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His Obsessions

His Obsessions

Author: Esther kiz



His Obsessions PDF Free Download


A mother would do anything to protect her daughter from the world of gangster even if it means sacrificing her happiness and the daughter would do anything to find her father and this landed her in the midst of the gangsters her mother was trying to protect her from. And as fate would have it, she had an encounter with the mafian boss rumoured to be cruel, cold and intimidating. Though she was not aware of this fact
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Chapter 1

Flower Alvarado Khloe has never seen the outer world in all twenty one years of her life not because she didn't want to but because she was made to believe that the world is evil and scary. She had been home schooled and had never been allowed to leave her room or rather her home which was far away from all other houses. She has no friends, no siblings, no dad; just her, her mum, Matilda and her dog Dariel.

Her mum had been suffering from a particular disease which she wouldn't let Flower know. But unfortunately Flower saw her taking her pills and when she asked her mum about it, she had shunned her never to ask her about it again.

Flower had always wanted to see her father and the outside world but she wouldn't dare ask since her mother warned her not to.

All alone in her room, Flower sat on the bed with her dog cuddling up with her, watching Netflix on her Laptop when the door opened and her mum entered

"Excuse me young lady" Matilda said as she tried to get her daughter's attention.

Flower turned to acknowledge her presence

" I'll be going out for a while but I'll be back in a jiffy" Matilda continued

"Can I come with you mum?" Flower stared at her with hopeful eyes

"No, you can't baby; I'll be back before you know it" She moved closer and pecked her on her forehead

" Take care" with that, she left the room

Flower sighed disappointedly " I guess it's just you and me Dariel"


Lucien kows the exact moment Matilda left her house. Hell he knows all her movements, her whereabouts and her daughter or rather his daughter. He had always wanted to go to her and apologize but knowing the kind of person Matilda is, she won't listen to him; not when he lied to her.

The best he could do was to protect his daughter and wife the best way he could by using his guards to guide them even if the guards are not living close to her house. He knew she had always liked peaceful places.

He was still in his thought when he received a message on his phone. He smiled when he saw the message. It read that the sum of $2500 had been from his account. He knows it's Matilda, even if she wouldn't talk to him and is hiding from him, she never ceases to withdraw money from his account whenever she needs it and that always makes him happy. Besides who is he working for? if not for his wife and daughter. He doesn't mind if she withdraws all the money in his account cause it gives him hope that she still wants to have something to do with him.

A knock came at the door, he responded and the intruder came in. It was his trusted guard that he had placed on Matilda and his daughter. The young man bowed in Obeisance.

" Good day boss" The man greeted

Lucien acknowledged the man's greeting with a nod of his head

"Any information?" Lucien asked

" Yes boss . Just found out from my men that she's heading to the mall" Jackson answered.

Lucien nods "Are you sure she didn't see your men"

" No boss, she isn't even aware that she's being monitored"

" Ok, thanks a lot Jack. It is really rare to find such a trustworthy man like you"

" Am happy to know that I please you"

" You may leave" Lucien told Jack in a dismissal tone and Jackson bowed and left.


Mark arrivrd at the Kings mansion whistling when he saw Claudia, Damien's housekeeper. He wouldn't pass by her without greeting her, not because she was Damien's housekeeper but because he respects her as his mum

"And where are you coming from this noon? It's always about the ladies , young man; sometimes I begin to wonder who is better between you and that jerk face" Claudia teased.

Mark clutched his chest tight feigning hurt

" You hurt me badly baby "

" Sorry boy, that shitty line doesn't work on me "

"But baby, you know I am better than the jerk head you call Damien"

" Don't let him hear you" she further warned jokingly with smiles on her face

" By the way, where is that jerk face?"

" In his study on the fourth floor"

" Thank you baby, I'll be right back. See you soon" Mark winked at her and left. Claudia could only shake her head.


Damien a twenty seven years old guy with thick black hair, with eyes so green that reminds anyone of the deep and beautiful forest, 6.4 feet's tall, hair cut short but in a sexy way. Pink lips sharp jaw line, pointed nose and a gold earring on his right ears. Indeed Damien was really handsome. The ladies see him and they fall for him; the gays would do anything to have a night with him, any lady would also want to have a night with him and Damien Kings has always been the bad guy who would happily fulfill that wish for the girls but the gays are always disappointed because he never has nothing to do with gays though they admire him.

Indeed he was a demi-god. A god in human form. He looks just like a model.

He was working on his computer in his study when the door opened. He already knows who dares to come into his study without knocking so he didn't even bother to look up from the system or even acknowledge the intruder.

" Not even an acknowledgement from the jerk face to his best friend" Mark stated but Damien still didn't answer. Mark went closer to him and closed the Laptop. Damien rolled his eyes "seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. You really need to learn to stop operating on this shit you call a laptop"

" Why are you here?" Damien asked, not showing interest in what his friend was saying

" You are always boring Mr Kings. By the way I heard Bella Cruz is in town together with Emilia Drake and I met up with them; and guess what?

Damien didn't reply, he just rolled his eyes

" I wonder why am even friends with you" Mark complained

" Whatever. As you can see Mr, I was working when you came in here and if you don't have any important thing to say, you may use the door"

"Asshole" Mark muttered but continued anyways "so as I was saying, I met up with both of them and I requested for a night with them and they both agreed. Can't wait to f**k them senseless"

Mark could tell that Damien wanted to say something but was restricting himself

" You mean you're f**k those bimbo's? You made a reservation for yourself and you forgot about me?" Damien finally groaned

" Well, I figured that you won't be interested in having fun tonight"

" Then you figured the wrong thing" Damien was about taking his phone when Marked stopped him

" Don't worry asshole I made reservations for you too. Thought you wanna immerse yourself in this so called toy you call a Laptop. After working hours non-stop in your darn office, you still come home and continue working or signing whatever documents" Mark complained.

Damien just kept mute and listened to his blabber of a friend. Mark has always been known as the talker while Damien, a man of few words.

". And are you done talking or you still have more things to say? No wonder you choose to run a hotel rather than a company"

"At least am still in the mafia. That's an achievement to be proud of buddy" Mark argued breathlessly. Damien shook his head and continued what he was doing

"So, shall we?" Mark asked after sometime when he saw that Damien was not trying to proceed. Damien touched his forehead and sighed but stood up anyways.

I knew you'd definitely come with me"

####### Thanks a bunch for reading

##i love you all##