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His Insanity

His Insanity

Author: Author Innayat



His Insanity PDF Free Download


"I'm a married women," she cried . " So...what? Now you are my mistress, " he retorted back looking straight into her eyes. " Listen Naina here it's only me who will fuck you but if you deny me once more, then I swear those men are still waiting outside. My one call and they will tear you like some savage animals. Choice is all yours," Advik warned with a hard glare. " Now strip!!!" He commanded without an ounce of guilt. When Advik met Naina ,he was smitten by her beauty. But he was wounded when he came to know that she is the wife of his bitter enemy. Even tried to kill his father. Out of rage, he tortured her, humiliated her and even did the worst. What will happen when he comes to know the truth? What he will do? And will she forgive him? This is a forbidden love story. #revenge # Forced # dark romance
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Chapter 1

Main characters  

Naina Verma  -26 years old beautiful  girl .  She has a height of 5 feet 7 inch with hourglass figure.She  has only one motive  and that is the downfall of khanna empire. She is the daughter of Samar Verma and Nandini Verma.  

Advik  khanna- 22 years  old. He is known as lady killer .  He never persuade any woman but never denied any offer from them until he met the woman, wife of his bitter enemy. His personality has such dominiance that everyone  obeys without giving a second thought. For his enemy he is another name of terror and ruthlessness.  He is 6 feet 3 inch tall with great physique. But behind this  personality nobody can see the loneliness in his heart.   He is the son of Rohit khanna  and Anita khanna  

Karan Sharma  - 26  years old . He is 6 feet height with great physique. A man who takes calculative steps. He want to conquer the world. His wants to reach such a position in the business world that nobody can stand  beside him.  He is the son of Amar Sharma  and Priya Sharma. 

Anvi  Singh -22 years old.   She is the sister of Naina.   

Mahima Singh  and Utpal Singh  are maternal aunt and uncle  of  Naina Verma .  

Rest of the characters you will come to know as the story will proceed.  


The woofer of the music system at a high playback level generates massive energy vibrating the wall and throughout the entire room. 

Advik is running on the treadmill for half an hour. Slowly he reduced the speed clicking on the switch and get down.  It is his early morning routine to spend two hours in the gym with a massive sound system. 

After an excessive workout, he moves to his bedroom.  Grabbing his towel he enters the washroom.  The cold water touched his skin and calmed his toned muscles. Closing his eyes he calculated the work which needs his attention back in the office. 

Advik looks at the wall clock as he prepares his black coffee. Sipping down the coffee he moves to the balcony of his penthouse. The cold morning air caresses his hair as he leans down on the relying. His intense stare is on the hoarding which is 5 meters in height and width. 

The 3-D picture of the newly launched perfume displayed by their top model Alina Mathur holds his sight  A smirk appeared on his face as he gulps down the hot coffee recalling the passionate night he had two days back with her. 

   Advik Khanna,   23 year old single but every night he is committed inside his bed, and the next morning he is again back to his single life. He is tall, muscular, and devilish handsome. His look makes girls and women drool over him. For him a good fuck and the night over.  Two things interest him the most - one warm pussy  and the other good food. He is the future heir of the khanna empire. The one and only son of Rohit Khanna and Anita Khanna. He has a sister who is eight years younger than him but she is kept far from the limelight.  

  Rohit Khanna decided that Advik will join the family business at the age of 25years  till then he will work as one of the high designated employees in his company.  He wants him to learn all the skills and techniques which are required to run a company efficiently.  And Advik was a promising son who proved his caliber multiple times. Nobody knows that Advik is Rohit's son except his personal assistant. People in the office consider him as the right hand of Rohit. It took years for Rohit Khanna to build such a vast empire and he is not such type of father who would serve everything to his son on a silver plate. One has to earn everything may it be his one and only son.    As it says with great power comes great responsibility and lots of enemies. One of the biggest enemies is  Amar Sharma.  He is the owner of Sunrise Enterprise Pvt Ltd. His son Karan Sharma is the heir of the business.  A man who can go to any extent to reach success.  In the business world, it is known that both the groups are rivals and both have a link with the underworld.  It is the trait of the enemy that has passed from father to son for which now both the sons were fighting for power and destruction of one another.  One is already exposed to the business world and the other would be within 2 and a half years.  A bitter enemy.

      Sometimes Advik used to wonder the life that he is leading would it be the same if she was alive?  Would he remain a womanizer if she was by his side?  No..never. His heart use to answer him back.  He would have been a loyal companion like his father.  Why won't, she was his first obsession. His childhood friend or you can say his possessive platonic love.   

During his childhood, he had only one friend and that is her.  Pinky....whom he madly wanted to be only his friend. The girl for whom he would go to any extend back those days.  The ten years old boy always ponder over finding different ways to keep her only for himself. 

   Whenever he recalls those days a sweet smile appears on his face.  Childhood days. But now she is no more and nobody could melt down his heart.  He is a hot-blooded male and has his needs which landed him into different women every night. 

   He is busy enjoying his coffee when he heard his cellphone ringing.  Keeping his thought at bay he moved inside to grab his cellphone which is lying on the kitchen slab.  He kept down his cup for maids to clean as he picked up.  Rohit's PA is calling. 

"hello "

"Hello, Advik beta


 I call you up as sir asked me to remind you about the meeting in Pattaya. I'm sending the tickets through the mail.  Please check it. "  came the voice of Kamlesh Yadav, the PA of Rohit Khanna.

" well, I will do it. Is it the same business class? "he questioned. 

Kamlesh chuckled hearing it.  He knows how much Advik hates to travel in business class.  He wants his own plane but it won't be possible until six months when he would be officially the heir. Till then he has to adjust with everything.

"yes, son... It's business class.  He replied.  Advik was annoyed.

"at least I deserve First Class. Well, this time let it be.  Next time make it for sure " 

"Okay ." he smiled and disconnected the line. 

Thank God when he was studying business management in the USA his mother purchased him this penthouse or else if possible for Rohit, he would have arranged for some flat for his son.  

   Rohit wants his son to realize the value of hard work because to raise this big empire he had made many sacrifices and had to step in many bloodbaths. He wants Advik to fully grasp its importance.  Because handling such a vast empire with enemies who are ready to pierce dagger any moment is not a matter of joke.  

    Advik tossed aside his phone and approached his bedroom to prepare for the trip. 
