
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Neehmah wright



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She got herself entangled in a relationship with two men One, She met at the wedding party of her best friend. The second, her longtime crush from high school. Who will she choose? And what will be her decision after discovering a dark secret from both men's life? Find in this piece of writing
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Chapter 1

"Before ending the news, let me read through the headlines again, Covid-19 vaccine now available for kids ages 5 to 11" She give a little pause before saying again.

"Reasons why doctors and hospitals can deny care to patients who reject vaccines, Norwich man murdered 3 women, injured 2 in shooting, thanks for viewing us at America Broadcasting Company it's still your favourite news anchor Amaranth Wilson, do have a nice day".

She end the news as camera flashes decreases in the studio and some of the staff came to clear her table. she waves and smiles at few staff as she proceeds to exit the newsroom grabbing her bag that was laying on an office table, opening it and taking out her car key.

"that's all for today?" Ava, her colleague asked on her way out of the station. they usually have their broadcast together but today she had hers alone. she is in the morning shift while Ava is in the afternoon shift.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow " She replied smiling at her.

"Okay, take care, bye," Ava said waving at her as she also proceeds to the building she was coming out from.

she exits the building and enters her car, She honks to alert the security guard at the gate.

" safe journey, ma'am" the security guard greets her as he opens the gate

she honks in reply and drove out of the gate, the phone ringing beside her.

she doesn't want to pick the call because she is driving but when she checked the caller ID, it's her best friend Amy, she knows she calls for an important reason.

"Hello, am driving, will call you back," she said in a hurry to avoid driving rule violation and end the call putting the phone back in the passenger seat.

She's Amaranth Wilson, a lady of 23 years, she works at ABC as a news anchor and she is also a novelist, she is the only child of her parent living with her Mum and Grandma, her dad is no more.

After some minutes of drive, she pull over onto the driveway in front of her house and alight from the car picking her bag and phone from where they lay.

" Mara, why do you always park your car on the driveway?" her Mum screams at her from the terrace she's on, sitting on a chair.

"Why is she at home at this time?" She thought, her mum has been managing her Dad's company after his demise and that doesn't give her room for a rest, her being at home at this time is something to question.

she scrunched her face entering the car reluctantly and drive it into the garage, she alights from the car slamming the car door out of anger.

"you are no different from a kid" her mum yelled at her for slamming the car door.

she enters the sitting room not replying to her mum.

"Grandma!" she cried rushing to embrace her grandmother who is just entering the sitting room from her room.

"be gentle my diamond, you know my bone isn't as strong as yours" her grandma mumbled with smiles.

" my bone is softer than yours, grandma" she quipped pulling from the embrace.

" I overheard your mum yelling at you, what did you do this time?" Grandma inquired walking to her recliner, she sits on it settling her legs on one of the stools in the sitting room.

"grandma, am no more a youngster, am 23 for God's sake" she whined rolling her eyes playfully.

"you are not acting your age my sweet granddaughter" grandma countered.

Her Grandmother loves and cherish her, even though she has some other grandchildren, Amaranth is her favourite, that is why she gave her the appellation "my diamond" and she's the one that named her Amaranth which means "unfading" in remembrance of her mother who died a week before Amaranth was born.

" you often say am not acting my age, how can I act my age grandma?" She implored pleading with her eyes.

" ok, if you want me to tell you how to, have your seat" grandma replied with smiles.

" Grandma, you're so sweet" she mumbled blowing kisses at her, her Grandma beam with smiles at her words, Amaranth sits on the cushion beside her giving her rapt interest.

"let me tell you how you can act your age huh?" grandma reiterated and She nods her head in affirmation.

" hun hun" she clears her throat and implored her " Amaranth, you're not getting younger, it's time you get yourself a man, you should act your age by getting yourself a man who loves you and you also loves, marry him and give me great-grandchildren, I want to hold my great-grandchildren or do you want to die single?" grandma asked with a smirk.

" God forbid, how can you say that Grandma?" she cried out not liking the idea of dying as an unmarried person.

Grandma burst into hearty laughter knowing she dislikes the words "dying as a single".

" am just teasing you, God forbid, that won't happen to any of my granddaughters" She prayed.

" How can I get a man that will love and honour me? all the men asking me out are just after my money, they are all fake" she muttered in a sad tone.

" How can you get real men when you didn't stop behaving like a fledgling" her mum mumbled entering the sitting room with a plate of hamburgers and a cup of tea, she sits beside her on the cushion putting the food on the table and digging into it.

Amaranth's stomach rumbles when she see the mouthwatering food, she wants to eat out of it but her mum hit her with the fork glaring at her " yours is in the kitchen, if you're hungry, stand up, go and eat" she said between a mouthful of hamburger.

" Grandma, am coming back, so we can continue from where we stop before mom interrupts us," Amaranth said walking to her room which is upstairs.

"Okay, will be expecting you" grandma called out.

She groans as she walks on the staircase, " I hate walking on this staircase, am gonna change my room some days" she huffs in anger as she walks the last step.

Darkness fills the room when she enters, she switches on the light bulb illuminating the room which is sparkling clean, she peels off her office clothes wrapping a towel around her body, enter the bathroom and switches the shower enabling the cold water to refresh her body.

she exits the bathroom after the cold bath and enters the closet to pick out casual wear, she picks a tee-shirt and pants after several deliberations.

" that is why I love Amy, if she's here, she would have known the clothes that suit me now," she thought smiling as she wears the clothes she picked.

" oh my! have forgot to call her back" she exclaims remembering her call, she picks up her phone from the bed she dropped it on.

she dials Amy's number and she picks it up on the first ring.

" have been expecting your call since, where are you?" Amy blurt out with anger.

" you didn't even let me say hello before snapping at me" she murmured rolling her eyes like she's seeing her.

" I heard what you said" Amy yells at her.

" do you want to damage my eardrum huh?, have arrived at home since but I forget to call you back, am sorry for that" she apologised.

"Okay, no problem, I want to tell you that am coming to pick you at 5:00 pm, be ready," Amy said.

"You are coming to pick me for what?" She asked confusedly.

"Mara!!! don't tell me you've forgotten tomorrow is my wedding" Amy cries out.

" oh!!! have forgotten, am sorry" she mumbled.

" What type of friend are you huh? you're so forgetful, I didn't know how you didn't forget the news you want to broadcast" she quipped hissing.

" I said am sorry, I will make it up to you"

She promised to choke on laughter.

"You better make it up" Amy retorted.

" am coming to pick you by 5:00, you should be ready by then"

" I didn't want to stress the latest bride, don't bother, I will come by myself" She countered playfully.

"Okay, no problem, I will be expecting you"

" I will be there by 5:00, bye," She said ending the call.

" The time is 4:30, I have 30 minutes to prepare" she muttered checking the wall clock.

She packs the clothes to wear for the wedding party in a duffel bag and hurry downstairs to eat, she walks into the kitchen and dishes out her hamburger which is already cold, she would have microwaved it but she is in a rush. not bothering to go to the dining room, she sits on one of the kitchen chairs and devours her food.

She wash the plate and rinse the mug she used after eating and walks out of the kitchen heading to the sitting room.

"am going to the engagement of Amy" she announces as she enters the sitting room strutting beside her grandmother.

"Amy??? She's getting married, am so happy for her" her mother said grinning happily.

" who is Amy??" grandma asked confused looking from eye to eye.

" you didn't remember Amy? Grandma, you are being forgetful recently, Amy is my best friend that comes here often" she reminds her smiling at her forgetfulness.

"oooh!!! I remember now, the brunette" Grandma mumbled.

" yeah, the brunette, she's getting engaged tomorrow and am going to her place today and Mum, why are you home at this time?" She inquired standing up from where she strutted.

" I need some rest. So I decided to take some time off work today" Her mother replied.

"That's good. all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" She cited playfully grinning at her Mum mischievously.

Her Mum glared at her while her grandma burst into hearty laughter.

"Are you leaving now?" her mother inquired.

" yeah, am leaving at 5:00 pm and the time is already 5:00 pm" She replied looking at her wristwatch and walking to her room upstairs.

"Okay, send my greetings to Nancy, I will come to the party tomorrow" her mother muttered.

" Sure you will" She replied sarcastically knowing her mom won't come.

"I whispered it, how did you hear" her mother shouted playfully at her retreating back.


A few minutes after, Amaranth saunters downstairs with the duffel bag and a cross bag on her shoulder.

"Am off to Amy's place" She announced waving her hands playfully at her mum and grandmother.

"Okay, take care of yourself," her mum said not removing her gaze from the TV she is watching.

"There will be tons of handsome men at the party, hope you understand what am saying" Grandma mumbles with a wink.

"Grandma!!!" She cries out giggling and exit the house, "oh! the car is in the garage" she frowns her face remembering that it was her mum that forced her into parking the car in the garage. She walks to the garage and enters the car driving to Amy's house.