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Luck Or Fate

Luck Or Fate

Author: Zareen


Realistic Urban

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Luck or fate is something which can't be determine by measures. If you guess a thing it can be either right or wrong there's a fifty fifty probability for both result. Jenny even being the legal daughter always lived in uncertainty because of her upbringing environment.
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Chapter 1

Ian's POV

"Dad when will you return.. from t.h.e.r.e..?" Asked my sweet 3 years old daughter through the phone of her mother.

"Why? What will you do after my return? Are you missing me munchkin?" I asked being amazed.

She is only 3 years old but her broken words never leave me to be amazed.

"Alright give phone to your mom, I want to talk with her." I said her with a pout just the way she always use while asking something from us.

I can't believe, I'm talking pouting like a girl. Ahh life what a umm ... Yeah blasted life.

"Sweet little girl please give mobile to your momma" again I asked.

Oh my God she started to cry, her mother will murder me.

"Honeybee please don't cry, daddy will also start crying." I said without thinking much.

"Is daddy with you dad? Where's he now, I want to talk with him." Asked my daughter that too gleefully.

"With whom you are talking Ella?" Yelled my wife of four years.

Yes yes I'm happily married with extension of a cute little baby. Well it's not like the baby is born due to our marriage it's in the reverse way. We are married with each other due to the baby. Huh how happy I was single, never ready to be in committed with another person. But see where fate has bring me.

"Oh it's you! I thought she was talking alone." Said Jenny to me and asked our daughter when she has learned to receive a call making me laugh out loud at her question.

"Sweet Jenny she didn't receive any call, it's her who has called me instead. It's me who has received the call." I replied.

"No way, you are baffling. She's a baby, how can she call you through the phone that too video call." Asked my wife being amazed and shocked at the same time.

"Baby who taught you to do video call from mobile." Jenny asked my munchkin gently.

"Momma have taught me." Said Ella giving a toothy smile to her parents.

"I have a meeting in five minutes, so.. talk to you later. Bye." By saying I have cut the phone call.

I can't believe it. It's been four years that I'm married to Jenny but it's still unbelievable for me.

If it was not for Mark and Kate then we would have never thought to get married.

I'm now in vacation with my lover. I know it's wrong in many way. But what to do, my heart doesn't want to listen any logic. When for the first time I have said the same to Jenny her reaction was shocking. She said it's not heart it's my brain who doesn't want to listen any logic as hearts function is blood pumping. It's brain which work is thinking, analysing etc etc.

Ah you are hurting me, please no it's not okay. Listen to me... and blah blah... very strange voice of my lover shouting or moaning to someone come in my ear while entering the room allocated to us, after talking with Ella and Jenny.

And the boom... After opening the door...

"What the hell is this!" I can't decide i should be shocked or super shocked.

Jenny's POV

I'm sure now Ian is thinking that I was the one to call him. How embarrassing is it! Already there's too many misunderstanding between this one... ahh why it's me only. And Kate how can she teach a four years old about using a mobile phone.

"Ella baby, now go and play with your toys."

"No I will play with your phone." Replied my super annoyed precious princess.

I can't believe it's my life now. If anyone would have told me before that I would be willingly married for almost 4 to 5 years then I would have told them to dig up a hole and jump into it. After witnessing the horror of married life who will be wanting to get married.

But it was a good experience till the time it existed. I thought I can die being married to Ian there won't be any problem. But with passing time their judgement about me is changing. And I can't take it if they also misunderstood me. Also me being habitual to this life is not a good thing. I have to go from their lives before they toss me out like everyone else.

"Jenn Jenny where are the?" Shouted Kate.

"Coming." By saying I opened the door of my room.

Here stoot my irritating yet loving friend.

Ian's POV

"What the hell are you doing?" I said by boiling in anger.

There stoot my guilty lover.

"What a stupid thing is it. You are talking with this blasted dog." I asked being totally baffled.

"Don't say it as stupid. It has a name and it's kitty." Replied Dean making me more frustrated.

"What have you named it! Come again. Are you for serious? And what was the weird sounds, what are you trying to do?" I blast at him.

Poor Dean, already I'm spending time with him after a very long time but he managed to irritate me.

"Don't shout at me. And kitty has scratched my hand then he was licking the scratched hand then won't I be hurt. Also you know I feel tickle easily. Then what's wrong have I said."

"Wait.. wait what you thought?" Asked Dean.

"I...I .." I tried to answer but got nothing to say.

" Leave it Ian, it's been too long we are meeting but you... Were you expecting me to cheat on you, so you can continue to live with your beloved wife happily." Accused Dean making me disbelieve on his thoughts about me.

I know I don't give him time like before. But he has to understand the situation now. It's not like I give time to Jenny, it's just now with work pressure Ella also has started to trouble me a lot. With her age she has started to ask too many questions.

There's Jenny, who is also weird she is in this fake relationship with loyalty. Her loyalty makes me feel guilty about being in relationship with Dean. That's also a reason to have minimum contact with Dean.

"Dean you know why I have been married for this many years." I tried to put sense in him.

"I don't know anything, you are changing Ian. What do you think that I will be happy seeing your doting husband role in the front page of newspaper almost in everyday." Dean literally shouted.