
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Jennie Batya E





A woman is thrust into a world of violence and crime when she must take over her father's mafia organisation, which pits her against a powerful rival. However, she discovers that the rival has a complicated history with a man she is drawn to. Despite their rivalry, she believes they can work together to defeat their common enemy. As their relationship evolves, she finds herself torn between two mafia brothers, and the situation grows more complicated and dangerous. Will she be able to choose a path that leads to success, or will her choices lead to disaster?
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Chapter 1


Writer’s POV:

Her screams filled the room as he banged her hardly from behind, tightening his hold on her. He pulled her closer by the hair going deeper into her, as her legs tremble repeatedly. She made an effort to move away from him, but his grip on her was too strong.

“Please, ” she cried out with tears now rolling down her eyes.the pleasure was killing her

“ You like it?. ” He whimpered into her ears

“ I love it Daddy. “ she answered.

He pulled out and laid on the bed, forcing her to sit on top of him. She quickly inserted his rod into her, begging him to start.

“ Do it…. Ride it now. “ He tightens his grip on her neck, staring into her eyes. She started moving rapidly, but it didn't seem to be satisfying to her

“ choke me…. And release everything inside of me please. “ She manages to say.

"You want it?" he asked, and she nodded her head, and losing her breath.

He smirked and raised her hip up, thrusting into her faster than ever. She shut her eyes as the feeling travel through her body. He slowly released his hold on her and she started moaning loudly, jerking off at him out of pleasure.

“ There you go. He chuckled and pinned her down as he felt his seed build up.

'Please! ' She screamed.

“ Oh… ah… fuck!!. ” He pulled out, stroking his rod rapidly and put it back inside her, releasing everything in it with a loud groan .

“ This feels so good. ” She moaned and hugged him tightly.

“You taste so good. He groaned and clasped his lips on hers.

6hours ago ~~~~~

The city streets were drenched in shadow, the neon lights of the strip clubs and casinos casting an eerie glow. A dark sedan pulled up to a seedy motel on the edge of town. Inside, a group of men sat around a table, their faces grim and tense. They were there to discuss business, but this was no ordinary business meeting. This was a meeting of the mafia, and the stakes were life and death."

Inside were flirtatious ladies, brooding dudes, smoking and music - it's like a scene straight out of a steamy drama series. The girl's entrance is pure fire - that confident strut, the smoky makeup, the click of her heels. She's strutting in like a boss!.

As she strides towards the vacant chair, the murmurs of the crowd fall to a hush. Her gaze is like ice, slicing through the chatter and commanding all eyes on her.

Her smile vanishes, her gaze hardening once more as she meets the intense stare of the mysterious man. His piercing eyes are a match for her own, and for a moment, time seems to stand still as they lock gazes. The air between them crackles with a charged energy, both daring the other to blink first. But neither budges, lost in a silent battle of wills.

Breaking the tension with her words, she declares, 'My father sent me here in his stead.' The confession hangs in the air, a weighted statement that sends a ripple through the room. But she doesn't waver, her unwavering gaze a testament to her steel resolve. It's like a power play between two titans - and nobody's backing down."

A gruff man pipes up, 'Your father's outta his mind, sending a lady to a place like this.' His words drip with condescension, a blatant dismissal of her presence. But she's not fazed, her response dripping with sarcasm and sass: 'Oh, don't worry. I'm not just any lady.'"

Cutting to the chase, she snaps, 'Let's get down to brass tacks.' Her words are sharp and direct, slicing through the air like a blade. She's not here to play games, she means business and she's ready to handle it. She's the boss at the moment , and she's not afraid to show it."

“ what business?” His question is loaded, tinged with suspicion and a hint of challenge. He's sizing her up, trying to figure out if she's legit or just another poser. He cocks his head slightly, raising an eyebrow, his expression daring her to answer.

“ life and death ?ha” She hits back with that sarcastic retort, her tongue doing the work for her. She's channeling her inner sass queen, looking at him like he's just a little bug she's about to squish with her wit. Her lips curl into a smirk as she waits for his reaction.

“ she must think this is about her” he thought and smirked

Everyone stared at her with different thoughts running through their minds.

In a power move of epic proportions, she shot a piercing look to one of her henchmen, who immediately produced a mysterious briefcase. It looked like it was full of cash, but this dame was playing a much more high-stakes

She cracked open the briefcase, revealing its highly coveted contents: a priceless artifact, glinting in the light. Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she declared, 'Gentlemen, the game is on.' A devious smirk spread across her lips as she snapped the case shut, leaving her opponents scrambling to guess what precious treasure was hidden within.

The tension is palpable . it's like everyone's got something to lose, and the stakes are high. The fact that she smiled and nodded is intriguing . like she's got some kind of power over them.

On the opposite side was Him ,the ruthless mafia leader. He's got a killer smirk, like he knows the outcome before it even happens.

The cards were dealt around the table, each player's eyes locked on their hand like a hawk on its prey. The stakes were high, and every move counted. The players could feel their hearts racing, the sweat on their palms betraying their calm exteriors. This game was no joke, it was life or death, and the tension in the room was palpable.


The game went from zero to full-blown mayhem in a heartbeat. It was like a bomb went off, everyone scattering and diving for cover, while bodies littered the floor. She was a one-woman wrecking ball, snatching up the briefcase and passing it off to her henchman with the speed and precision of a ninja. The pair slipped out like shadows, leaving behind a scene of pure carnage .

In a move smooth as silk, he snatches her wrist and yanks her through the frenzied crowd, weaving like a pair of master thieves in the midst of a daring heist. It's like they're one step ahead of the game, dodging the chaos like a pair of dance partners in perfect sync.

He got out of the casino and immediately got into the already waiting car with his hand still tightly holding her wrist. Closed the car and sped off.

She's burning up with indignation, shooting daggers at him with her eyes, demanding an explanation. He just stares back, cold as ice, his face a stoic mask. The silence is thicker than a bank vault, but she's not letting him off the hook.

With a mischievous smirk, she asks,

"You think I'm holding the goods, huh?" She asked sarcastically

He tries to smooth-talk her, laying on the charm like butter on hot toast.

"You're worth your weight in gold, sugar. Forget the briefcase, you're the real prize."

She throws it right back at him, all bold and fearless: "So, what, you gonna kidnap me now?”

He smirks, all self-assured and cocky. "Baby girl, your daddy knows me. He ain't gonna mess with me. I'm like teflon, nothing sticks to me."

With a strait up savage smirk , she said

"You think you can abduct me and get a payday from my daddy? You must be outta your mind! “*cue laughter*"

After sometime the car pulls up, and he gives her that 'you’re under me' look that has her all shook up. He steps out like a boss, and she's sitting there like 'how the heck did I end up in this car?!'.

“ She tried connecting her ear monitor to that of her henchmen when ,but couldn’t when suddenly the car door swings open! *dramatic sound effect* There he is, givin' her that look that says ' Get down.'

Stepping out of the car, her eyes narrowed, scanning the vast compound before her. She knew she'd walked into the lion's den. It was clear as day - this was his territory, his clan, his rules.

Frustration bubbled up inside her as she fiddled with her phone, struggling to make a call. She let out an exasperated growl, her annoyance clear as day. But before she could dial, he swiped the phone from her grasp and strode off, leaving her there, flabbergasted and seething.

Her frustration boiled over, and she let out a howl of exasperation that would've made a hyena proud. But her eyes widened as she noticed the sudden influx of vehicles rolling into the compound.

“ How can I be so stupid to think he went there alone” she muttered staring at the men as they got out of the cars one after the others.

“those guys ain't messin' around. You better act fast, or they’re gonna assume you’re up to no good and put you on the receiving end of a permanent nap.” his voice made her turn towards his direction,realizing he was still standing there

She exhaled heavily, her steps clicking in unison with his as they strolled deeper into his den. The crew's gazes honed in on them like sniper rifles, the air thick with intrigue and speculation. It was like they'd just witnessed a shooting star . the mafia boss, with a lady in tow! The clan's tongues were wagging like rabid dogs, everyone dying to know who she is .

As they entered the building, the chill air hit them like a hammer, the tension palpable in every step. He strode towards his suite with the swagger of a king, while she followed like a queen, matching his every move. It was like watching a dance, the two of them in perfect sync, their movements a silent language only they understood. The building watched, its walls the silent witnesses to the show

"She whipped out her words like a mama disciplinin' her kid, her eyes blazing with attitude. "Yo, gimme back my phone. Like, NOW!"

He shook his head, his smirk a mile wide.

"Honey, if looks could kill, you'd be guilty of murder right now!" He said and She rolled her eyes, unimpressed.

He kept his poker face on, his cool-cat swagger on full display. But she wasn't havin' it.

She stopped in her tracks, hands on hips, like a mama bear defending her cubs. "Alright, spill it. What's your end game, slick?"

“ money?, some stuffs ? or……

“ you” he cut her off and opened his suit door with his fingerprints,gesturing her to go in

“ Really? Me? Are you kidding me? ” She asked, staring at him.

He stepped into the room, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips as she remained standing by the door. The silence hung heavy in the air, as she slowly exhaled, seeming to gather herself before following him in and locking the door behind them. The tension lingered, palpable, as if the air itself was thick with unspoken words."

He smirked to himself, his thoughts simmering like a pot of mischief on the stove. He moved towards his bedroom, savoring the moment, while she took in the opulent surroundings, her eyes darting from corner to corner, absorbing the grandeur of the suite. The scene crackled with anticipation, the perfect set-up for whatever twisted plot he had brewing in his diabolical brain.

A few minutes after slipping away, he emerged from the bedroom, swathed in a luxurious silk robe, his smile suggesting he had some sneaky plan up his sleeve. She shot him a quizzical look, her brows knitting together in confusion, but his smirk only grew wider.

“You should shower” he said

“ why exactly did you bring me here?” She asked angrily

He slunk towards her, his voice low and seductive, like honey dripping from his lips. 'I told ya, baby, you're the real catch.

Her eyes bore into his with laser precision, a storm brewing behind them. Without warning, she lunged, a glint of steel flashing in her hand. He moved like lightning, side-stepping the blade and pinning her against the wall with the strength of a charging bull. Her eyes widened in shock as the knife clattered to the floor, its blade now powerless against his iron-clad grip.

“ I want you” he said and slammed his lips on hers.