
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Dandy





A celebrity named Meiah Cruz, who known for her voice and great acting skills, was linked to a scandal which made her career went to dumps. A lot of people hates her, and she decided to move out of the most expensive apartment she has to start anew in a new town. Not knowing that she would meet Justine Mendez, the hottie bachelor in town and known for it’s businesses in around the world. What would happen if two lonely people meet to escape in Euphoria?
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Chapter 1

  “Is it true that the Vice President of KM Entertainment molested you?”

  “Did he really sexually harassed you?”

  “On what grounds can you prove that he did that?”

  “Do you have any proofs or strong evidence?”

  “Are you sure you didn’t allow that in exchange of your career?”

  Mr. Monroe, Meiah’s manager turn off the 75-inch smart TV and threw the remote on the couch where Meiah is sitting. He then massaged the temple of his head, looked at his phone that keeps ringing and vibrating on his pocket, he swiped to answer the phone and looked at Meiah while talking.

  “Hello, Kevin Monroe’s speaking… yes… That’s right, Meiah’s manager…. No… sorry but I had nothing to tell you. Good bye.”

  He then shifted his attention to Meiah, “What should we do?” Frowning and brushed his hands on his hair.

  “We had evidence!” She shouted.

  “But you know how powerful he is.”

  “I know.”

  She grinned and lit up a cigarette on the her left hand and smoked. At this point, where she felt that the sacrificing in exchange of popularity is nothing but a burden, she finally freed herself from someone taking advantage of her weakness, but nothing have been changed. It’s still the same. It’s still a burden and very saddening.

  “Do you have any plans?” He sat down in front of her and also lit up a cigarette Meiah handed to him.

  “You know the villa I bought in the southern province?”

  He nodded.

  “I’m going to stay there for a mean time after dropping the fireworks I’ve made.”

  “You know very well that Henry isn’t a person who just let someone ruin him.”

  “I had no idea that I can ruin him.”

  “You know, for someone who had an angelic face like you, I never thought you could do this.”

  “Do what?”

  “Like this.”

  “I don’t get you.”

  Mr. Monroe shocked but still agrees. He thought, this would be a great chance to put down the KM Entertainment which he owns before. Yes, he owns before the Vice President, Mr. Yang, planted a scene so he could back down on the throne and sell the castle. That’s when he met Meiah who’s busking at the busy street where a lot of foreigners come. An angelic voice and angelic face was sent by the heaven to use her as a revenge for him.

  “You can still work and update me from time to time. We needed bait for the predator to bite.” She added and toss the cigarette on the table.

  “So the interview will still held as is?”

  “Of course. Everything will stay as it’s planned.”

  “I better go made a new celebrity.”

  “As you wish.”

  She nodded, grinning like an evil, then turned on her phone so Mr. Yang would get a hold of her.

  Just like what she initially thought, her phone rang.

  And it’s Mr. Yang.

  She took the phone, sip on the wine, and slid to answer the call.

  “Bitch!” Mr. Yang shouted loudly that made Meiah distance her phone.

  But on her mind, it was just like what she wanted. Hearing Mr. Yang shouted in rage made her smile. It’s not because she had some kind of mental illness, but it was very delightful to hear that she made him very mad because of the truth.

  Nothing’s really painful than the truth.

  “Jerk!” She responded with a sweet voice.

  Mr. Yang chuckled on the other line. “And you even think you just climbed the ladder to your fame because a lot of people focus on you?”

  “Oh! Did my name trended on twitter that made you come and call me?”

  Meiah is popular among all ages. She had been offered a lot of guestings, leadings on dramas and movies and even a contract to US Label. She even had a title as a Nation’s First Love with her 13 years in the entertainment industry.

  “You think you can bring me down with your petty evidences?”

  Meiah got stunned in a moment. She knew better than anyone else that he’s not someone you can get to go down that easily. He can’t break that easily. He’s hell one of those powerful people. He has connections and Meiah didn’t have any inch of those.

  “But I can put dirt on your name.” She said bravely.

  When she started her career as a singer, Mr. Yang gave her a lot of attention but as soon as she keeps receiving gifts from him, he started to get what he really meant with the presents. It was her body. But she didn’t give in.

  She refused.

  But he persisted.

  She said no.

  But he keeps doing it.

  “Go on and try it.”

  “I will and I shall.”

  And she ended the call. Her knees weakened and Mr. Monroe caught her.

  “You’ve done very well.”

  She smiled as she felt that her heavy heart weighs lighter and lighter day by day. Fighting with someone like Mr. Yang is for peace of mind. She thought, that if she wouldn’t speak up for herself, she at least speak up for those other women who experienced it.

  The next day..

  “Are you ready?” Mr. Monroe asked her as she walks out of the elevator to the parking lot where Mr. Monroe was waiting for 15 minutes.

  It is the day where they decided to drop everything they had as an evidence. It’s not solid as a rock that can hit Mr. Yang painfully but still can ruin things that surrounds him.

  She just shrugged off her shoulders and get in the red Rover which she also owns. From her small business around the country, she even had an apartment building so going out of this industry doesn’t scare her. It’s the people and how Mr. Yang’s people can do to her that makes her fear each day.

  It’s been a week since she call out Mr. Yang as a Sexual Predator. He touched her butt during the meetings of her concerts and fan-meeting, even tried to put some sleeping powder on her drinks to get her, but none of his tricks ever succeed.

  Most of the people blamed her. Blamed the clothes, blamed her career, blamed the way she behaves around Mr. Yang, but no one blamed Mr. Yang.

  It’s so toxic for her.

  The mindset of the people who used to liked her.

  She’s thankful of those who stayed and fought with her.

  But it still hurts her when she reads hateful comments on her social media accounts calling her, “Little Demon” “Bitch” “Prostitute” and any other things someone would never like to be called.

  They arrived at the hall where she was invited by an Journalizing Company to come clean and tell her details. GU Journalizing Company. The only reporting company who called her and wanted to know the whole truth.

  Lots of camera-man went after her and keeps on taking pictures. Mr. Monroe guided her to enter the exclusive building so she can safe enter.

  “Don’t be nervous.” He whispered.

  “I won’t.”

  She smiled as the staffs greeted her. They led her to the seat in front of exclusive reporters who also invited, she fixed her white long sleeve polo, took off the sunglasses she was wearing, and confidently smiles at the camera with her no make up look for today’s show.

  She handed the papers to the staffs, the papers that has the screenshots from the video they’ve gathered before Mr. Yang’s employee delete it.

  “Good Day, I’m Meiah Cruz. I’m here not only to get sympathy nor be pitiful in front of everyone.” She sighed, trying to stop her hands from shaking in nervousness. “ I am here to tell you not only the whole truth but the pure truth behind the statement I’ve released on my personal instagram account regarding my departure from KM Entertainment, and the vice president of the said company, who molested and sexually harassed me.” She added.

  The staff carefully show the images one by one on the screen that made everyone shocked. It was when they had the last meeting for the expired contract of her, Mr. Yang touched her legs and caressed it. Not only that, there’s even a video he followed her on the rest room and forcing himself to kiss her.

  “Everyone saw it and stayed silent.”

  “So are you going to file a case?” The woman from the left in the back asked.

  “I would love to, but the higher ups he had connection with, doesn’t allow me.”

  “Do you really think that it’s Mr. Yang?”

  “Not only that, is that really Mr. Yang?”

  “Isn’t looked like Mr. Monroe?”

  The reporters started to whisper and talked to each other. By then, she bowed her head 90 degrees, left the stage, wear the sunglasses and went to the parking lot where a hired driver’s waiting the whole time.

  “To the airport.”

  Today is going to be a new life. A hundred percent different from her celebrity life where everything was recorded.

  They booked a plane ticket all the way to the most southern part of the country, where her villa is located to another villa. She had enough money and some of her businesses are growing so she doesn’t need to worry about the money.