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The Dominant Billionaires Miss Vengeance

The Dominant Billionaires Miss Vengeance

Author: Extraordinary Bards



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Kate Henshaw is the only daughter of the Henshaw family, her father had been so kind enough to adopt a sister for her. But no one knew the heart of men, her adoptive sister Mary got jealous of her and jeopardize her entire life by getting her father bedridden. Seducing her Fiancé Raymond and hiring people to kill her so she could take her place as the only daughter of the Henshaw family. But fate had its way of making things, Kate escaped death and met Eric; a handsome and powerful man from a wealthy family. He took an instant liking in her and proposed to help her take revenge as long as she was willing to marry him. Now will fate still be favorable to them or will their lives turn into a total mess? Read more to find out.
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Chapter 1

Two people could be seen In a dark abandoned warehouse.

The place had a weird pungent smell of some chemicals and isn’t a place suitable for women to be especially at such a night hour.

Yet there were two sisters, one tied to the floor and the other stood in front of her looking very proud.

“Please don’t kill me!” Kate begged her sister already predicting what might happen.

“It’s better to just kill you now sister, dad’s also about to die, why shouldn’t you? You’ll die today I tell you ha ha ha!” Mary Henshaw had a sinister smile as she spoke.

She adjusted her tight gown and flipped her hair in a dramatic way.

“Mary you can’t do this, my father and I took you as a family, we even gave you some shared from the company but you still did this, aren’t you too cruel? Just let me go you”

Kate cried in pain as she struggled to free her hands from the bound of the ropes, it was practically useless, the robes were so tight behind her back and she couldn’t succeed.

“Cruel? You’ve not seen anything yet, if I want something, I’ll definitely get it, and when people stand on my way… well you know what happens to them” Marry pointed at Kate’s legs and hands that were tied together and laughed. Pure evilness radiated from her.

“Mary please let me go Sister, I beg you!” Kate cried and begged Marry but Mary looked at her with resentment.

“Why should I let go of you? Huh! You had to be born into the Henshaw family and I had to adopted, why isn’t it the other way round? You’re also so selfish that you had to seduce Raymond so that he became blind and propose to you, you’re a witch Kate, I hate you!”

Marry used her well pedicures legs covered in her high heels and kicked Kate at the Belly.

“Ouch sister!” Kate cried in pain.

“Don’t call me that, you’re not my sister!” Roared Mary, she had a look of resentment.

“You are just a hypocrite, pretending to be righteous in front of everyone but deep down no one in the Henshaw family cares for me, I’ll finish you all one by one then claim the Henshaw name all to myself do you here that?”

Mary was already happy that her plans were already falling in place.

“Pah!” Kate spat at her.

“You are really disgusting, I wish my dad never adopted you, you don’t deserve to be in the Henshaw family, and no matter what you do, you’ll be caught and you will pay for your crimes”.

Mrry stared at Kate’s tear filled face and laughed. She really looked pathetic because she’s already received so many beatings after being drugged.

Mary was happy to see Kate in such a distorted position, but she was still not satisfied with the punishment.

“Pa pa pa” she clapped her hands suddenly and two hefty men came running to her.

They had smug smiles on their face. I took in their appearance, they wore casual T shirts and baggy trousers which was practically falling off their waist.

I suddenly go a bad feeling about this, they look far from decent people.

“Mary, what do you want again?” I asked anxious for the answer.

“What do you think Kate, if cause their here to have fun, don’t worry, I’ll make sure to close the door, you should let them enjoy you too”. Mary had a heinous smile as she turned to the men.

“She’s all yours boys, do to her all you want, remember to send me a picture of her disheveled when you’re done, I’ll ruin her name even after she’s gone, nothing good will remain of you”

After saying her mind, Mary adjusted her clothes and turned around.

After moving a few steps, she stopped and turned to look at Kate.

“By the way Kate, Raymond is waiting for me outside, he’s the one who helped me with this, you might wanna know.”

Just when she was about to turn and walk out of the warehouse, she heard a resounding laughter roaring in the place.

She thought that she must have done excellently well and Kate should be crying and begging for mercy by now, but it turns out Kate was laughing, she was agitated by the sound of it.

“What’s wrong with you witch?” She roared at her.

Kate was really devastated, she couldn’t believe that Raymond whom she thought was her love is now the one doing this to her, she felt unlucky about the people in her life.

“Didn’t you say she’s in good health?” One of the men said, he’s probably disturbed that she might be mentally unstable.

“I am perfectly fine you guys, didn’t you say you wanted me to have fun? How can I have fun with my hands and legs tied up? Hurry up and untie me so we can continue” Kate said.

Everyone was shocked. Was she that eager to be deflowered by those goons? Clearly they all knew she was a virgin so why was she acting like that?

“It’s probably the medicine I’ve injected her, don’t worry, hurry up and do what she said” Marry said with a satisfied smile on her face.

She thought that this might be a very good day for her as she left through the main entrance, she didn’t forget to luck the door just in case things get out of hands.

The two men however were too eager to have their way with her, they quickly untied her and both began to undress.

Kate took the opportunity to grab something out of her bag that was laying close to her.

The men were already undress, they moved closer to her and stretched their hands towards her, one was aiming for her skirt while another was aiming for her shirt.

Suddenly they heard a “shhhs” sound and felt pepper in their eyes. She had sprayed them with pepper spray.

She’s always been carrying in her bag but never got to use it, now it came it handy. It bought her enough time to escape from the place.

She stood up and made for the door while the men were busy scratching their eyes.

She tried opening the door but it was locked outside, she was strangers and didn’t know what to do. She looked around and soon found a window big enough for her to pass through.

Unfortunately for her, the window was locked so she still couldn’t go out.

She contemplated her next move when she heard noises behind her.

“You witch, how dare you spray is, you’ll not get away with this”

“You can’t go anywhere, we’ll finish you today” the other said as they made way towards her.

Kate panicked.

She frantically searched the area and found an old rod behind some cartons. She used it on the window. Luckily for her, the window was not made of strong material so it eventually broke.

She immediately climbed the window and fled, the men were still following her.

She decided to take a corner to hide from them but she suddenly ran into a strong object.

“Was there another wall in this corner also?” Kate thought. She used her hand to touch the “wall” it was not a wall at all, it was the shape of a human being.

Kate abruptly raised her head to see the outlines of a handsome man standing in front of her.

She couldn’t see him clearly because the place was still dark, but she could see that he had very good features.

She bumped into a handsome man she thought and felt embarrassed. Just then, there was a sound behind Kate and she suddenly remembered that she was running away from two lecherous men.

“Will you help me?” She asked. “I’ll give you whatever you want, I’ll do whatever you need, just save me from those monsters.

There was a small silence before he heard a deep husky masculine voice.


Just one one and Kate found herself smiling, she knew this voice.