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Love On Collateral?

Love On Collateral?

Author: Chidiebere Favour



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When love and hate competes against each other. Ashley, a beautiful young lady who finds herself in a family where she is hated and sold out in marriage to Mr. Andrew Leo. Her father, Mr. Adolphus uses her as a collateral for a business loan gotten from the Leo's. She again, finds herself in a fate of rejection as she struggles to win the heart of her ruthless husband, Mr. Andrew Leo. She posses a very sensitive personality and a soft nature that gets Mr. Andrew drawn to her without her notice. When he confeses love to her, she tries hard to fight back her feelings for him for fear of being rejected again. Just when she realizes her love for him and makes plans to let him know, her father returns to take her back. Claiming that he has refunded the money and needs her for a better purpose. Ashley and Mr. Andrew try to fight for their love against all odds. Will they be able to succeed? Now when Ashley's real family resurfaces and posses another trait to their love story. Will they be able to fight for their love and be together? Find out in this enthralling novel as we ride the path of love, hate, lies, deceit and treachery.
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Chapter 1

"How could you do this to me? I believe mom and dad could do so, but you? You are my sister Gwen, how could you?" I said with streams of tears flowing down my eyes.

I couldn't believe what ill fate I had. Why me? Why such a life filled with pain and misery. From the first day I opened my eyes to embrace mother nature, I had known nothing but rejection, suffering and pain. Probably I was cursed, that would only explain why things worked the way they did for me.

My sister, Gwen, I thought she would be my back bone and pillar, my eyes and ears and a way to get into the hearts of my parents. But no!! I was absolutely wrong.

Married? To think that I actually heard that right coming out from my dad's mouth was a total shock on it's own. How could I possibly be married and to whom? My tears knew no bounds but wasn't enough to convince dad otherwise.

I fell at his feet holding the hem of his trouser, pleading my voice out, using my bitter tears to water his feet hoping that would perform the miracle I much anticipated but nothing substantial found purchase. I knew I was doomed,. nothing in the entire universe and multiverse if ever it did exist, could save me from my dad's decision.

Yes, he was a dictator, always found a way to impose his wills and desires on others. Richard Adolphus, a Stern business man, very principled and rigid to his bones. He had struggled over the years as I have watched him raise Adolphus' Construction Industry, from start to stardom. I would never fail to give him the credits. Intelligence, business minded, principles and discipline all in one man. More reason why he had attained such great heights in the world of global economies. He was a globally recognized business man, no doubt.

Everyone sang his praises, and am very sure he was a role model to a million of Nadak citizens and beyond. But something was always off about him, and from my childhood I couldn't help but wonder. I wasn't able to wrap that off my fingers. It was so strange, so strange, as to how all his principles and their applications breached when it got to do with Gwen. She was the favored one, even though she wasn't that smart as I was, she had this strange influence on our parents.

Pretty? Yes she was really pretty, but like a spoilt apple looking all scrumptious on the outside, but sour and bad on the inside, she had a very disgusting personality. A melange of sanguine and choleric temperaments, which I struggled to put up with, I wondered how my parents noticed all these traits and still kept mute.

She always had her way with things. Dad knew he was actually talking to himself when he asked Gwen to follow his dream of pursuing a business course in college. She had bluntly and without a shred of concern or fear followed her own dream of being a model.

Yes, my family was a highly reputable one, both in business and morals, but that didn't affect Gwen's decision to follow her career. I initially thought that dad, the fore bearer of moral values would restrict her knowing full well the requirements of her career. Gwen didn't just confine it to being a face model only, she advanced to being a stage model and with the concept of nudity in mind. Funny enough, I was wrong.

Why couldn't they see that I was just there, the dutiful daughter who was ever ready to make sacrifices for them. I wouldn't mind going to the business school, that was even my life dream.

I had always wanted to make dad proud of me, even if it was at the expense of my own happiness.

"I don't want you to go to a business school, concentrate on your culinary skills, it's either Gwen goes to the business school or no one else" I could remember dad's words to me on the day I offered to go to the business school in Gwen's place. Words that left me stupefied. Words that I never expected.

I had thought that offering myself to go to the business school would make dad love me or at least get him to appreciate me. But it's so true how you can't force yourself on people, especially those who will never get to a accept you. Never!!!

But why this? Why take such a crucial decision about my life, and too, without letting me know? He could have at least shown me alittle respect by informing me about it.

Not once, not once did he ever let me know of his plans before hand. At least, to give me time to prepare myself both emotionally and otherwise. That was the height of it all, the last straw that broke the camel's back.

A court marriage? How could that even be possible? Even without my presence, how could I possibly be wedded? And the monkey who was supposed to be my husband, was he so eager and desperate to get married to just anyone that he would agree to get married to a girl he hasn't seen? I pondered over this for a very long time, longer than expected.

I couldn't seem to shake off the curiosity, and the stock pile of questions in my mind needed urgent answers.

"Who was this man? How old was he? What does he do for a living? Does he have a family, probably my in laws? What does he look like? Does he satisfy my physical criteria for marriage? What is his character like? And the ultimate question of them all, why would he accept to get married to me, and also side with my parents to sign the wedding papers in my absence? What was he planning against me? Was he a killer or a ritualist?" I asked.

My heart raced and skipped a bit as the thought of him being a ritualist came to my mind.

"Oh God, what do I do" I reasoned. Dad had specifically made it clear that I packed my things that day and got ready to leave the house the next day. Anything I needed to know, I had but only few hours to get my answers. And besides, I couldn't wait any longer.

Gwen, yes Gwen, maybe she would know. Even if it was just a little information, I sure could make do with anything at the moment.

I hurriedly rushed off to her room, and in the course got hurt, I forcefully hit my left toe against the sharp edge of the iron table in my room.

"Ouch" I whimped in pains, blood, there was blood goshing out from the fresh wound. I had to let that slid for now. I had to hurry up, meeting Gwen at home was as hard as seeing a rainbow in the dry season.

I leaped all the way from my room downstairs to Gwen's room, leaving traces of blood behind. I cared less, at the moment, all that mattered was getting to see Gwen and been able to extract the needed information from her.

Finally!! I made it to her room. My curiosity couldn't hold it in any longer, as I forgot the courtesy of knocking on the door and barged my way in.

"Gosh" Gwen shouted.

"How dare you come into my room without knocking, have you suddenly lost your respect?" Gwen queried.

Respect, really? And to think that I was way older than Gwen. At least I had given her a three years gap in age and here she was talking to me about respect.

I cared less to answer the tantrums she was throwing. There was a more pressing issue at hand and that needed more urgent concern than her naggings.

"Please Gwen we need to talk" I said huskily.

"About what?" Gwen responded almost immediately.

"About the man, father got me married to" I answered.

" Oh! I see, someone is being inquisitive here. Wow!! Why don't you just wait for tomorrow, you will get all the answers you seek" Gwen replied.

I wasn't finding it funny. I needed answers and so urgently too.

I pressed on "Gwen please am begging you, isn't it bad enough that they got me married to a total stranger, all am just asking for is a little bit of information even if it is the tiniest piece. Just something to hold onto. I will be leaving the house tomorrow, if you still have a little bit of conscience in you, please you will grant this my last wish" I concluded admist tears.

I could see the softness in Gwen's eyes. Yes, she had loosened up a bit. I just hoped she would speak up now.

"Why ask me? I know nothing about him. Go ask mom and dad instead" Gwen uproared again.

"You and I both know that they won't agree to tell me, not in this life" I said.

"Alright!" Gwen screamed, rolling her eye balls at the same time.

"I will tell you. What do you wish to know?" Gwen asked.

"His name, occupation, family" I said almost precipitately.

Gwen's pupil widened in surprise.

"You mean you want to know all of these? And why if I may ask? Gwen uttered.

"Gwen, can't you understand? Put yourself in my shoes Gwen, am really scared. What if he is a serial killer or worst into any from of illegal business?"

"What if what?" Gwen cut me off.

"You really think Mom and Dad hate you that much? No they don't" Gwen said folding her arms and fixing her gaze totally on me. "Andrew Leo"

"What?" I asked.

"You wanted to know his name right? So there you have it, Andrew Leo. Anything else?" Gwen answerd rudely.

"Yes!!" I replied hastily.

"I also want to know more, any thing else that you know about him please" I pleaded.

Gwen gave me another eye savouring look before finally opening up.

"Well, I don't know much about him but I know that he is a very hard man and you are going to really have a hard time with him." Gwen said.

"Wait...what? How did you know that?" I questioned with a great look of concern on my face.

"You were the one that asked for information about him right? And there you go, I have given it to you" Gwen replied reluctantly.

"What's your proof?" I pressed on.

"Hahaha" Gwen giggled and I wondered what was so funny.

"Why are you laughing" I asked. Knowing Gwen, her laughter always spelled doom at the end and it only heightened my worries.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Know what?" I asked with that assertiveness in my eyes and voice.

"Hmm, alright. Dad signed you off to Mr. Leo, Andrews father as a compensation for a business deal." Gwen finally broke the Ice.

"You're lying" I stated.

"Why would I even lie to you? Who are you anyways? Mtcheww" she sighed and continued.

" Well, I guess he has been worried about his son, sorry, his mean son, who was so adamant on settling down, that he had to strike a deal with Dad and you were the bet. Poor little you. How much I pity you" Gwen said.

At that point,I was speechless. I couldn't believe my ears. I forced myself to believe that Gwen was actually lying to me. But what would she stand to gain from all these, if they were actually lies? And the answer was nothing.

She had absolutely nothing to gain or lose, that means that she was saying the truth. Dad, why? Why me? In all the sacrifices and docility I have showned to you since the twenty three years of my existence, was this how you chose to pay me back?

A lifetime bondage and commitment. An indirect form of human slaves trade. How was the man I was married to expected to respect me, when my dad had already sown my respect? He gave me as a commodity to that family. I leaped my way back upstairs and laid on my bed. I was indeed hurt, but the wounds of my heart hurt more than the wounds on my leg.