
Let’s Read The World

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Legend Of Game

Legend Of Game

Author: hua.hsiung_23



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Our protagonist, Sophie Athena Gerald is a famous gamer in their world. One day, Sophie and her gaming group disappeared without a trace. When they woke up, they found themselves in a strange and unfamiliar place. Only after they manage to be a group again did they found out that there was a traitor among them. Will they survive the strange and unfamiliar world? Who is the traitor and the mastermind? will they find out about the truth?
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Chapter 1


the world

             In a class,

"Alright, that is it for today class" He was about to leave but then suddenly he saw a student raise their hand, "Yes Erno!" He point to the student.

"Sir, the bell haven't rang yet. we have half an hour left"

"hmm?" He looked at his phone. "Oh you're right, then what do you guys wanna do?"

Another student raise their hand. "Then how about Sir tell us another story?"

"Another storytelling? hmmmm sure"

All the student, "YES!!" "Hooray!!"

"Alright, alright. But today's story will be related to my lesson today."

"no objection alright, if you guys objected then I'll just leave for today-"

"Sir don't go!! We won't protest!"

"Good." He went to his table and sit on it with the board facing his back.

"Alright let's start. So-"

        "Long long ago, in the black hole, all of the universes were one. And so, in every galaxy that ever exist had portals. Well to be precise, it was know as 'gates' at that time of the world. I know what you want to say, but it wasn't like in the fantasy comics or novels you read. There is no such a thing as system or anything like that. Those things only exists in the fantasy.  So anyways, because of the gates existed, there were many beings that went instinct live together. Humans, orge, giants, demons, devils just say it. But of course the only beings that doesn't live with us were the angels. "

"How about The God, Sir?"

He laugh. "Of course not. The God isn't a being but a creator that creates the world itself. If The God and the angels lived with us, why is there still many religions? Why is there people who doesn't believe in god? So of course The God and the angels doesn't live with us."

     "So let's continue. After a few hundred years later, without a clear reason, the universe fell apart. The universe scattered into a few parts. The only discovered universes that are still exist until now are four universe.  Maybe there are still more, but all the scientists discover are the four universe. And because of that accident, many beings went instinct."

"Sir, does that means there is a possibility where there are still beings living in other galaxy or even universe?"

"Of course. Actually it is confirmed that there are beings that live in the milky way galaxy. Although there are beings in the milky way, they only live in one sphere thingy called Earth. Their ways of living are also very different from us. They called their star on their solar system Sun. Their star isn't like ours, Alpheratz. Ours is blue while theirs is white."

"Sir, doesn't that means that our star is more hotter than theirs?"

"Correct! 10 point for you. Here's a fun fact, they doesn't speak in the same language as us. OH oh! And the best thing is, their Earth is the only one who provides the most oxygen. Unlike in our galaxy,  their Earth provides more oxygen than our galaxy have. So my point is that if they come here, they can't live long."

"But the shocking thing is, our universe was suppose to be like them. What I mean by that is, we also lived on the sphere soils thingies. If I'm not mistaken, they were called planets."

A student raise their hand. "Then sir, how do we live in the planets? won't we fall if we go down?"

"Good question. To be honest, just like our lands, the planets have gravity that make us won't fall from the planet. So continuing where I left off.... One day an accident happened in our galaxy. Humans, which can be our ancestors, made a tech that is far too dangerous for the world. They were careless and make it even tho they knew the consequences."

It was dead silent for a while. "And so that is how our galaxy have only Alpheratz in the middle and a lot of lands floating every where in the galaxy.~"

" ....."

" Ah, I almost forgot, and because of the accident, our DNAs change to adapt with our surroundings. So, like the common knowledge we have, there are peoples who can awakened one or more powers. Yes the Awakens. And so that is the history of our galaxy.... Any questions?"

"Sir! Is the thing they were making still exist today?"

" Oh I'm also curious, Sir. What did they made?"

Before anyone can asks more, the bell rang.

"Alright that's it for today."

"Wait Sir you haven't answer my question-"

"Ah, maybe next time~ I need to go. I have another class so see you guys soon."

He takes his stuffs and went out.

"Hey I think Sir is avoiding the question."

"Yeah you think so too?"

"Now that you mention it, it's true."

"Oh yeah, did you guys know about the legend of 'The Game'?"

"Oh yeah, I also have heard about it."

"hmm? Wait I never hear it. Fill me in!"

