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Fated To Be Mine

Fated To Be Mine

Author: Seraphic



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Alicia Anderson is every man ideal woman, but love was never her forte and she never found herself worth loving. Everything took a turn when she bash into a boy at the welcome back school mixer (Nethean) but little did she know he was a worst type of player. Nethean Adam was an orphan, adopted by he's ruthless Uncle. He's the school renowned player. Love was just a four letter words to him, he's biggest aim was to graduate from university, work hard and become a billionaire, just to make his uncle pay for how he maltreated him. Will Alicia be able to change his ways and get his attention?
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Chapter 1

Alicia and her bestfriend walk leisurely, until they were standing in the middle of the school vicinity, both lost in their own thought. "Goodness this is one hell of a school, it's way bigger than veritas university." Tessa said, scanning the school building's with her mouth slightly parted. "I totally agree, veritas university doesn't stand a chance with this." Alicia responded Instantly.

"Do you think the students here will be nice?" Alicia asked. "Probably they will, I'm not sure." Tessa replied. They were both engrossed in their conversation when a girl stopped in front of them. She's chubby, has a black curly hair, brown dark eyes, with long lashes.

"Is this your first time here? or are you lost?" She asked in a husky voice, making the both of them gaze at each other and back to her.

"Huh, yes. We are newly transferred student from a different university." Tessa replied in a low tone that could still be heard.

"Okay, If you don't mind, follow me let me show you where to get started." She said.

"Ofcourse we don't mind." Alicia responded.

"Alright, let's go." She said and they followed behind. They walk for about five minutes, and finally came to a stop. "This is the administrative block, you will start your registration here." She said with a smile, and they both nodded. "Sorry we didn't get your name." Alicia said trying not to sound nervous.

"Oh, forgive my manners, I'm Ashley." She responded twirly her curly hair. Alicia beam at her. "I'm Alicia, and this is my bestfriend Tessa." Alicia and Tessa have been friends right from highschool, ever since they met each other, they clicked and became best of friends.

"Nice to meet you both. I hope you're coming for the welcome back school mixer?" She asked. What is that supposed to mean? Are there stuffs here that they never did at veritas university? Alicia thought.

"What's that? what's it all about?" Tessa asked to feed her curiousity. "It's a welcome school mixer organized by student's, it's done every new year of the semester." Ashley replied.

"Sounds fun, we will be there. What time does it starts?" Alicia asked. "It's starts by 6pm." Ashley replied. "Okay, see you there at 6pm," Alicia said and she smiled at them. They thank her and she turned on her heel's and left.

They went into the administrative block and stop at the registrar's office "Why today of all day friday, can't we just come back on Monday." Tessa pout.

"No, let's just get it done with." Alicia said with an eye roll. She knocked on the door and waited for response.

"Yes come in." he answered. They walk in and greeted "Goodmorning sir." They said in unison.

He beam at them, "How can I help you?" He asked fixing his collar.

"We are newly transferred student." Tessa replied. "Newly transferred student? From which university?"

"Veritas university." Alicia responded.

"Oh, now I remember, welcome to Amity University." He said and fix his glass that was about to fall off his eyes.

"Thank you sir." Tessa responded.

He scrutinize his wooden desk, and went through some files, "Tessa Williams and Alicia Anderson, you are both in business management department?"

"Yes." both answered in unison.

Transferred student in their final year? He thought. "You are in your finals, why did you transfer? You have less than a year to be graduate." The both of them gaze at each other and back to him, they were silent for a moment thinking of what to say, they can't possibly tell him the reason they had to transfer, what would he think of them.

"It was my mum's idea, but we don't know the reason behind it." Alicia blurted out, hoping she would convince him. Tessa heaved a light sigh. He looked at both of them not buying the idea but he didn't want to push further, maybe they had their reasons, and it might probably be confidential, he thought.

"Alright, I'm going to refer you to your course advisor, she will help you with your courses when you are done come back and register them." He scribbles on a pieces of paper and hand it over to them. "That's the direction to her office."

They looked at the paper and kept walking towards the direction of the office. They got to the office, knock, turned the doorknob, and stride in, It was a lady in her late thirties, she's slim, had a round face, sky blue eyes and a long gray hair.

"Goodmorning." They greeted.

"Morning Angels, how can i be of help?"

"We came for our course registration." Say's Alicia.

"Alright, are you returning students or freshman?" She asked. "Returning students final year." Alicia replied.

"Okay, what department are you?" She asked.

"Business management." Alicia responded. She went through her desk and got some documents out, she scribbles down on it and handed it over to them.

"That's your courses for the semester, there are ten course's. You are to pick five compulsory course's and an additional three course to make it eight. If you have any challenge's with your courses, you are always welcome to my office." She said with a smile.

"Okay," they chorused, and thanked her. They strode back to the registration office to get the course's registered. An hour later they were done. They stood outside the office and chit-chat.



"l have a suggestion." Tessa said.

"Which is?" Alicia asked.

"Let's take a tour around the school, what do you think?"

"That sounds like a good idea, let's pass the time with it before the party starts." Alicia replied. They walk down to some department, classes, halls, and the school cafeteria. And finally, It was 6pm already, they asked for directions and stride to the hall. When they got to the hall, the party has already started. "This is going to be fun. "Tessa said.

"Obviously." Alicia responded. The place was crowded, all eye's was on them as they stride in, people kept whispering to each other as they walk pass them.

"What's with them?" Why is everyone looking at us?" Alicia asked. Suddenly Ashley approached them, "I see you made it, she said and they just nodded their head. Let's go, the party is just starting."

"How did you find us?" Tessa asked as they walk pass the crowd.

"Oh that, I heard whispering. I wanted to check what the whisper was all about when my eyes landed on you both" Ashley replied.

"Thank you for saving us," says Alicia.

"You're both welcome." The crowd went slient, a tall handsome guy stood up to address them. "Welcome to this year's school mixer, make yourself comfortable and have fun," he said and people applaud while other cheer.

Music was playing loudly in the background, some dancing to the beat, rubbing their bodies together, some drinking and eating. Alicia was looking around scanning her environment and marking people's face, when she suddenly felt press and needed to use the restroom.

"Tessa I need to use the restroom,"she said. "Are you sure you are okay," Tessa asked. "I'm fine, I just need to use the restroom," she replied.

"Alright go ahead." She walk pass the crowd and ask a blonde where she could find the restroom. "Excuse me, please where can I find the restroom?" She asked.

"Go straight, by your right the restroom is there," the blonde replied. "Thank you," she said and left. She continue walking towards the direction when she bump into a hard chest and fell on her butt. "Ouch, watch where you going," she said.

She start to stare at him from his sneakers to his face, her mouth gasp open as she saw his extremely handsome face in front of her, and couldn't stop staring at him.

"Are you done staring?" he asked bringing her back to her trance, and left without apologizing. "crazy punk, how could he leave without apologizing, I didn't even get to utter a word and he just left like that, psycho."

The thought of him occupied her, she felt goosebumps when they collided, "He smells like mint." She mumbled and giggle. After using the restroom, she went back to the party but Tessa wasn't there and she can't find Ashley.

She stood there looking for them when her eyes landed on his face and her eyes widened, she recognized that face. He was making out in public with a girl, no wonder he didn't apologize to her and just left, she thought.

"I'm sure he is the type of guy that uses his physical appearance to get what he wants," she muttered underneath her breath.

"Hey you are back," Tessa said bringing her back to the present, she shuddered and turn to look at her. "Where have you been?" she asked.

"Sorry, I followed Ashley to go see a friend," she responded. "And where is she?" Alicia asked. "She's still with her friend." Hour's passed by and the party was not coming to an end.

"It's time to go home Tessa."

"No let's stay a bit, I'm having fun."

"Please Tessa, listen to me, it's getting late, we need to go home," Alicia said, but Tessa didn't listen to her instead she just kept dancing and drinking.

Alicia got feed up, and couldn't stand her anymore, she snatch the bottle of drink from her hand and dragged her out to where their car was parked.

"Why must we leave now, the party hasn't ended, let's stay a little bit please," Tessa pleaded.

"Listen it's getting late and you can't get drunk, you still need to drive us home. And remember we're going to hangout tomorrow." Tessa sigh and got into the car, she started the car engine and drove off.


"Dude, where have you been, I have searched the whole place for you and can't find you" Scott said when he found nethean who was already wasted. "I have been with Anita, she just left with a friend.

"The school mixer just ended, ain"t you going home?" scott asked. "I'm tired dude. I want to rest for awhile before going." Neathen replied.

"What did you do? Wait don't tell me you did.... Scott trailed off. "Yes I did, nethean said with a smirk. Ladies are cheap," he added.

"No not all ladies are cheap. Your girlfriend's are the one who's cheap, stop using them for your own satisfaction, if you want to date, just do it." Scott responded and nethean just huff.

"I don't do commitment, remember." Nethean said, but Scott ignored him, and escort him to his car, put on the car engine and drove off.

"Where are you taking me to?" Nethean asked. "Where does it look like I'm taking you too?" Scott asked ignoring his question.

"You Know I can't go home like this all wasted, I can't allow my uncle see me like this," Nethean said.

"Alright, let's go to my place, I'm sure mum would be happy to see you, her next CEO of crystal company is wasted," Scott teased.

"Try it and see what happened the next day," Nethean retorted. "Is that a threat," Scott asked "Not at all but just try it," Nethean replied. "Alright let's go to finesse bar," Scott said and made a U turn to the direction. " I bumped into a girl earlier on my way back from the restroom."

"I don't want to hear your stories of bumping into ladies that can't stop staring at you, keep that for another day." Scott said and he chuckle.