out a tiring sigh. His coming back isn't a problem, but his troubles that follow will be.


"Uh, I've missed this." Nolan moaned over his hamburger.

I smiled as I bite down on my hamburger.

It's office lunch time, so we both went out to our favorite eatery spot to have lunch. Nolan ordered our special hamburger, we always come here since our childhood and we usually order for this hamburger always.

"Not as much as you miss mom's food." I said, chewing on my hamburger.

Nolan loves mom's cooking, and he cherishes it more than any cooking in the world.

"Exactly! Mom is and will always be my number one chef!" He said, making us both laugh.

"I can't wait to get home, and have a taste of her delicious handmade foods." He added.

"She can't wait to see you either, she probably wouldn't let you out of her sight for a minute." I said, teasing him.

We both laughed.

"So are you coming back forever this time?" I asked, watching his reaction to my statement.

Nolan froze for a minute on my statement before he dropped his half eaten hamburger, then wiped his lips with the table napkin. I did the same too, for I think it's time for some serious talk.

"I can't answer that." Nolan said, not looking up to face me.

The reason why Nolan has never been in the house at some times, it's because he's avoiding father and his regular taunts about his irresponsible nature, and family business. But I want all of that to stop, I want to always have my twin brother around me always. I also want dad and Nolan to be good again.

"How do you mean you can't answer it?! Don't you want to come back to us, and let's be a happy family as we used to?!" I asked, sadly.

"Tell that to dad, okay?" He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"When will you and dad stop all these?!" I asked, trying not to sound upset.

To be honest, I am getting fed up with this father and son feud.

"I think he wants to stop it now." Nolan said with a shrug which made me raise a questioning eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Dad called me up about a week ago, he said I should come home for a talk." Nolan said, which took me by surprise.

Why would dad call him without letting me know?

This morning, dad was acting nonchalant about his whereabouts.

"He really called you and asked you to come down?" I asked, just to be sure I heard everything correctly.

"Yeah. If he hadn't called and threatened to block my bank account, I wouldn't be here."

Why would dad want to have a talk with Nolan?

What is their discussion all about?!

"Did he give you a hint about what this talk is all about?" I asked.

"Nah, but I guess he wants to settle things between us." Nolan said with a shrug as he continued his lunch.

I hope it's to settle things between each other once and for all.


We finally got home after a long day with this brother of mine, he couldn't let me have peace. After work, he had to drag me down to the club to have some fun. He almost got drunk before I forced his stupid butt outta there.

Like I said, Nolan is one pain in the ass. Worst is, I hate scolding him at times because it seemed like I am scolding myself.

That's what happens when you have an identical twin brother.


I heard mom's voice from upstairs. Before I knew it, she came down the stairs in a hurry. She literally ran towards Nolan and gave him a tight hug.

"How dare you make me worry so much about you!" Mom asked after the hug, hitting his arm so hard.

That's a way of her saying she was worried sick about him.

"Ouch! Mom that hurt." Nolan whined like a kid.

"You also smell of alcohol!" She said, wanting him again.

I held her hand, while Nolan hid behind me like a scared child. Both of them can be really dramatic if you let them.

"Mom, you are supposed to be so sweet towards me since you miss me so much, but you are hitting me instead." Nolan said behind me, dramatically.

I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up you fool! Go up and freshen up already!" I half yelled at him.

"Fine." He said, making his way to the stairs.

He literally had to run upstairs when mom made an attempt to go after him and give him some beating, I had to hold her back.

"Mom please stop being dramatic, you should be happy he's back and safe." I tried calming her down.

This is also another way of her expressing her love to her children.


I rubbed my arm from the hit mom suddenly gave me.

"What was that for?" I asked with a pout.

"That's for thinking that your mother is a drama queen!" She snapped at me.

"But I didn't say anything like that." I said, trying to defend myself.

She hits me hard again.

"What was this for, now?!" I whined.

"Since you didn't let me beat Nolan, I can beat you in his place. After All, you both look alike. So if I am beating you, it will make me feel like I'm beating him." Mom said with a creepy grin.

That's one of the disadvantages of being a twin!

Identical one at that!

I took to my heels when mom made an attempt to hit me again. My drama queen of a mother can be a handful at times, just like Nolan.


"Sorry I missed your call, been busy all day." Paisley said over the video call.

Paisley Wesley is the love of my life, she has been my childhood sweetheart and best friend. Her family and ours are very close, that was how I met her. She traveled to Canada ten years ago to pursue her career in acting.

Now, she is a well known actor!

Am happy for her, and I long to see her and make her mine as soon as I can.

"You look really tired." I said, making my way to my room balcony.

"Yeah. Been shooting for six hours straight! Am so exhausted." She said, falling on her bed.

"You really need to take a break."

"Yeah, I will. Once I am done with this movie project, I am going on a break and coming home to be with you." She said, revealing those perfect smiles of hers that made my heart flutter.

"You mean it this time?"

"Yes, Nate. It's been so long I've been close to you." She said sadly.

"I can't wait to see you and make you all mine."

"Me too!"

Nolan's voice startled me from behind, he placed his arm around my neck and popped his face in front of my phone.

"Hi, Paisley! Do you miss me?!" Nolan asked, still popping his head all over the screen that I can't see.

"Get off!" I half yelled, pushing him away.

"Hey, do not be possessive." He said with a pout.

"You didn't tell me Nolan's around." Paisley said.

"He just dropped in today." I said, making my phone go a bit higher that she could see Nolan behind me.

"Is that a way of saying you miss me?" Nolan asked.

"Of course I missed you, my cute little bunny." She said so cutely.

"Hey." I called out, showing that I am getting jealous of the way she called him in such a cute way.

"Paisley, you have such a possessive lover." Nolan said, making us all laugh.



"Come in!" Nolan yelled.

The door opened and a female servant walked in, she walked straight to us. She glanced at both of us for a minute before looking away.

I think she didn't know which of us is which. We usually get that a lot from the servants.

"Master Nolan. Mr. Black wants to see you in his study, immediately." The female servant said, which got my attention.

Father wants to see Nolan privately, I wonder what it's for.

"Okay." Nolan said, and the servant left.

"Why does dad want to see you, privately?" I voiced my thoughts.

"I don't know. Maybe to finally settle this feud of ours, I have to go answer him. I'll be back." He said as he left.

"Are you okay, babe?" Paisley asked, making me recall I still had her on call.

"Nothing really, just wondering why dad wants to speak with Nolan. He was the one that called Nolan to come home for a talk."

"Do you think it's not good?" Paisley asked.

"That, I do not know." I said honestly.

I really do not know if this chat of theirs is of good or not.