
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Otu Harriet



LUCID LIE PDF Free Download


Caught in the mysteries of deadly murders, Pandy Scott and Lee Do-Hyun worked hand in hand to hunt down the culprits. Not until he reappeared, ' THE HOLY MURDERER'. 'WE MEET AGAIN " the note scripted in blood on the wall, sent chills down their spine. Seat tight and catch on the mystery in... ' LUCID LIE '
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Chapter 1

NOTE: This book is a Crime Detective Series, rated 18+. It contains sensitive and intriguing scenes~ not meant to promote violence or bad conduct but to educate and entertain the readers.

It is purely fictional, any resemblance to real-life events, places, or characters is purely coincidental with no intention to plagiarize or mock.

“ The real evil is the power to kill people. Someone who finds himself with that power is cursed. No matter how you use it, anything obtained by killing people can never bring true happiness.”– Soichiro.

Nothing justifies a crime~


Pandy Scott and Lee Do-Hyun were the respective victims and witnesses of the 2005 deadly murder– “ THE HOMICIDE”. The murder rendered them orphans and the only survivors from their various homes where the murder took place.

Pandy lost her younger sister, along with her mother and best friend ~ they were found brutally murdered in cold blood.

Do-Hyun lost his younger brother and both parents in the same heartless way.

The aftermath of the murder soon died off with no clear evidence at hand except the trademark of the culprit, “ AN EYE FOR AN EYE, A TOOTH FOR TOOTH ” – the families were compensated into silence in an attempt not to stir public panic or instability.

September 18, 2023

“ I thought I finally had a grip on this? ” The Twenty-four-year-old detective groaned with displeasure~ she seemed lost on what next to do as she stick back a piece of evidence she had ripped off from the glass board in front of her. It was a photo of the victim in the recent murder case her team was investigating.

In her left hand were an old folder with a newspaper and a case record labeled, “ THE HOMICIDE ”, 2005. She was analyzing the crime scene and the method of the murder between the two for any similarities~ she had earlier pinned about two similarities which made her heart swell with hope but then, a cold needle poops her balloon of optimism and she fills back with apprehension.

“ I guess this is just another copy-cut murder~” She sighed. “ Do these people even have hearts?” she said, her eyes lined from one picture to another as she threaded her current hint with a red rope to the ones on the board.

She had secretly been working on this case for over two years now after joining the Norland Crime Investigation Department ~ it was as if her life depended on it.

“ This wasn't at the scene earlier...” She mumbled as she glanced at the folder.

“ Pandy~ ” A feminine voice echoed from the entrance which made her flinch a bit, shooting the documents into her locker– seated by her desk. “Hey...are you okay?” the chestnut young lady queried as she chanced forward with her companion.

“ Yeah, Livvy, just going over these~” She fumbled, pointing to the board but Livvy caught on before she could further lie her way through.

“ Don't tell me you're still on your family's case ” She expressed.

Livvy Edwards and Pandy became close pals at Colledge because they got admitted the same day and shared a room after. From then, they felt destined and bonded with each other– rather than friends, they were more like blood sisters.

“ Well... you can say that ” Pandy answered, scamping over to her seat as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. “ You know I'm not the type to give up anytime soon~”

Livvy sighed, “ I thought we spoke about this already~ It's been already 15 years, for crying out loud. ” She hinted and the short-cropped dark haired young man with her felt interested. He stared at the two with knee-tipped ears~ the case felt similar.

“ What if Chief finds out about it~ I bet you will be taken out before you know." She added and Pandy just bobbed her head.

“ Yeah...yeah, I know~ I know. No need to keep repeating yourself.” She said, not interested in her lecture– that's when she finally noticed him.

Slightly tilting her head with a signal towards the young man with her to which Livvy followed, Pandy questioned. “ Umm, and who do we have here?”

“ Oh, this is Lee Do-Hyun from the Local Police Department~ He's currently promoted to join our team today.” She explained and the latter two greeted, sharing a few pleasantries.

“ That's your desk, over there...” Pandy said, directing him to a seat two steps away from hers. Livvy gazed at the two and chuckled, “ Getting along already...?” She said and they all shared a laugh.

Pandy was back into her folder with Do-Hyun secretly stealing a glance from his side when a call came in.

“ Any further hint? ” a male voice spoke just when she placed it on her ears.

“ Yeah, Pennel, it appears we missed out on the sign of strangle~ it wasn't showing earlier when we first checked at the scene.” She went on as the trio rechecked the pieces of pictures on the board.

“ Thanks, Pan~ I'll be there soon.” He said and they nodded.

Soon after the call, the telephone rang. “ I'll get it...” Livvy said. She answered but dropped within the next second.

“ Another case... ” She announced as she took the lead with Pandy and Do-Hyun tailing, all ears. “ Florida Street, the forest reserved area~ a young man in his mid-thirties...” She updated as their backs faded out.

Livvy instinctively threw the car keys to Do-Hyun, just when they got to the black Jeep. In mid-air, he had a grip on it– Pandy took the back seat and Livvy shared the front with Do-Hyun.

“ We're on our way there~,” Pandy said to someone over the phone. “ We should be there in 30 minutes ”

Livvy on the other hand was already gathering information on the situation and the scene. But then, the rain had already started as if the sky was morning the dead.

“ Gosh~ this is not good~ ” Pandy cried and Livvy moaned

“ Not now...”