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My Little Kitten

My Little Kitten

Author: Denise


Steamy Stories

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Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and just barely recognizing yourself in the reflection? Well that is me, I have loved and lost. Survived and thrived, screamed and cried into my pillow tears nobody else got to see. But I never gave up hope, never lied down and never let them see me cry. Until him, he could see past the facade and see the real me. He wanted to love me, concole me and protect me. But I have lost hope in humanity, men, true love because life just arent a fairytale right? Its hard work and nothing comes easy even if you would like to believe it does it just doesnt. He is my mothers new husbands son and 10 years older than me. His blue eyes keep staring at me, it should warm me to the core right. Make me feel something anything. But it doesn't he makes women run after him and beg on their knees. But me, I have been down this road before. The charming smile, arrogant cocky attitude. It always ends the same, me covered in bruises crying on the bathroom floor. Thinking its all my fault, all me. Somehow I can never keep a man. I am just like my mother. But he just wouldn't let go. He wouldn't give up. He just keeps on trying. And the more I turn him down the more it turns him on. I am only that strong before I give in,and even though I know how this is about to end. If he keeps staring at me with desire in his eyes as if I am the reason he is breathing. I know I am about to take the leap this can go down to damn ways. He could be the last one to break me, or the one to pick me up and put me back together. I would never know until I find out. But the question is do I or dont I. Because fear can be your anchor or it can be your wings.
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Chapter 1

8years ago

"You look beautiful sweetheart, this time it will be different I promise". I heard that so many times I have lost count luckily for me, I don't live with my mom anymore. I live on campus second year of college, I graduated highschool 2years earlier. So I don't have to go through all of this all over again. There is so many times I missed my twin sister she would have so much to say right now. So here we go again, I take one last look in the mirror my natural white blond hair frames my face. I left it the way it is, it's long and curly. One of the many features all 8 my girlfriends love to rave about. I have to admit I adore my hair, it's long and goes down just underneath my waist. I never wore makeup unless I went out, which is why I could hardly recognize myself. My pink and purple colored eyes were framed with my extra long eyelashes. I were the only person in the world with pink and purple colored eyes and to mom it made me special and unique. In the eyes of the world it made me weird, and a freak. My friends continously reminded me, that it was my best feature. Science can't explain it, but me and my twin sister used to be identical except for my eye color. She had our moms gorgeous blue eyes, and I were stuck with this. I straightend my dress, check my red lipstick and out we went.

The car drive was quite, I guess my mom were just as nervous as me meeting her new man. It always went the same, they were charming and sweet. Until my mom got married, then you barely recognize the difference. It were like two different people, but she kept believing and so did I. The drive was short, but to me it felt like forever.

At arrival the restaurant were classy, decorated to perfection. I followed my mom as she walked infront of me, she was tall and had curves on all the right places. She truelly is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Long luscious blonde hair in curly waves like mine, and a smile that can lit up like the fourth of July. Her laughter always brought a smile to my face.

I was happy if she was, it's our thing. But she is also extremely strong and brave. I adored my mom, we walked between all the tables as we heard the whispers and gasps. And then we reached them Mr.Clark and his son whose name I would love to forget. But now it was branded inside my skull. Mr.Clark also known as Richard and my soon to be stepfather is attractive I should give him that. Tall with salt and pepper hair. His smile breathtaking, and living proof that chivelray is not dead. All the more reason for me to back down and back of, but then I turned to him. Keegan Kruger Clark

his bright blue eyes can see right through you I swear, and that side smile could make me scream his name. But then again, I know his type. But let me be honest I have never seen a beast of a man like him. With pitch black midnight hair, short at the sides and long at the top with a couple of stray strands in his eyes. Hell. Those gorgeous eyes framed with pitch black eyelashes that most woman would kill for. This man is meant to be a piece of art, a greek god of some sorts. I stood in awe staring, until I realized everybody was waiting for my reply. Immediatly my face flushed and I turned bright red, I could feel my ears lit up. And I immediatly averted eye contact, looking down and then back up I saw humor in his eyes and just like that the spell is broken. He is defintely used to the attention, used to woman acting like fools around him. Well... that just wont be me.

Keegan P.O.V

My father barely dated, after my mother left him to raise a child alone he never looked at a woman. Until he started seeing Madelyn Evans a couple of months ago. He was smiling, laughing and all of the sudden texting like crazy. I am a ex Navy SEAL and medically discarged a couple of months ago. Now I have to start taking over my fathers company as only heir.

I have never dated before, it has never been a thing for me. I have a extremely possessive and obsessive personality disorder. The therapist diagnosed me with psychotic tendancies, but my father wrote it of as ambition. Nothing wrong with knowing what you want and working hard to achieve your goals.

But then I met her, my angel. The woman who at first sight made me lose all of my senses and flip the switches of every single tendancy I have ever had. I wanted her, craved her, protect her with every fibre of my being. I heard the gasps and whispers, and as I look up I saw her. Her mother and my fathers girlfriend was walking upfront, the only way I know is how fast my father got up. But my eyes focused on her, my heart rate sped up. She introduced herself to my father and the to me, Catalya Evans even her name is breathtaking. She's short 5.2ft and fragile she has the face of an angel and a body made for sin. I couldn't move, and it appears neither could she. I couldn't help but smile. Now finally I have something worth waiting for, something worth working for. I wanted her, and she will be mine no matter how long it takes. No matter what I have to do. Let's just say this is about to get interesting and I couldn't wait to see what happens next.