
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Joseph Jchrist





He was the prince who got away. He had it all - power, fame, glory, honor. (Did I mention the unlimited supply of money, alcohol and women?) Yet he chose the human world. She wasn't shy, quiet or even remotely sweet. She wasn't your girl next door and she certainly was not a princess. When Victoria is hired to kill a mysterious stranger, she didn't know she was dealing with royalty. Of the immortal kind. Their worlds are about to get intertwined in a way neither could've foreseen. Welcome to a place where pretences are everything and everyone lies to get what they want. There will be scandals. Conspiracies. Betrayal. Love. Vampires, angels, magic and smoking hot men. And of course, a whole lot of "What the hell just happened?"
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Chapter 1

Xavier P. O. V


"I'm going to be a motherfücking king!"

I didn't look up from the book I was reading, trying to calm myself down before I killed Daniel. My best friend and his whole 'I'm making a grand entry' thing always gave me a heart attack.

How do you calm down again? Something about counting backward?

I heard a scrapping noise and I knew he was sitting in front of me. I sighed in relief. Finally, he must've realized where we were -

"Didn't you hear me?" I'm pretty sure there were only a few people next door who hadn't heard him. "I'm going to be a king."

I started counting, refusing to look at him. Because a

looking at him made him real, and that meant I had to deal with him. And b

you do not just look up from a good book. Did Daniel not know how hard it was to find one - And just like that my copy of Sports Illustrated was stolen from me.

"Calm. The Fück . Down."

I wasn't entirely sure if I was talking to him or to myself.

"I'm going to be -"

"A king. Yep, got that." I massaged my temple.

To say that my best friend was excited was an understatement. "Now. I want you take a deep breath and look around. Where are we, Danny?"

Daniel did as he was told. There was absolute silence in the library. Twenty extremely annoyed heads were turned in his direction.

He had the decency to look sheepish.

"Come on," I shook my head, smiling despite myself.

I got up and led the way outside, Daniel following at my heels like an obedient puppy.

Once we were outside, we went to the cafe across the street. It was a homey little place

with potted plants and old school red- checkered tablecloth. The waitress was a twenty something blonde, who thankfully didn't try to flirt with me or Danny as I ordered us both some coffee.

"Six minutes and twenty one seconds. I'm impressed." I said, after she left. Not a word had come out of Daniel's mouth in that time.

He was actually sweating with the effort. "Go on."

"Your father is stepping down and the coronation is next month and you're going to be king which means I'm going to be king in your place." Daniel said, in one breath.

My brain took a minute to process that. "He's stepping down. Why?"

"Ask him yourself. You're coming with me."

"What? !"

I hadn't seen my father or my home in twelve years. I definitely didn't want to break that record now.

"He needs to see you. He asked me specifically to bring you with me." Daniel hesitated. "He isn't doing well, Xavier."

"He's sick." I thought about it. "Is he dying?"

Daniel glared at me. "Don't you dare talk to me about this like it's the fücking weather. I know you two have your problems but that man is the only reason we're alive and you know it."

It was my turn for a deep breath. I could easily disagree with that. If daddy dearest wanted me alive and well, he didn't have to send a trained professional with a gun as a birthday gift.

You'd think a note with some cake would be fine?

Naw, I'll preorder a grave and send you a few bullets to make it extra special .

But I didn't want to ruin my morning talking about my father. The ruining could wait until I had my caffeine.

"We will talk about this later." Before Daniel could open his mouth again - and man, was he furious - the waitress came to our table with a tray.

"So how's life back home?" I asked, casually.

"It's fine. I guess."

"You miss me?" I teased him.

"Of course, I miss you, you bloody idiot! I'm miserable. This isn't what I signed up for -"

"How's your girlfriend, Danny?" Cutting off Daniel mid rant wasn't usually effective, but the waitress was still there.

"Well, we broke up." He said, silently fuming.

"And no, it was not because she was suddenly interested in women like the last one."

The waitress set down two cups and left us. I think I saw her smile at his answer.

"Listen to me very closely." Daniel said, dead serious the minute she left. "The minute that crown's on my head there's no going back.

This little game we've been playing ends there.

So I'm asking you to think about it. Are you sure you don't want to come home?"

I sipped my coffee, unusually calm.

Considering the fact that he was asking me to decide what I wanted for the rest of my life.

And there was that ruining I was talking about.

Did I mention I was the firstborn Prince of Vetresca? Must've slipped my mind.

Royalty didn't mean being born with a silver spoon and pampered to the point your farts smelled like roses. Quite the contrary, my life was just a cruel joke to the Others from day one.

I ran away from the castle when I was fourteen. I came to New York and I worked at a restaurant as a dish boy. Glamorous, I know but I had no choice. I needed a new start.

So how does a royal family cover that screw up?

Daniel was my best friend since I was five. He was no DiCaprio, but he had a talent for acting and the same dark hair and blue eyes as me.

At that age, no one could even tell the difference.

So my best friend became my imposter.

I looked at Daniel. Looked at him properly for the first time today.

It struck me how different we'd turned out. I'd bleached out my hair and worn green contacts.

Danny's eyes had dark circles under them and his hair was tousled. I was down to my last sweatshirt and jeans and I'd been skipping meals to make up for rent. Danny wore a tailored black suit but he still looked more tired and gaunt than I did.

I wondered when was the last time he slept.

"I'm not coming home, Danny." I said.

"Congratulations. You'll make a fine king."

He laughed without humor. "Xavier, I can't handle a woman. You want me to handle your people?"

"You've done it so far -"

"Your father did it so far. You can argue with me about his - choices - but he was damn fine at what he did. I was born to serve you, not rule a kingdom."

"I consider this a service."

"So what happens when the council finds out?

They'll imprison me for the rest of my life.

They won't touch you but me -"

Daniel stopped short as the waitress returned.

"Yes?" He snapped at her.

The girl jumped a little. "I-um-Do you need anything else?"

"No, thank you." I gave her a smile to make up for Daniel's temper. "Oh, but could you get the bill? I think we're done here."

"The hell we're done -" Daniel started.

"We'll discuss this later." I said, pointedly.

After she left, I turned to Daniel. "I can't do this shît sober. Does your jet have a bar or do I need to go broke to afford some vodka?"

Danny was about to yell at me again when he understood what I was saying.

"Does that mean you're coming to Vetresca?"

"Well, that depends. We could go to Tahiti if you're up for it. You get the sweetest sangria and I'm all for body shots -"

"Quit jerking around." Daniel was all about snapping today. "Are you serious about this?"

I sighed. After that lovely speech about him getting behind bars, unfortunately, I was serious. I definitely didn't want the throne, but this was no place to discuss that.

"Lead the way, your highness."