
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Joy_Agbomeikhe





Long ago a prophecy was written but it had not come to pass until the 21st century when we meet our boy Damien, he is sent back to the medieval era into a girl's body to fulfill the prophecy but it seems there is more to it than meets the eyes. with a pretty but mysterious maid and a handsome but covered in darkness male lead watch how our boy Damien would fulfill the prophecy but wait what is the prophecy. Read SWITCHED: I transmigrated into a girl's body ML: sweetie, pls marry. me. MC:(in his mind) isn't this gay? ML:but you are a girl MC:no am not I am a boy
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Chapter 1

I drew in a sharp cold breath, it was cold why?  the bed I was on was soft and comfy I tried opening my eyes my eyelids were heavy but with a little effort, my eyes fluttered open. I saw the room I was put in it didn't seem like a hospital the room was pink baby pink to be precise this wasn't my room so where was this place? My eyes were a little blurry but one thing for sure was that the room was spacious. I sat up struggling to stand up but my body wasn't responding my body hurt like hell and was feeling a little heavy. A lady in an old dress and an apron walked toward me with pity in her eyes as she saw me struggling "my lady how are you feeling" she asked "I.....I..." was the only thing I could say as my throat is parched I wanted to tell her that I wasn't feeling well that my body aches all over and most importantly I was a boy how could she call me a girl I was sure that I looked like one such blasphemous statement "my lady, please stay awake lemme call the king and queen" she walked out of the room again with my lady I am a man for christ sake I continued whining until "system information complete, memory recovery commence" the voice said and I blacked out...

Damien entered into a black space, he was scared to the bones because where he had the two things he feared the most one being in a dark space and the other being stuck in a small place without light"Hola I am your system you can call me Red-002" a little voice came from the back of his person he turned back to see a little red light "where am I"  he asked "I am what you called a transmigration system I guide people that are given another chance to live to complete the wish of the body they possess," the red light said to him but that didn't answer his question "where am I ?" he asked again. the red light answered him "this is your mind you have the power to create anything but that's not important what is how were you transmigrated? don't you think?" the red light said "you were poisoned by your step mum and died this morning as for how the girl died it is quite clear she was blasted with a pure magic energy beam and that is why you..." "did you say MAGIC?" I interrupted because I heard a word magic I have always been a fan of magic I couldn't help but get enthusiastic maybe this world won't be as I thought it would be but the main problem is "hey system why am I, girl?" I asked the red light but "you are becoming conscious so keep your question for later" the red light said. I was shocked but couldn't do anything since I was about to wake up anyway. "Is she okay is my daughter ok" I heard a manly voice I squinted my eyes to see the man talking was he referring to me I asked myself "yes," a voice said in my head I assumed to be the red light "call me red," the voice said "anyways the answer to your question is because you died the same minute she did and you're more compatible with her than others does it answer your question," red said to me "do you have more question?" red asked...   

"wake up ellen wake up mother is sorry for forcing you pls wake up mother won't force you anymore" a woman's voice was heard as she continued weeping. It was all her fault if only she didn't force Ellen maybe just maybe she wouldn't be in the sick bed "mum" a hoarse voice called out to the woman "Ellen?" the woman said looking at her "you're awake Ellen I am sorry, please find it in your heart to forgive me, I didn't mean to I just thought that was the right thing to do I didn't mean to I am sorry" the woman said "mom am fine don't apologize unless you did something wrong" Ellen smiling.....


"Mom I don't want to go," Ellen said "Ellenora!!" her mother shouted " you don't want this you don't want that why are you trying to ruin our reputation? you don't understand do you this isn't a matter of whether you want to we've been invited by the emperor and we have to appreciate him or our reputation will be ruined. Ellen, please just reconsider this for the sake of our kingdom" Ellen left the room and went to get dressed. At the party, an attack happened in the hope of killing the emperor. Ellen saw the strange way of attack and decided to go protect other people but only ended up bringing misfortune to their family.....

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