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Enchanted Love

Enchanted Love

Author: Ayomide Grey



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Jason who had an ugly past tries to find love again and gets attracted by Someone else boyfriend, a little mistake will lead into a big trouble for him. Benjamin and Ally relationship might be at stake if Jason still walk with them. And yes Jason will find love but with who?!
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Chapter 1

Living in the lonely part of a city isn't that bad in the case of Benjamin and his parents.

"Easy on me" by adele song played silently In the background with benjamin looking pale lying on the 3 sitter couch then his mum broke the silence.

Ben !, When last did you speak with Allison , as I haven't heard from her in a while. is there a problem?!

No mum. We just had a little misunderstanding and I guess with time , she'll be back to her senses to know she was wrong in the first place. Ben replied Sternly.

I knew it. Why do I have this feeling that you're the one with the problem here cause you seem not to understand her ?!. She is just so problematic mum , Allison finds fault in everything I do and I guess giving space will do . Ben said calmly.

I need an explanation of what happened ben. You can't keep keeping me in the dark , like you guys have literally been together since your secondary school days and I don't want anything stupid to come in between you too.

Time will tell mum , I gotta go to bed . Have a great night rest mum.

Words can't tell, Feelings can't explain how Benjamin and Allison has been in love since a tender age but being childish never left them.

Benjamin and Allison started their love game in the secondary school with a very high hope of keeping it till marriage "that's if destiny has it written like that"

The two supposed love birds got an admission into the same university and were as happy as ever .They weren't studying the same course though.

Benjamin leaves for school directly from home but Allison and Jason stays in the school hostel.


Allison has an effeminate best friend , Jason.

Jason isn't in the same Institution with Ben and Ally but in an institution within the same city with them .

Their love journey wasn't smooth though but it'll lead somewhere.

Ben left the couch for the bedroom .He had a nice shower and sat in front of the mirror soliloquizing.

I am Benjamin Cordell

I am in love but with who?!

Allison is my girlfriend and I love her so much but I think I'm in love with someone else already.

Love can be so tricky at times but I'll scale through

I'm not at fault for anything going on between me and Ally.

She's is just being jealous of her best friend.

Yes I said her best friend Jason

I am not apologizing for anything untill Ally realizes she's wrong. If she comes to school tomorrow and didn't greet me , we'll part ways and I guess we'll do very well without ourselves .

Benjamin you really need to be brave for this .

How weird?!

Allison's hostel is a two storey building making her an entity of room C11 with 4 occupants including her .

Ally , You've been moody since you came back from class today ?! What's the problem. Jenny Asked .

I guess I'm not just in the mood to talk. I'll be better with time .Ally replied

How true can that be ?! Jenny , Pay no attention to what Ally told you .The main reason she's moody is because her and Benjamin are not in good terms .Jackie Professed

Would you keep quiet or I would force you to do so Ally got angry at Jackie's word and stands going closer to Jackie but Jenny and Olivia Stopped them .

We are friends Ally and Jackie. All these shits aren't necessary whereas Jackie is saying the truth. You are not in good terms with Ben and that's why you're moody, just calm down and explain. Olivia explained in peace


Ben has been doing somethings that are suspicious. But time is far spent . I can always tell you guys tomorrow after school hours .Ally said.

We are awake all night , explain cause we are in the dark .Jenny spilled

Okay girls. I'm suspecting Ben being gay .

What ?! Jenny ,Jackie and Olivia shouted

Yes .Ben is a supposed gay .How on earth will he be closer to my bestie more than I do?! Ally asked rhetorically

You guys know Jason , my effeminate Bestie .

Yeah we all know they said

Anytime we re together Ben gives him one special look and stupid jason reciprocates the look . Can you just imagine that?! I'm suspecting Jason too but I'll keep my cool. I dont want to loose my boyfriend yet, we even have plans on getting married and one night he'll just turn gay and leave me helpless. I won't take that , even if it's to cut off Jason I'm ready . But as for benjamin I'm not letting him go , I'll keep on playing hard to get till he apologizes then I'll tell him I don't want him and Jason together again.

Never . Allison rounded up.

Wow it worth being moody for but Ally you really have to take things easy, I mean very very easy. Jumping into Conclusion won't help . It might just be the bestie vibe and nothing more , because the benjamin I know can't be gay . So embrace him and sort things out. Olivia said openly

I feel Benjamin just like Jason naturally as olivia as said ally please erase these thoughts from your mind . Jackie interfered

Girls! I'll sort myself out tomorrow .I got to go to bed , I have classes tomorrow.

The girls hugged each other and laid to rest.


So, the main reason why Ally and Benjamin are having misunderstanding is because of Jason

A flash back on what transpired

25th of November 2020

Hey Jason!

Hello Ben

I thought Ally was to come here with you , why isn't she here . Ben asked ?!

She's on her way , She told me to go ahead of her that she'll be here in a jiffy. Jason replied

Okay nice. when did you grow this handsome Jason , like you've just grown fairer and then I don't know , everything just changed . Ben asked jokingly

Jason blushed and it was obvious. His cheek were becoming red as he kept looking at the floor like something kinda strange was going to come out of it then he spoke.

Thanks for the compliment Ben you sound funny, why don't you consider comedy ?!

I'll try and consider you first before comedy .Ben said looking directly into jason eyes moving his hands forward for Jason to hold then Ally entered

What's happening?! She asked .

Nothing we were just discussing about you .Ben answered ally looking suspicious

Yeah we were talking about you and guess what bestie your boyfriend admired me . He said I'm cute . Jason said


Yes he did .Or didn't you .Jason asked Ben

I did. Ben said frankly

Wow, So Ben is attracted to my bestie well I'll excuse myself . You guys can continue.

Back to Time .

The worst part of it was that Ben didn't even stand to beg Ally so Ally left the restaurant angrily.

The night was well spent and fast, Benjamin woke and was ready for school and placed a call to someone

Jason's Hostel

Jason woke up earlier than usual and prepared himself for the day . getting dressed his phone rang .

Hey jason .Ben greeted

Ben what's the reason for calling me,You've done enough damage already and do you think calling me can fix things. Jason snapped at ben

Jason please relax, I called you so we can work things out with Allison .She is angry and I think she wants to call of this relationship with I won't like. I really need your help in this . I want to Apologize to her but I don't want it to be straight forward so I don't know how you'll help me go about it.Ben explained!

I don't know what to do but begging Ally alone won't do. You'll probably bribe her. Jason replied

I know but I'm still clueless of what to do right now.

Re you coming to school today ?! Jason asked faintly

Yes I'm on my way

Okay we'll discuss better . Byeeee

Jason as the usual effeminate guy dressed in a cute androgynous way looking darn cute, applied lip gloss and left for school.

Ally also left her hostel also with Jenny leaving jackie and Olivia in the room.

A Sneak peak on jason's background

Jason is from a Strict religious background and as the world "religious"he was restricted with some things .

Jason was born into a small family as he was the second and last child of the family making him have an elder brother and they are very well to do in the society.

Noticing from the parents that Jason was effeminate and there is a very high tendency of him being gay he was monitored. Jason attended a Private secondary school and on this faithful day something very crucial occured and it almost led to Jason's death

He got back from school and met his flat mate outside, after the normal casual greetings his flat mate" Josh " asked Jason to follow him to the back of the building

and he said some things to him

Jason I've been noticing your movement around this house since you packed in here of recent. you look more like an angel and with few of your steps I notice you are queer . I really want you to find a place in your heart to love and I promise I'll never fail you. I love you Jason .Josh spoke

Jason was dumbfounded and the only thing he could say was okay. He wanted to explain if his parents caught him in a relationship with a guy he Will be severely punished but Josh locked his lips with a kiss.

They continued kissing for a while as josh's crotch was moving here and there of his panties taking his hands to Jason's back and smooching his ass and making Jason moan silently. Unfortunately Jason's elder brother "Mike"passed and was shocked and alarmed


Josh and Jason quickly Disentangled theirselves and Jason started begging his elder brother not to tell their parents as if he should, Jason is more of a dead man.

Mike shouted ! How dare you Jason?!..You are behind the building kissing a guy, Little wonders you wriggle your ass every where in the house and I'm not surprised you're gay.

Just so you can know,Mum and dad is gonna hear about this .Mike concluded

Jason continuously begged his brother while josh eloped , he even promised his brother a bribe. His brother collected the bride but things still didn't go as planned .