
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Authoress Ti Fe





Ashley ran deep into the forest with tears in her eyes. Her classmates did something more horrible this time The moon was full in the skies giving Ashley light to see the path in which she ran. After minutes of running, she stopped at a tree holding the stem and breathing very hard. She looked around and she noticed she was in the deep part of the forest because she couldn’t see the reflection of the party lights anymore. She bent her head and looked down at her stained dress which her mother just got her, the clotted blood against her thighs. More tears dropped seeing how messy she was. She looked up to the skies and screamed so loud letting out the pain and agony she felt. She grew tired and fell to the ground weeping silently. She folded her legs and hugged it to herself shivering. “Somebody help me.” She whispered fearfully. *** It’s heart beats very fast as its ran through the forests, it's large paws hitting the ground, and the wind brushing it’s long and dense grey fur. It dodged the trees, and short branches moving it’s head and body sideways. It stopped all of a sudden raising up its neck inhaling the scent of the forest. It let out a refreshing howl and… That scent… blood! It perceived. Without hesitation, it began to move following the scent of the blood. It was on it’s greatest speed and as it approached Ashley began to hear noises making her raise up her head. “Hello. Is anyone there?” she asked looking at the direction where the noise came from. She could hear the crushing of the grasses and this made her scared. Suddenly, she saw a blue glowing object behind the bushes. They seemed like eyes to her. “Anyone there?” she asked standing to her feet slow and steady. She heard howling and she gasped. “She just came in contact with a wolf!”
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Chapter 1

  “Ashley who did this to you?” Mrs. Fair muttered in tears as she glared at her daughter on the hospital bed looking miserable.

  “Ashley just tell us their names and we would make sure they rot in jail.” Mr. fair added and Ashley shook her head.

  “I don’t know which of them did it. It was my fault. I shouldn't have taken that drink. After taking the drink, all I can remember was waking up at the back of the library covered in blood.” Ashley narrated in tears.

  “Who urged you to take the drink?” The Chancellor of Azuza University asked. She is the principal of Ashley’s school.

  “My best friend.” Ashley responded and her parents exchanged looks.

  “That must be the person.” Her Mother said and she shook her head.

  “No Maggie would never do that to me. She must have been unaware of their plans too.” Ashley stated but her mother refused to listen.

  “You can’t trust people easily Ashley. Why was she the one that came to give you the drink?” Her Mother asked.

  “I asked her to bring us some drink. It’s not her fault mom.” Ashley lied. She didn’t want to believe Maggie stood with her bullies to succeed in raping her.

  “Ashley! Ashley!” Ashley heard Maggie call from afar.

  “It's Maggie. Please let her in.” Ashley cried but her mother refused.

  “I can’t Ashley. I can’t let her deceive you with her crocodile tears. I will talk to her myself.” She said standing up and Ashley looked at her father hoping he would stop her but he didn’t.

  “I am on her side this time Ashley.” He said and she sighed with more tears dropping from her eyes.

  She lost her virginity to somebody she doesn’t even know. And she isn’t even sure if they didn’t take pictures or videos to send to the web.

  She wished she was strong to fight them on her own, but she has never been that brave person.

  Mrs. Fair walked out of the ward and stood in front of Ashley shutting the door behind her. This time the principal was outside the ward too.

  “What are you doing here? After hurting my daughter!” She yelled approaching Maggie like she was going to pounce on her but the Principal stopped her.

  “Mrs. Fair, please let me take care of this. You should go into the ward.” The Principal said calmly but Mrs. Fair was against that idea.

  “No! I will stay here. So you better do your job well.” She said trying to keep her cool. The Principal nodded and looked at Maggie who was also in tears.

  “Maggie can you please tell me what happened at the party?” The principal asked and Maggie nodded.

  “Thank you Mrs. Claire. Last night, after sitting at the party for minutes, it felt boring to me and I noticed it was the same for Ashley. So in my stupid brain, I thought taking few cups of drinks would do the trick. I went to get the drink for us when Danielle stopped me looking remorse. She asked me where Ashley was but I refused to tell her because I know she hates Ashley. Then she told me she is sorry and would really want to make it up to Ashley. I knowing she was lying walked away from her and got to where the drinks were served. I asked for a drink and then turned to look at Ashley, to check she was safe. The acting bar man passed the drinks to me and I took them to Ashley. “

  “I gave her one and took the other, before I knew it, I began to have this disturbing feeling inside of me. I rushed to the toilet and before I was back, Ashley was gone. I searched everywhere for her but didn’t see her. I felt she had gone home, and since she is yet to tell me where she lives I headed back home. On my way home, I saw her lying next to the road looking very messed up, so I rushed her here. I swear I know nothing about this.” Maggie narrated In tears.

  “Do you believe her?” Mrs. Fair asked Mrs. Claire and she nodded.

  “Maggie is a very quiet student. She would never do this because she was also given poison which made her purge. But in this short story of hers, I found out who the culprit is.” Mrs. Claire said and Mrs. Fair nodded for her to go on.

  “I need to talk to Danielle. I would get back to you before the day runs out.” Mrs. Claire told and she nodded.

  “Okay. Please make sure you find out who did this to my daughter.” Mrs. Fair said feeling so bad for Ashley and furious at the same time.

  “I will.” Mrs. Claire replied walking away leaving Maggie and Mrs. Fair in front of the ward.

  “Please Ma'am, can I see Ashley? I need to know how she is doing.” Maggie pleaded.

  “She told me she was the one that asked you to get her a drink. She lied right?” Her mother asked and she nodded.

  “She lied. I said the truth without letting anyone out.” She stated and Mrs. Fair sighed.

  “So you brought her in?” She further asked opening the door and Maggie nodded behind her.

  “Maggie.” Ashley called sadly and Maggie rushed to her hugging her tightly.

  “I am sorry Ashley. I should never have thought of getting us drunk.” She apologize feeling so guilty.

  “No Maggie, it’s not your fault at all. You knew nothing about their plans.” Ashley muttered and her parents stared at them feeling so sad.

  Their child just lost her virginity at age 18. She is yet to know how things really work and now some untrained children did this to her.

  They always asked Ashley how her day at school went when she is back, but she kept saying it was good. They never knew she was been bullied at school.

  “Don't worry Ashley, once who know who did this to you and do justice to that person, we would get you out of this school.” Her mother said and Ashley’s eyes widened.

  “No! No mother. I don’t want to leave this school. “ Ashley said looking at her father who kept mute.

  “After what they did to you? You still want to stay?” Her mother asked unbelievably.

  “Yes! You two taught me never to run away from my fears. If I leave, they would be happy they succeeded in chasing the poor girl away. I won’t let that happen Mom. I am staying.” Ashley said boldly and Mrs. Fair looked at her husband.

  “Please talk to our daughter.” She pleaded and he sighed.

  “To be honest, I think Ashley is right. But what if the next time would be worse?” he asked looking at Ashley.

  “It won’t be. I promise. Please don’t let me leave. It would affect me in all ways. I can’t leave mom. I can’t.” she said shaking her head and her mom nodded.

  “Fine! You are staying. But if I notice anything off about you, I won’t hesitate to withdraw you from this school. You are my only child Ashley, you are a queen and you should be treated as one.” She said with a smile on her face and Ashley smiled faintly.

  “I promise Mom. You won’t regret letting me stay in this school.” She said and her mother nodded holding her hand in hers.