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Love And Money

Love And Money

Author: Toro Inwang



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Fresh from college , burdened with a sick mom and on the brink of loosing her job, Katherine McAvoy finds herself getting married to Blue Cyber's CEO billionaire, Damian Ford. He isn't any girls dream husband but she's left with no options . As she spends months with him , she begins to view him in a new light , developing feelings that she's forgot even existed but then not everyone is happy with the duo. Infact Katie and Damian are faced with more challenges than ever from loved ones and enemies alike. When a Katie is set up Damian finds himself vulnerable and hurt causing him to send away but is this able to stop destiny from taking it course?
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Chapter 1

Katie's POV

"Guess what Katie?" Kelly asked me , I could see the excitement boldly written on her face , her cheeks looked like they were about to burst making her freckles more prominent and her brown eyes seem brighter .

" What is it ?" I groaned giving her a bored look.

" Stop being grumpy " Kelly giggled sounding sillier than usual and I didn't bother answering her . I knew she was going tell me eventually , Katie and I had been friends since third grade , we went to the same highschool and also NYU together and now we were living together in a studio apartment in williamsburg , Brooklyn , you could say Kelly and I were literally sisters.

" Are you going you going to tell me or I'll have to fight you for it ? I asked rolling up my sleeves in mock fight .

" Woah !Slow down there John Cena." she laughed. " You just got a job at Blue-"

" You're not joking are you ?" I jumped off sit my sit surprised, working at one of the biggest tech companies in the US had always been my dream and Blue Cyber hiring me was just wonderful since I'd spent most of my college years dreaming of working there . If this was true then today had to be the happiest day of my life !

This meant I was going to get an amazing salary and cope with taking care of myself and also my mom who had been in the hospital for some weeks since her mylema diagnosis. I was an only child of my parents and my dad died when I was only four leaving me which left me with the sole responsibility of taking care of my mom . I'd struggled to keep up with the bills and pressure since she got diagnosed a year ago through a few contracts I'd gotten as a free lance web developer but now. . . with this amazing opportunity I could save up enough for moms surgery and save a little by the side for myself!

" When last did you check your mails ?" her hands were placed on her hips while her left brow was arched giving her an " are you serious Katie?" expression.

" Oh my God!! This is amazing Kelly!" I said dragging her into a spin as we laughed excitedly.

" Let's see what they have to say " I said after thirty seconds of panting and finally finding my breath.

The mail was short and straight to the point , I'd gotten the job and they wanted to meet me at 1:45pm at the headquarters . 1:45pm ,that was basically fourty five minutes from now! Kelly and I exchanged worried glances. How come I got to see it now ? What on earth had i been thinking of , this mail was sent two days ago!

" What do I do Kelly?" I asked nervously tapping my feet on the floor .

" You're going to change up , put on your best dress , comb your hair and look lovely . That's what you're going to do . Now hurry up !" she shouted.

I really needed that , luck had to be on my side if not I was going to regret this day . I quickly put on a pair of black slacks and threw on the yellow chiffon shirt Kelly said looked perfect on me . The next thing I yanked was a brown bag from the rack , this outfit had to work in as much as it was a last moment pull up . Lastly was a pair of black stilettos to match . Great .

Kelly wished me luck as I got into my buick , I needed all the luck I could get if I was to get to Blue Cyber on time.

I smiled into the rearview mirror as I hummed loudly to a Taylor Swift's " anti hero" , checking my phone with my free hand the time said 1:30pm . I made the sign of the cross on my chest and said a short prayer .

Getting into the building I couldn't help but admire the decor , everything here screamed expensive from the rich colour of the polished wooden panels at the reception to the large screen where an ad was running . The air smelled of pinewood and lavender giving off a warm vibe . I heaved out a sigh , it just seemed like a few days when I'd started studying computer science at NYU and here I was , I was finally part of the coperate world and I couldn't help but smile at that thought. When I'd sent out my resume I didn't think I would get the job and if not for Kelly I probably wouldn't have applied at Blue Cyber. I had her to thank .

I walked down to the receptionist to ask for directions since I hardly knew my way around .

" Fourty seventh floor " she said without blinking away from a book she seemed busy with . Way to go . I hoped everyone wasn't as rude as she was over here .

Getting into the elevator I bumped into a tall frame , I uttered a sorry which he didn't respond to . Though I couldn't make out his profile from the angle I stood I could tell he was about 6"3 and from the clean cut of his suit and the fragrance of his cologne he had to be a big shot , I looked down at his well manicured hands and quickly looked away he had such a dominant aura surrounding him and I secretly wondered who he was, he felt familiar but where had I seen him? I pondered.