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His Heir

His Heir



His Heir PDF Free Download


Meet Ruby Wentworth. She's wild, confident and crazy.Let's not forget that she's the daughter of the town's ex gang member, Jake Melvin. When her parents are kidnapped, Ruby Wentworth has no other choice but to build forces with her dysfunctional family to try and rescue them. After all, it is a matter of life and death. Her parents blood can't be on her hands.
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Chapter 1

"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" I yell out, slamming the front door shut. It's Friday so I know both of them are back from work, ready to spend the weekend together. Once a month, we always head off to our cabin house in Scotland for the weekend, I'm allowed to bring a friend or two.

Silence greets me and I listen out carefully, dropping my backpack to the floor.

"Mum? Dad?" I call out, using my hands to comb my long dark hair upwards so I can secure it with a hair tie.

"Are you guys getting it on? Because I really don't want to see that again. Hit the wall three times and I'll leave for an hour," I yell up the stairs. I can hear them chuckling from upstairs before Mum appears at the top of the stairs, smiling down at me.

"Hi honey, how was school?" She asks me, still dressed in her work clothes. She's wearing a smart grey dress that clings to her body, her dark hair curled prettily around her shoulders.

"It was good, I only made two teachers cry today so I've set a new record for myself," I say proudly, grinning at her. Mum rolls her eyes and walks down the stairs, fiddling with her diamond earrings.

"Ruby, you've got to start behaving at school." Mum scolds me, just like she does every morning. It's my turn to roll my eyes at her and I know we must look like twins doing it. I look exactly like my Mum beside from my smile. I get that from my Dad.

"Where's Dad?" I ask her, following her into the kitchen. She turns on the kettle and I head for the fridge, grabbing the carton of orange juice. The door to the kitchen opens and Dad walks in, beaming from ear to ear.

"Hey cupcake," he teases me, wrapping an arm around my neck and planting a firm kiss on top of my head. I grin against his chest, struggling to free myself from his tight hold.

"God, Dad. Get off me and do not call me cupcake. It was cute when I was five, not anymore."

"I'll call you whatever I want. I'm your father, deal with it." He smiles, stepping around me to place his arms around Mum. I immediately know where this is going so I turn my back on them, not wanting to see them making out.

Some things should never be witnessed by children.

"Do you guys ever spend time away from each other? You work together and every time you're at home, you never leave each other alone." I shudder, secretly loving their relationship. . .

It's cute.

If you like the soppy romantic relationship type.

"You'll understand one day Ruby," Mum says to me, placing two mugs down onto the kitchen side. I shake my head firmly and Dad does the same, his eyebrows creased together into a frown.

"No, she will not. I'm the only man allowed to be in her life," he states unhappily. I nod my head exactly the same way I've done in the past and repeat the same words —

"Yes, I know Dad. Boys will break my heart but not before you'll break their legs."

Dad chuckles, looking proud of himself.

"You got it, kiddo."

I smirk, proud of myself for managing to keep my past boyfriends a secret. What my dad doesn't know won't keep him awake at night, right?

My thoughts turn to Austin

my current secret boyfriend

and I blow out a breath, feeling like the relationship isn't what I'm looking for. I was attracted to him at first but the past few weeks, it seems to have fizzled out. I bite down on my bottom lip and head for the kitchen door with my phone in my hand.

"Where are you going? We leave in a half hour sweetheart." Mum says, glancing over her shoulder.

"I'll be two minutes Mum! I need to make a quick phone call." I respond, calling Austin and walking up the stairs as I wait for him to answer his phone.

"Hi beautiful," he drawls out in his Bad Boy Come—Get—Me voice.

It worked four weeks ago, not anymore.

"Hey Austin. I think we need to talk," I tell him, twirling a piece of my hair around my fingers as I head towards my room. I can't risk Dad hearing Austin's protests when I tell him I'm not feeling it anymore. I step inside my room and close the door over with my foot.

"Sure, what's up?" Austin says, sounding wary.

Without hesitation, I respond, already having spoken the words several times before.

"I don't think we're working out," I say apologetically, hoping he doesn't take the news too badly.

"Seriously Ruby, you're breaking up with me?"

"Yeah, sorry. You haven't done anything wrong . . . I just don't think it's working out, I need a break from relationships."

I roll my eyes automatically when Austin responds —

"You need a break from relationships? You're with someone new every few weeks Ruby!" He argues back, his voice becoming increasingly angrier. I roll my eyes again and take a seat on the edge of my bed. I've dated plenty of boys but none of them have truly shared a connection with me. I can never be myself around them and I don't want to live my life uncomfortably or in a lie.

"Exactly which is why I'm taking a break." I argue back, falling backwards on my bed. It's getting tired constantly searching for the connection I see in my parents.

"You're making a mistake Ruby." Austin snaps back at me, his tone holding resentment.

"Whatever Austin, I've got to go. Bye," I mumble, ending the call. As soon as I hang up, a text message alert springs from my phone from him.

"Wow, you're persistent," I grumble, turning my phone on silent. I shove it deep inside my jean pockets and stand up, gripping onto the handle of my suitcase I packed this morning. It's nice to get away from high school drama sometimes, I'm not a child who hates spending time with their parents.

My parents are pretty cool.

I mean, where do they think I get it from?

"Hey Dad, can we go hunting again when we get to the cabin?" I yell down the stairs, pulling the suitcase along. I can hear his heavy footsteps before he pauses, thinking hard.

"As long as you promise not to try and shoot me again. You almost killed me Ruby," Dad scolds me, his eyebrow raised high. I can't help but giggle behind my hand, finding the situation funny.

"It was my first time with a gun Dad and I apologised over and over again."

Dad shakes his head, climbing up the stairs to take my suitcase from me. He lifts it effortlessly with one hand and I silently wish I had his strength. Mentally and physically.

"Do you want to get changed before we go cupcake?" Dad asks me, glancing down at his watch. I look down at my outfit, shaking my head. I'm wearing my grey hoodie, black skinny jeans and doc martins.

"I'm comfortable like this," I tell him, walking downstairs and ignoring the constant vibrations coming from my phone inside my pocket. Dad places an arm around me, kissing the top of my head again.

"Let's go trouble."

"Right behind you Daddy," I smile.