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Midnight Light

Midnight Light

Author: MaraClaire



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He was rugged, dangerous, as well as very aggressive. He tempted Juliana in ways that no one has ever done before, but with someone steadfast to hold them apart, will their passion prevail? or will they go different ways to prevent themselves from getting involve to each other?
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Chapter 1


  I immediately put my clothes in my duffle bag, knowing that he'd be back soon. Shopping all my make-up and money into my bag, I began packing Estella's clothing.

  7:55 a.m. He'd be back in five minutes.

  I took the sleeping Estella in my arms and bolted it from the front entrance.

  I sighed in relief as I started to walk away from my dad's house. We were free, at last!

  I didn't know where we were headed, so we wanted to get as far away from that hell hole as possible. Maybe I should stay at a friend's house for a couple of days, but then I remembered: I didn't have any true friends who would be able to help me.

  "Owww for fùck sake, who put that there" I heard a familiar voice groan. I turned around to see my dad down the lane, rubbing a bruise on his cheek, just walking into a lamppost.

  Damnit! Damnit! What the heck was he doing back here so early. Everything I thought was that he couldn't have caught me again. Last time, I've got marks on my skin.

  I kept up my pace until I began to sprint. Still, knowing my luck, I didn't do it without knocking down one of the trash cans..

  "Juliana? What are you doing back there?" my dad asked when he saw me. He squinted his eyes to see me holding Estella and several bags. It wasn't long until he knew that I was getting away. And he started to run at me with that.

  I never actually wasted and twisted on my heels to run away from him. If he weren't too drunk, he would certainly have caught up with me. This was the one time I was sorry for his addiction to alcohol.

  Estella was stirred in her sleep by a rapid movement, but it didn't slow me down. I turned the corner and glanced behind me to see if my dad had caught up with me yet, but what I didn't expect was to bump into a hard rock wall.

  Literally enough.

  I squeezed the side of my head, waving at the discomfort. I stood back to see some blood on the wall. Ouch, guy.

  "Are you okay? I just saw you walk into that wall" said a voice from behind me. Stunned by the presence behind me, I spun quickly on my feet, causing me to lose control when a pair of large, muscular arms stabbed me, wrapping around my body..

  Looking up, I lay my eyes on the most handsome man I had ever seen. His hair was a dark brown with curls that I was itching to run my fingers through. He had a sharp jawline with a light stubble over it, and full pink lips. He looked about 6'4, towering over my 5'3 frame. He had big, firm muscles that seemed to be bursting out of his tight suit. He was beautiful.

  He studied me and his tongue reached out to lick his bottom him. My lips slightly parted at the sight of it.

  "Are you okay?" he asked after what felt like ages. This caused me to snap out of whatever haze I was previously stuck in and I nodded quickly.

  "Juliana!" I heard my father shout from behind me. Damnit! How could I get so distracted. I tried to escape the man's hold but he only tightened his grip on me.

  As couple second later, my father emerged. Puffing loudly, he grabbed his inhaler from his pocket and breathed the air in like his life depended on it.

  He grabbed my arm roughly, turning me so I was facing him.

  "Where do you think your going you little bïtch?" He seethed. This was the angriest I had ever seen him.

  I was about to apologise, tell him I'd go back with him and beg him not to hurt me, when the man ripped my father's arm off me and stood in front of me protectively.

  "Leave." The man said in a deep voice. In case his appearance wasn't already intimidating enough, his voice definitely was.

  'W-What?' My father stuttered, he had to raise his head to speak to the man since he was about a foot taller that him.

  "I will only repeat myself once more. Leave before I make you", he threatened. My father didn't need to be told twice, before sprinting back in the opposite direction, stumbling a little as he tripped over his feet.

  "Thank you, you didn't have to do that for us" I shyly smiled up to him.

  "It was nothing, where are you heading? I could give you a lift." He said nodding towards his expensive looking car.

  Should I lie? I was slightly embarrassed to admit that I had no where to go and I didn't even know who this man was, I didn't want his to feel obliged to help us

  "We're staying at a friend's house" I replied, subconsciously tucking a curl behind my ear- a bad habit I tend to do when I'm lying.

  "Are you sure?" He frowned, almost as if he knew I was lying

  "Yes, thanks for you help but we should be going now" Gosh! I sounded like such a bïtch. I tried to walk away but he lightly grabbed my wrist.

  "Here's my number, call me if u need any help in the future" He gave me his business card and I apprehensively placed it in my pocket, knowing I'd have to much pride than to call him.

  "I mean it, don't hesitate to call me, okay?" He added.

  I nodded and began to walk away. I heard him walk away, get into his car and drive away. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

  "I'm cold, Jay" Estella mumbled, waking up from her sleep. I smiled at her nickname for me as she still couldn't pronounce my full name properly. I pulled out one of my sweaters from my bag and wrapped it around her.

  "I know baby, but we're going now" I reassured her deciding to walk to the nearest motel. It was about a 45 minute walk but we had nowhere else to go since a hotel was out of budget.

  Arriving, I looked up in distaste. The parts of the building were falling apart and the paint was peeling off the walls. It was hardly safe but it was the only place I could afford at the moment. We paid for a couple nights and made our way up to our room when Estella said she was hungry.

  Ordering some pasta to eat, I scrunched up my nose when it finally arrived. The smell of the sauce was awful and the pasta was stone cold and they tried to

not so cleverly

hide some mould with the sauce. I nibbled some and had to spit it out straight away.

  I searched through my bag finding two chocolate bars that I packed earlier on. I gave them both to Estella knowing how hungry she was.

  "What about you, Jay?" She asked, seeing that I had nothing to eat.

  "It's okay, I ate before we left. And there are some more invade I get hungry." I lied. My stomache quietly rumbled, knowing it hasn't been fed since yesterday lunch, curtesy of my father's punishment for me for refusing to by him some cigarettes with the little money we had left.

  I put Estella to sleep and wrapped her up in extra clothes to keep her warm.

  I slid down the wall, sitting on the floor as I took deep breathes. I lightly banged my forehead on my knees as I recalled what I witnessed yesterday.

  I went up to Estella's room to check up on her after dad said he wanted to put her to bed. I frowned when I heard her muffled cries as I came up the stairs. My jaw dropped as I saw my father with a pillow suffocating Estella as she cried.

  "I said stop fucking crying you fucking bitch" he sneered.

  "Dad!" I yelled. He quickly let go and menacingly walked towards me

  "Get that bitch to shut up before I make her" he said with a threatening tone before waking off.

  Tears threatened to escape my eyes. I had done the one this I sworn never to let happen. I had let Estella down, I didn't protect her like I said I would.

  Sure my father has hit me plenty of times but I had never imagined for him to do it to Estella. I had stayed strong over the years of abuse. I couldn't even remember the last time I had cried but I guess it was all coming out tonight. I covered my mouth, not wanting to make a sound and wake Estella up as I let out a silent sob.

  My phone buzzed grabbing my attention.

  Text message from Nicky

  Hey, I know it's late and we haven't spoken in ages but happy birthday xx

  I checked the date: June 5th. I hadn't even realised.

  Receiving that message from my high school best friend bought more tears to my eyes as I recalled how she had to move to the UK with her parent because her dad got a job offer. I was left all alone since she was my only friend.

  That night, I didn't just cry for Estella, I cried for the girl who just wanted to be loved, for the girl who woke up every morning wishing she didn't, I cried for the girl who talked others out of suicide but had a hard time doing it for herself. For once, I cried for me.

  I sat there for the whole night curled up in a ball painfully sobbing but not a sound came out because I didn't want anyone to see how broken and hurt I truly was.

  If this is going to be how my life is going to be then I don't want it anymore. But Happy Birthday to me... I guess.



  "What have you got?"

  "Juliana Hernandez: 22 years old, has a 2year old sister, works at Café Rouge, both parents are still alive however her father is unemployed and her mother hasn't visited them in a couple years."

  "Okay. You can go now." I said to Adams before he scurried off out of my office.

  I punched the bridge of my nose as I sighed deeply. Ever since I saw Juliana last night, I haven't been able to get her out of my head since and I fùcking hated it.

  I don't know what the hell was wrong with me. I had barely even spoken to the girl yet she was dominating my every thought.

  A knock on the door bought me back to reality.

  "What is it?" I said to Tiffany, my secretary, as she poked her head through the door.

  "Mr Smith is here for your 2:00 meeting, sir." She said.

  I sighed. I completely forgot about that.

  "Reschedule the meeting. I have other matters to attend to." I said and stood up to put on my jacket that was in the back of my seat.

  "Are you sure, sir. Mr Smith travelled over an hour to meet you today."

  "Did I stutter?" I asked her and raised my eyebrow.

  "No, sir. I- I'll go reschedule the meeting" she stuttered and rushed out of my office.

  Since when did my employees get so scared of me. I wasn't that scary, was I?

  I walked out of my building to see my driver waiting for me outside.

  "Where to, sir?"

  "Café Rouge"

  "Are you sure, sir. That's not normally your type of scene." My driver said.

  I was sick of everyone questioning me lately. I glared at the driver and he gulped before turning around and driving.

  We arrived in about 10 minutes and I stepped inside the café to see it was quite empty since most the customers were probably at work.

  I looked around for Juliana and internally smiled when I saw her behind the counter.

  'Holy shït' I thought to myself. She looked just as beautiful as she did yesterday with her long black hair and curls that were tighter than mine. She had caramel skin and hazel eyes.

  She was yawning while leaning on the counter and her eyes began to slowly close and then open back up. She was struggling to stay awake.

  Without waiting another second, I walked towards her but she still hadn't noticed my presence. I cleared my throat to gain her attention and she shot up from her sleeping position.

  "Hi, welcome to Café Rouge. What can I get you?" She said tapping on the machine in front of her. She still hadn't looked up.

  "What would you recommend?" I asked. I was now close enough to see the light freckles covering her face- Could this girl get any more perfect?

  "My personal favourite is the white chocolate Mocha. It's-" she began but stopped mid-rant when she looked up from her screen

  Her big, pouty lips parted as she remembered me from yesterday, the action causing me to lick my lips and my pants to instantly tighten. Shocked that the simple action caused this reaction from me, I cleared my throat. No girl has ever affected me this much.

  "It's... you" she said, confused.

  "I was just about to head back to work before I decided to get a coffee. I didn't realise you worked here" I lied.


  "Yeh. I've been working here for a couple years now." She said. Something caught my eye as I looked to the side towards the children's playroom where the same little girl Juliana was carrying the other night was playing in the ball pit. Is that her daughter?

  "That's my sister Estella, they let me keep her there while I've got no one to look after her" she said. She must have seen me staring.

  "Juliana, can you hurry up out there and help me with these." A voice said com inside the staff only section.

  "Just give me a minute" she yelled back and turned to me.

  "As I was saying before, I would recommend the White Chocolate Mocha with extra whipped cream."

  "I trust your opinion. White Chocolate Mocha it is" I said. She nodded and tapped in the screen in front of her.

  "That would be $4.50" she said and I reached in my wallet to pull out a $50 bill.

  She hesitantly took it and began to get my change from the cash register but I stopped her.

  "Keep the change" I said and her eyes widened.

  "What? It's too much. I can't accept it." She shook her head.

  "I insist"

  She hesitantly nodded and turned to make my drink. As much as I tried to resist, I couldn't help my eyes as they wandered to her behind.


  She turned back around after a couple moments and handed me my drink.

  "Here's your drink, have a nice day."

  I took a sip and my eyes widened at how good it tasted.

  "It's really good. I might need to start coming her more often." I said.

  "Thanks" she said and a small blush overtook her face.

  She was so beautiful. Like something I had never seen before. And like a love sick puppy I couldn't look away. What kind of witch craft was this?

  "Is there anything else you needed?" She asked when she noticed I still hadn't left.

  "Yes actually. Can I get..." I was about to ask for her number and I think she knew this because she looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

  "...Can I get a... napkin with this?" I finished, internally cursing myself for pùssying out.

  "Oh, of course" she said, the disappointment evident in her voice.

  "Thanks" I said as she handed me the napkin and I began to walk away.

  Damnit. The one chance I had, and I messed it up.