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Loyal Love (kaisoo)

Loyal Love (kaisoo)



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kyungsoo was the trash of school and at home. with a mother who died by suicide and a father who ran away .he was left with his abusive stepfather and 2 stepsiblings . the only ones he could realy rely on were his friends yixing, who works at the diner with him and his only and best school friend baekhyun . falling in love with one of the most popular guys was just adding more pain to his unhealed wounds of the past and the present but all his crush jongin sees is the search for the heartshaped smile he fell in love with at the school ball and cant recognize being right in front of him all this time. what will happen once jongin finally discovers that kyungsoo was the guy he fell for ? when friends turn into enemies and families break why would their love be loyal when love itself never was to neither of them ?
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Chapter 1

good day everyone .

I am a human creature that goes by the name do Kyungsoo .

just Kyungsoo is fine though .

there’s also kyungie or satansoo although they don't call me that last one anymore.

but then there’s also shorty, freaksoo and kyunghoe . well I'm sure there are even more names, but I don't have time to read all the papers that get thrown into my locker .

" Kyungie !"  a familiar voice echoed throughout the school halls .for once I was glad that everyone was too busy with talking and sticking their heads into their phones

" What ?" I turned to look at Baekhyun ,who was now apple red making me feel slightly worried as I brought the back of my hand up and layed it against his forehead .

" are you OK ?"

" Yah .. yahhh !!" he screamed in his girly voice which only meant

" Chanyeol .." breathing out dreamily he glanced into the distance and I couldn’t help but chuckle at that .

" What happened now ? "

" He accidentally had my book packed into his bag and returned it today ,but kyungie kyungie " he held me on my shoulders and started shaking me " I had notes in my book .. well not notes to be honest. those were drawings and he said that they were amazing .he also said we should meet there eeehh !"

I chuckled at his fancying and adjusted my bag on my back as I started walking to my first class .

" so what does there mean ?"

he exhaled probably annoyed at my lack of knowledge .well excuse me if I am not a dating expert.

" Obliviously he meant the ball duh "

I didn't exactly know how that was supposed to be obivas but just the mentioning to the ball made me annoyed again

" That's why you should go too " he giggled .

since weeks Baekhyun has annoyed me with that stupid ball and I couldn’t wait until its finally over since its next weekend .

" And why should I ?" I remained unimpressed .

he took another breath causing me to just roll my eyes .

" because it’s a masquerade ball which means they won't know who you are or what popularity status you have .everyone will just be-"

" prince and princess ya ya you say that everyday just give me a break "

I stopped as I reached the door to my classroom .and he stopped in front of me sighing .

this stupid ball was really going on my nerves just because the theater group somehow manages to convince the headteacher that that was good for the sociability of the school and since they were doing it all anyway, the head teacher agreed of Corse .

" Jongin will be there too " he winked, and my expression turned to disgusted .why would I care ?

as if he could read my mind Baekhyun pattend my head and spoke " I know you've been staring at him lately .. you know at the games and when he would walk pass us-"

" I only stared at him because he was one of the best players and when he would walk past us , so many people follow him I can't help but look at the crowd! " I defended a little too loud since a few heads turn towards us . I hate that the topic : Kim Jongin

always makes me angry .

" Besides .. h-he doesn’t even know I exist " I muttered quietly ,more to myself than to Baekhyun .

but judging by the sigh that left his mouth , he had heard .

and by the look on his face he was getting ready to have a wisely choose answer .but he never got the chance to tell me because the teacher then walked in, and I had no other choice then to also go .

" we'll not continue this after the class " I smiled " see you at the diner "

he just nodded sadly and also walked away as I entered my class .

I know he's feeling guilty but he really shouldn’t . guilty because I was being an idiot who just wasn't able to have fun .

well to be exact Baekhyun isn’t like me . I am the lowest , the poor guy from the diner with the father who ran away because he had enough of him and the mother that commented suicide because she couldn’t take his being . yes it was true when I was 5 my father decided to just run away ..I don't know why, and I don't even care anymore. I cried way too much for that asshole but what made me angry was that he just left .at a point where my mum was already struggling with depression .

she was only 22 when I turned 8 and it was too much for her when her parents , my grandparent died as well .leaving her alone with me .as desired as she was she took the first good guy with kids and fell in love it was more like forced love .

when I was 10. I woke up in the middle of the night find them arguing it was the 24th December .

it was Christmas when my mum took her life by jumping out of our window .. and I saw her smile as she left me .

she didn't leave anything behind, so they had no choice but give everything to my step farther. meaning the house , the diner and me . well the rest you can probably imagine .me an arrogant stepfather and 1 annoying stepbrother and a stepsister who at least doesn’t bully me as well

if people would learn my name I would be a target everyday .which I still am in a way but if they would all recognize my face then the whole school would be after me whenever they are bored, that’s probably also why I always wear my hoodie to cover my face and with the glasses I have to wear no one really bothers to look . except for those idiots in my classes .

Baekhyun however isn’t like that .he isn’t like me. sure yeah he wasn't one of the popular guys .he was one of the averages ,I guess . he has friends and even gets recognized by some of the popular guys including Chanyeol which he has a huge crush on and by the looks that tall idiot gives him .it was clear that he was feeling the same .

Baekhyun had tried to somehow bring me into his group of friends but I guess it’s not meant to be .I would only pull them more down into that hole .. I call it the Kyungsoo virus .

besides its only 2 more years and I'm done with this school. moving onto college. well if I get the money together until then.

" !" my eyes shoot to the teacher now standing in front of me .and I sat up right at his stirn glare.

" y-yes sorry Mr.Kim " I quick apologize and grabby my pen starting to copy what was on the board .thanks a lot .

here we are again .

lunch break

it’s the best time of the day .

usually you should be inside or by the tables outside with a plate full of food and a lot of friends around you .but unfortunately my stepfather only pays the lunch for Seungsoo and Eunji .my beautiful elder stepbrother and sister .

although Eunji wasn't really a bad person or a mean one.she just acts like that to not be an outsider like I am .but whenever my stepfather and Seungsoo were not around , she actually isn’t that bad .unfortunately she goes to a different school .

Seungsoo however,..

give me a second to puke

.because Baekhyun says he looks kind of similar to me.

Seungsoos disgusting .if you would cover up his face yes he may look a little like me from his frame, but I don't have a handsome face like he has .and he is a little taller than me and .. popular I doped that people even know that I'm his stepbrother .

I reached out for an apple on the tree as I looked onto the streets further away .

the school was actually build on a little hill . and I could look more into the distance seeing a few houses even further away .a few trees .bla bla bla .

taking a bite from my apple I sat back down in indianer style and started listening to my great music. yeah music will never leave me, so music is probably a best friend to me .but then again it was to you too

right mum ?

silence past and I was about to look at the time when there was suddenly a hand on my shoulder .and I jumped to the side .having lost the apple ,that was now rolling down the hill .while my headphones fell out of my ears .

a low chuckle was heard, and I saw a person sitting down beside me. I froze once I realized who that person was .

" Sorry , didn't mean to scare you " Jongin spoke amused in a way .

I swallowed hard seeing that my hands were now empty. but that wasn't the problem .my heart was, it was beating fast .I was nervous because when I looked around there was no one .no one but me and Kim fucking Jongin .

" Do you want me to get you another apple " he asked standing up, but I just remained silent like a frozen stature that only moved its eyes .if someone asked me after an embarrassing moment this would probably be the best one .

" How can you eat those apples .there are probably worms in them and stuff "

it was funny how people were disgusted of apples just because of other creatures also having appetite for it .

it’s not like its poison .sure it’s disgusting but no one forces you to eat the part where the worm was you can eat around .besides that, I only had one apple with a wormhole inside ever since I started eating them .

" there " he handed me one and I shakingly took it .still wondering what on earth he was doing here .

"w-what are you doing here ?" I finally managed to open my mouth .

" What are you doing here ? "

a question as answer, what a smart-ass .

" Enjoying the silents " I turned to the apple stroking over its plain form .

" Same .. friends just get too much sometimes "

I chuckled weak at that.

" Why don't you tell them then ?" feeling how I slowly became more confident kind of surprised me .I wasn't the guy to be shy around strangers or other but that was Jongin and just with a few words suddenly feeling braver to actually talk more. was kind of weird I mean I'm talking to

the Jongin omg I'm sounding like Baekhyun now .

" it’s not as easy as you think " he spoke sighing and I kind of feel bad now .but what for I mean he has everything why should I feel sorry .

" at least you have friends you could actually hang out with " I muttered unconsciously .

I don't know if he had heard it or not but judging by the way he layed back onto the grass .he probably did .

" sorry " yes .. yes he did can I get more pathetic ?

I couldn’t help but sigh as well as I layed down too .

" it’s not like I don't have any friends .it’s just I can't hang around him "

" There are some people I would love to not be able to hang around with "

" Why ?" I frowned .his image was perfect .he could dump any guy and still be on the top of the popularity list .

" it’s complicated .. " Somehow I understood what he meant even though I didn't know how ? or why I did I just felt for him

" Fake friends huh ?" as if already knowing the answer I looked over the apple in my hand again

" Yeah even those who were supposed to be more than friends .sometimes .so pushy , annoying and that ego it makes me so angry sometimes" he frustrated spoke probably running his finger through his hair but I didn't dare to check if I was right .

but what made me think more were the words he spoke. it was obviously that he was talking about his parents. but I thought they were all so close since Seungsoo always squeels about his family pics online.

" Did you tell them ?" I asked carefully to not cross a line or something .

he turned to me and me tread my eyes away again hiding under my hoodie .

he didn't answer and I didn't blame him after all we don't even know each other, and he already seemed to have said too much .

" You shouldn’t worry so much. its only 2 years and then you'll be free. your friends may be weird or whatever but they have feelings too I think the best way is to deal with it by talking and about .. the other thing. don't let it control you .just ignore it and go your own way " wow that coming from me ?

impressed kyungie .impressed

he released a breath that somehow mixed with a half chuckle

" are you some kind of wise old man hidden in a small body "

I sat upright at that blinking as I sat the apple down .I shouldn’t be offend like that so quick but I guess I’ve been called shorty and tiny shit one too many times to laugh about it. so I just stood up and was about to walk away when I heard him shifting too and a soft bigger hand grabbed my wrist .

I turned around quick with wide eyes as I stared up at him and he down at me.

too close .

we both took a step back instantly and he awkwardly started rubbing the back of his neck as I adjusted my glasses and hid myself once more under my hoodie.

" I didn't mean it like that ... it’s just .I don't meet a lot of people like you these days .. I was just surprised sorry "

I swallowed at that hiding in the shadow of my hoodie as I move to the side of the door and grabbed my bag .I bowed towards him but still not looking into his eyes

" it’s OK good luck Jongin " I smiled although he couldn’t see it .before I walked back inside the school building leaving him behind like that .