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Her Beautiful Fate

Her Beautiful Fate

Author: LycorisMavis23



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"You will become my son's wife and bring him an heir before you scram. This is the debt you Adams owe." Before Laura could understand, she was kidnapped and sent to the man's villa. "I owe you nothing Jax Maxwell, and I won't oblige to that baseless contract. Go find another woman, because I would never abandon my child to this heartless family of beasts." She glared at him holding back the tears in her beautiful yet stubborn eyes. Jax amusedly looked at the feisty little woman with his sharp gaze. "You will. Otherwise, the consequences of that baseless contract would send your father straight to jail. If you insist on me finding another woman, I would but only your sister would fill your shoes. As for you, you just owe this beast family a mere 100 million dollars for your sin." Would she be drained as a tool for revenge? Or would he slowly fall for her and turn this hell to heaven once he finds the truth?
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Chapter 1

"Hey Laura, let's go to the canteen once this lecture ends. I'm starting to imagine people as food... "

Elizabeth whispered as she drowsily laid on the desk drooling on her physics sheets.

"Fried, fragrant walking specimens huh. I'm starving too, but can't join you, I still have to catch up on my part-time job at the new restaurant, remember."

Laura lowered her head and whispered as she continued to listen to the lecture.

"Ugh. I now do, that's not fair you said you will accompany me this week Laura."

Elizabeth propped her body and glared at her indifferent friend unaware of the deadly silence around her or the eyes staring at the two.

"Miss Lawrence, Miss Adams if you both have this sudden burst of energy, I will have to trouble you to prepare the next chapter and explain it to your classmates next week, with grades. Class is dismissed."

As he remained at his desk, the professor raised his sharp eyes and fixed them on both.

"We're sorry professor for speaking during the session, we will do as you say," Laura said as she prepared her stuff to leave in spur, she always felt that this man is watching her and always avoided his gaze ever since he came.

"Liz, let's go."Laura grabbed her friend's elbow as they followed the leaving crowd.

"Wait, I'm not done yet. You stay here."

"Me?" Elizabeth pointed at herself with a paled face.

"No, you're dismissed." He said as his eyes were glued at Laura all the time.

"Laura good luck! You need it. " Elizabeth murmured as she left and waited outside.

Laura took a deep breath and approached his desk, but she still maintained her distance.

"Is there something you need professor Maxwell?" Laura asked as she avoided his gaze, her beautiful face had no single ripple, like a deadpan.

"I want you." He said, pursing his lips, he looked at the young woman before him and waited for her reply.

"I don't understand what you mean professor. If it's not important I really have to go." Laura tightened her hold on her books as she prepared to escape, she was right, he was really into her but her heart was uneasy no matter how good looking he was, nor how much charm he exuded all over the campus, she just couldn't...

His eyes had a dark light when she met his gaze and her instincts told her to leave, her memory recalled the day this man entered their class with the dean.


A week ago, the physics professor of the radiologic science department had an accident and couldn't continue lecturing, so the news had been circulating on the campus site that the famous handsome elder master of the Maxwell family might agree to spare time and temporarily lecture them.

That morning the Dean entered their noisy lecture theater and soon it became silent at the sight of a strong, tall man wearing an expensive tailored suit walking behind and facing them in the center.

"As all of you heard of Mr. Maxwell the first business tycoon in the country we are honored to have him sharing his knowledge in physics, even if it was for a short time. Professor Maxwell I won't waste your time anymore and will take my leave."

"Thank you dean I will do my best. Hopefully, I will achieve my goal." He said those words as his sight lingered on her.

Laura felt the power exuding from that man's aura and nimbly switched her vision to the dean.

She could hear the surrounding chatter of girls, drooling all over him and sending him, smiles," I might start to like this subject and try my best just for our handsome professor to notice me!"

"Is he looking at me?!" A girl enthusiastically said from the row behind her, as Laura opened her books.


He stood and grabbed her elbow effortlessly before she fell into his embrace.

"For a starter call me Jax, and for an excellent student, I know you understood what I meant Laura." He said as he raised her chin and looked into her stubborn eyes.

Once she hit a hard chest, Laura struggled to escape him but he locked her in his sturdy arms until he lifted her chin, she didn't want to listen, nor stay for a second.

So she raised her leg and smashed his foot with all her strength, being rewarded by a groan, she smirked and pushed him with both her arms and ran away.

"Pervert." She cursed as she left the huge hall.

Jax returned to his usual calm, he glanced at his dirty leather black shoes and grinned, but his sight fell to the necklace on the floor.

His memory returned to her, the feisty little woman wore it a few seconds ago before she broke from his hold.

"She's the only woman who's running away from me, but I'll wait and see." He said as he glanced at the necklace and shoved it in his pocket.

'Darn it, I could swear my voice wasn't that high when I spoke nor Laura's.' Elizabeth thought as she paced back and forth.

"Liz why didn't you leave? I can't go with you, have to catch the bus and head to work now." Laura's voice sounded from behind as her chain of thoughts broke.

"Wait, why is your face so red? Did he scold you earlier? No matter how much I crush on that perfect man, but if he angered you I will crush him." Elizabeth said as she rolled her sleeves and prepared to fight.

Laura touched her burning face and recalled what happened, she then glanced at her serious friend and smiled.

"No, it's not that, I just ran on the stairs because he made me late on my first day which you are doing now too, bye Liz. I'll treat you on the weekend."

With that said Laura hurried to the intersection to catch the bus, but she was late, so now she could only stop a taxi or else she would kiss her job goodbye.

"Oh god I'm late, and now I have to pay for a cab, it's all because of that hateful man.

Humph, I'm not a plaything. If anything he can choose from the endless lines of bees and butterflies in the campus not to mention the outside world."

Laura murmured as her sight caught a cab, she wanted to fight for it before other students do, but she didn't pay attention to the car heading her way.

Suddenly, screeching sounds of wheels were heard and the loud crash of two cars echoed the street, and as she fell to the ground, a sharp pain came from her knee and her body felt heavy.

"Why is it him?.. " Her sight vaguely saw a man running towards her and holding her in his sturdy arms before her vision turned black.