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Revenge or Lust

Revenge or Lust



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Ashley was taken from an orphanage by Aunty Maggie, a pimp who runs a brothel. While she was not involved in prostitution, Ashley served as a maid to the patrons of the brothel. One day, a man comes in for a one night stand and wants to take Ashley instead. Aunty Maggie sells her without a second thought and Ashley finds herself working as a personal maid to the man. As Ashley falls in love with him, she discovers that he is not just a werewolf but an alpha werewolf and he was the one who killed her parents. Will she choose love or revenge?
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Chapter 1

*Ashley's POV*

The memories from that day come flooding back to me. I can still see it so clearly, like it had just happened. I can still feel the fear that filled every inch of my body, and the overwhelming sadness that followed.

I was only a child at the time, but I can still remember it as if it were yesterday. I remember the sunlight streaming through the windows, the smell of freshly baked pies filling the air, and the laughter of my beloved parents.

But then it all changed.

The door was suddenly kicked open and three men burst in. Two were humans, but the other was a large, scary looking wolf. I remember the fear that filled the room, and my parents' pleas for mercy. But the wolf ignored them. He moved forward and with a single swipe of his paw he drove it into their hearts.

The next thing I remember is screaming. The sound of my own voice filled my ears, and I couldn't make it stop. I felt my legs give way beneath me, and my vision began to blur. I remember my parents' lifeless bodies on the floor, and the blood that was everywhere.

I felt like my world had ended. After that day, I was taken to an orphanage where I stayed for a while. It felt strange for me. I was always use to welcoming my dad and mom from work whenever they came back but there, I had no one. No one even noticed me. I stayed there for a while and was soon adopted.

I was taken in by a woman named Aunty Maggie, a pimp and owner of a brothel for girls, who had heard about what had happened. She said she had a similar story to mine so that was why she took me in and cared for me like I was their own. Over the years, I slowly began to heal, though the pain of losing my parents never truly went away.

But I had to keep going. I had to find a way to make my life meaningful, to make sure their deaths weren't in vain. So I worked hard for Aunty Maggie and promised myself that I would eventually leave her and become a successful businesswoman. Luckily, she had mercy on me and did not turn me into one of her girls who she made to sleep with men for money. Howwver, she did make sure I work three times harder than those girls. I ran errands in and out of her business, but I was okay with it. As long as I was not sleeping with anyone.

I can still hear my parents' voices in my head, urging me to keep going. I still remember that fateful day, but now I can atleast bear the pain. I know that I am not living the life that my parents wanted for me, but what options do I have?

No matter how hard it gets, I will never forget that day. It will be with me forever. I will never forget the look of terror in my parents' eyes, or the sound of the wolf's claws piercing their hearts. Each time I remember it, my heart get broken all over again. Silently, I pray that I find that werewolf who killed my parents and I get to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Yes. I will get revenge for my parent's death... I think to myself. I smile as I have these thoughts.

I was still deep in my thoughts when someone slapped me from behind. I turn to exert my anger and behold, I am face to face with Aunty Maggie.


I got brought back to reality with a hard slap on my head. Whimpering in pain, I cry out loud, "Aunty M, what was that for?" I say as I fake tears and slowly stand to my feet. My legs shaking and my palms holding my cheeks. I was ready for an earful from her.

"Ashley. Are you trying to run my business down? You little brat?!!!! Do you want me to go broke?!" She screamed at the top of her voice. All the customers who had been passing with their girls in their hands paused to look at us. I was beginning to feel embarrassed.

"Aunty Maggie, what's wrong? What did I do?" I ask as I walk a little closer to her, cautious enough to keep my distance, Incase she wishes to slap me again. She pauses for a while before she speaks..

"What's your job description in this company? What did I tell you to do?" She asks me with a frown on her face.

"Ma, I am to serve the customers drinks, make their beds and prepare the rooms before and after they are done with their businesses, provide and serve them food if they would like and collect money after they are done with their pleasure" I said out loud, trying to remember as much as possible which she said to me when I came here.

She nodded as she spat out the chewing gum in her mouth, "So tell me... no.. tell me.. why in the name of Ashley would you be sitting idle when we have a full house, when you have that much work to do? You are the only one here who does that job and you are sitting idle. Why?"

I hold my cheek as I turn around to observe. Truly we have a full house. I see men screaming at the top of their voices that they need rooms. I see men screaming for bear. We have some men and their girls at the food section and I also some men walking out of the Brothel without paying. I instantly regret my decision of sitting a little to take a rest. I turn to Aunty Maggie and apologize. I do not even wait for her to accept the apology, I just adjusted my apron and scurried away. I left Aunty Maggie looking at me with a semi spiteful look. At a far distance, I turn, scream her name and blow her a kiss.

She's been like a mother to me, I knew my kiss would soften her heart and she would not be mad at me for that long.


I had just finished sorting out the customers' food requests in the brothel when I heard a loud laugh from behind me. I turned around and saw a customer, a tall, broad man with a smirk on his face. He was looking at me up and down with a hint of appreciation in his gaze. I felt my skin crawling, and my heart rate picked up. I didn't like the way he was looking at me.

Before I could take a step back or say anything, he reached out and grabbed my ass. I gasped in shock and anger. I had no idea what to do, but my body seemed to know what it wanted. I turned around and sent my elbow to his face, catching him off guard and causing him to stumble back.

The man looked shocked and angry. "How dare you!" he shouted. "You're going to pay for that!"

I didn't know what to say. Aunty Maggie, the owner of the brothel, had always been clear that the customers were not to be touched, and here I was, being groped and assaulted. I felt violated and scared, but I refused to show it.

"I'm sorry, sir," I said calmly, my voice shaking slightly. "But you should know better than to touch someone without her permission. It's not acceptable in this establishment."

The man's face contorted in anger. "You're going to regret this!" he shouted. With that, he stormed away.

I knew that I had done something wrong, and I was worried about what would happen next. I was relieved when Aunty Maggie came to me and asked what had happened. I explained the situation and apologized for my actions.

Aunty Maggie looked at me sympathetically. "It's alright, Ashley," she said. "I understand why you did it, and I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. However, the customer has reported you, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to take disciplinary action against you."

I nodded, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me. I had been working so hard to make sure that I treated the customers well, and now I was being punished for it.

Aunty Maggie patted my arm. "Don't worry, Ashley," she said. "It won't be too harsh. I know you were just trying to protect yourself and I'm proud of you for that. I'll make sure you're taken care of."

I thanked her and was returning to my duties of preparing the rooms for new customers when someone grabbed my hand. I turned around to have a look and I was blown away by what I saw.

"I saw what you did to him" he said. "Would you do that to me?"