
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Joyfabae



HE IS MINE PDF Free Download


Change of plan mark, I want her dead!!!" Ever experienced a perfect life which suddenly got broken just because of a person. That was the case of mara and zara, they had what they called a perfect and peaceful life...not too perfect though, despite being poor and an orphan, they were a loving twins, they helped each other in times of need, have fun together, tell each other everything. But everything changed when someone came into the picture, thereby building hatred and jealousy among the twins Who do you think is this person to turn a loving twins into enemy? Will they ever get along again after so many challenges and hatred? Meeting this person, was it actually a coincidence or by fate?? What happens when this situation helps them in meeting someone they ever longed for Find out in this intriguing and exciting story filled with love, hatred, jealousy and pain. Don't miss out, stay tuned.
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Chapter 1

Written by: joyfabae.


"Hurry up mara! We are gonna be late" I yelled angrily at my twin sister

"Give me a sec" she yelled back

Urgh!!! I grunted in frustration

"Mara will you please get your butt down here" I yelled again

Ok, ok "am out" She said as she stepped out of the room adjusting her skirt.

“I can't believe we are late again because of you I said giving her a hard glare”

"Am sorry" She said apologetically

"Whatever" I scoffed as I picked up my small purse and headed out and she followed suit.

"Criston delivery restaurant please" I said as I flag down a cab and we both hopped in.

"We are there miss" The cab driver said as he halted in front of the popular restaurant , with the name "CRISTON DELIVERY RESTAURANT" which was boldly inscribe on the restaurant, mara and I stepped out as we waved at car driver and he drove off

We walked into the restaurant steadily as we found our way to the signing book, well we were trying to hide from miler, the manager,

"Hi twins" I heard one of the worker say and both I and mara turn back to see Adeline smiling at us.

"Hi Adeline" Mara greeted back with a smile

"Good morning!" She said as she trailed off

"Zara" I said with a scoffed, "is it that difficult to differentiate between us, tch " I added irritated

"Oh good morning Zara” She said awkwardly with a small laugh, am sorry it just that you two are too identical and it is really hard to differentiate she explained

"Whatever, excuse us" I said as I turn mara who has been silent during the whole time

"Let go get our names signed before we get caught and scolded by miler" I said to mara as we walked past Adeline toward the signing room but halted when we heard miler thunderous voice behind us

"Where do you two think you are heading to" He thundered and I and mara shared a knowing look as we held our self from bursting into laughter, we turned back to see him glaring at us and we quickly straighten up wearing a serious look

"Good morning miler "We both said with a nervous smile

Keep your good morning to yourself he said, and don't think your smile and excuses can work on me today he added

"C'mon miler, it not up to this... beside we promise not to come late again" Mara said and I nodded in unison hoping mara can confuse him cos once Miller start he won't let us off the hook easily.

"Am tired of hearing that same promises twins" he said sternly, and beside that can't save you today he added.

I and my mara shared a look, which we both understanding the meaning, it actually a prank we use on miler to make him forgive us

"We are so sorry miler, our handsome miler please forgive us, we promise it won't repeat itself " we both said in unison as we jam our hand together in a pleading form using a sad puppy face and a pleading look

"Am sorry to burst your bubbles twins but there is no escape root today cos you are to report to madam Kresge office immediately"

"What!!!" We both exclaimed in shock and our eyes popped out of the socket

"You must be kidding us right" I asked still in shock

"Do I look like am joking," He asked back

"She is waiting for you in her office, u guys should go sort your mess out, I wish u luck" He said and patted my back before walking past us

"We are finally doomed” I said as I turned to face the scared mara

"Am sorry Zara, I caused this " She said as she pulled me into a hug

"We've lost our job” She said again as she hugged me tighter

"No, we haven't and we won't " I stated sternly even if on the inside am scared as hell.... like who wouldn't be scared, once you are asked to report to madam Kresge office just know you are done for, cos u are fired immediately, no turning back no matter your pleading.

“Really?, madam Kresge called for them”

“I really pity them”

“Yeah!, me too, they are gonna get fired”

“Madam Kresge take no nonsense”

“It just like going to hell”


That was the talk of the other staff as they whisper among themselves, I felt like punching them, can't they just keep shut for once I thought as I tried not listening to their annoying talks with me petting mara who was already sobbing in advance





"Good morning madam Kresge" I and Zara both greeted nervously bowing our head slightly, we are currently in ma'am Kresge office, she didn't reply to our greeting instead she glared at us for sometime before opening her drawer and bringing out something, fury was written all over her face.

"You called for us” I said again, she just glance at me as she threw two envelope on the table

"That your sack letter, I believe u know what that means" She said and I swear I felt my heart jump out of my chest

Ma'am Kresge, please don't do this to us, we are sorry we promise not to come late again, I said already sobbing

"Give us suspension, query or punishment, but please don't fire us," Zara added

"You know I don't take apologies, u should have thought of this before coming late," she said as she yawn lazily

"It wasn't our fault, we were hooked up in the traffic” I said which was actually true

"I don't care what excuses you have, all I know is that you are fired and I don't go back on my word, so please leave my office before I call the security on you" She said impatiently.

We are sorry ma'am Kresge, we promise to do anything but please just accept us back, I said still sobbing

"C'mon mara, let go" Zara said as she nudge at me

"Please ma'am, please forgive us" I said ignoring Zara

"Leave my office" She yelled at us and Zara pulled my hand dragging me out of her office, getting to the reception we were face with lot of questions

“How did it go?, were u forgiven?”

“Did ma'am Kresge fired you guys?”

“What did she say, did you get lucky?”

Zara ignored them as she continue dragging me out of the restaurant.

"Let me go" I said on getting outside the restaurant as I pulled my hand from hers breathing heavily

"What do you think you are doing" She asked angrily

"And what does it look like am doing, begging her of course" I said rolling my eye

" You know she won't listen, so why go ahead and waste your precious tears on nothing" she said

"We just have to give it a try, who knows we might be lucky"

"In your dreams” She said rolling her eyes

"Urgh, what are we gonna do now" she added signing

"Don’t know, maybe we should just go home and take a nap" I said

"And wait for your imaginary prince charming to cater for us " She added with an eye roll and I laughed, well the thing is I have always imagined myself getting married to a prince charming, crazy right? But I do wish it can come to pass so I won't have worry about anything, like going to work, doing the house chores, making breakfast, lunch or dinner, all I have to do is eat, sleep and take a walk around the beautiful castle, crazy right? But the truth is that I just want to know how it feels to live a life where you don't have to cater for yourself, worry about what to eat, what to wear, where to sleep


, I and my sister grew up as an orphan, we live in the orphanage from baby up to 18 years before I and my sister decided to take responsibility of ourselves, and here we are having our perfect life, though not too perfect at least we got a peaceful and lovely life, we have where to lay our head and eat, our job pays well, or let me say our ex job cos now we are currently fired.

"Hey mara, don't tell me you have start imagining yourself walking down the aisle with your prince charming” She cracked and I hit her head playfully

"No, we were actually making out" I said and her eye furrowed in surprise

"Really, u guys have gotten to that extent?" She asked, shock and surprised written all over her face and I just shook my head in disbelief

"C'mon Zara, stop exaggerating, am not too low to make out with an imaginary prince charming" I said and she sigh in relieved

"You are unbelievable” I said as I rolled my eyes

" Yeah, thank you” She said and I just shook my head, Zara can be crazy at times.

"Let go, let check around town if there is any vacancy” I said as I walk ahead

"I hope so" Zara muttered as she walked behind me.