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Rise Of The Fallen Son-in-law

Rise Of The Fallen Son-in-law

Author: DanTheLion


Realistic Urban

Rise Of The Fallen Son-in-law PDF Free Download


"Markus, you must choose," said Mrs. Blackwood, her eyes cold and calculating. "Either you leave this family and go back to your sick mother, or you stay here and give up Celeste for good. You can't have it both ways." She brought out a cheque. Markus's heart sank. He had spent years working for the Blackwoods, trying to earn enough money to help his mother Nora Ironclad. But Celeste was the one who had given him hope, who had shown him that there was more to life than just toiling away under the Blackwoods' thumb. As Markus stood there, staring at the cheque Mrs. Blackwood had offered him, he felt a growing sense of unease. It was true that the money would help him care for his mother, and that was something he desperately wanted. But he also knew that Mrs. Blackwood was trying to manipulate him into abandoning Celeste. It was clear that she didn't approve of their relationship, and she saw this as an opportunity to drive them apart
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Chapter 1

The Blackwoods gathered in their grand hall, feasting and laughing as they always did. But even as they enjoyed their opulence, they couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment toward their lowly son-in-law, Markus. They snickered at his shabby clothes and mocked his lack of refinement.

"You're nothing more than a peasant," sneered Lord Blackwood, the head of the family. "You'll never amount to anything in this world. You're lucky we even let you marry our daughter."

"I may not be as refined as you, but I have something you'll never have," replied Markus, his eyes flashing with defiance. "I have the favor of the gods. You can mock me all you want, but you'll never be able to touch me. I'm beyond your reach."

"You arrogant fool!" snapped Lady Blackwood, her face reddening with anger.

The Blackwoods were among the wealthiest and most powerful families in the land, and they looked down on Markus with scorn. He was of humble birth, and his lack of wealth and status were an affront to their pride.

Celeste Blackwood married Markus because she saw something in him that no one else did. She saw his potential, and she believed in his ability to rise above his humble origins. But despite her faith in him, the pressure from her family eventually became too much, and she was forced to leave him.

When the opportunity arose, they forced his wife to leave him and marry a wealthy man, hoping to rid themselves of the stain of his lowly origins.

"You're nothing but a nobody, and you'll never amount to anything," sneered Mrs. Blackwood, Markus's mother-in-law. "You can't even hold a candle to Bradford's accomplishments."

"That's enough!" Celeste snapped, her eyes flashing with anger. "You have no right to speak to him that way. Markus is doing his best, and he doesn't deserve your scorn."

Markus stood there, his face flushed with shame and embarrassment.

"No, mother!" cried Celeste, her voice shaking with emotion. "I won't marry Bradford, or anyone else. I love Markus, and that's all that matters to me. I won't be pressured into a marriage that I don't want."

Mrs. Blackwood's face turned red with fury. "You ungrateful child!" she hissed. "After all we've done for you, you would dare defy us like this? We'll see about that!"

Markus stood there in stunned silence, unable to believe what he was hearing.


"Markus, you must choose," said Mrs. Blackwood, her eyes cold and calculating. "Either you leave this family and go back to your sick mother, or you stay here and give up Celeste for good. You can't have it both ways." She brought out a cheque.

Markus's heart sank. He had spent years working for the Blackwoods, trying to earn enough money to help his mother Nora Ironclad. But Celeste was the one who had given him hope, who had shown him that there was more to life than just toiling away under the Blackwoods' thumb.

As Markus stood there, staring at the cheque Mrs. Blackwood had offered him, he felt a growing sense of unease. It was true that the money would help him care for his mother, and that was something he desperately wanted. But he also knew that Mrs. Blackwood was trying to manipulate him into abandoning Celeste. It was clear that she didn't approve of their relationship, and she saw this as an opportunity to drive them apart.

"You're trying to take advantage of me," Markus said, his voice shaking with emotion.

As Markus stood there, struggling to decide between his mother and his wife, his phone began to ring. He fumbled for it, answering the call with shaking hands. "Hello?" he said, his voice barely a whisper.

"Markus, it's Cedric," said a familiar voice. Cedric was the Blackwoods' servant, and he had always been kind to Markus.

"Markus, it's your mother, Nora," Cedric said. "She's very sick, and the doctor says she needs immediate medical attention. You must come to her right away."

"I can't just abandon Celeste," said Markus, his voice breaking. "I love her, and I can't leave her alone."

"Celeste is a strong woman," said Cedric. "She can take care of herself. But your mother is not strong enough to make it on her own.


It had been a long and eventful day, but Markus knew he had to visit his sick mother in the hospital. As he made his way through the city, his mind was racing with everything that had happened.

When he arrived at the hospital, he took a deep breath and walked through the doors.

"Markus, I must tell you something," said Cedric, his voice serious. "Your mother is not just a mortal woman. She is a primordial goddess, a being of immense power and wisdom. She sacrificed her immortality to save you and your father from your enemies long ago, but now those enemies are returning. Your mother needs you to take up the mantle of the god of war and fight them once again."

"But I can't," said Markus, his voice trembling. "I have a wife and a life here. I can't just abandon everything to fight some ancient battle."

For a moment, Markus was silent, torn between his past and his present. But then he remembered the look in his mother's eyes when he had last seen her, the fear and sorrow that he had seen there. He knew that he could not stand by and do nothing.

"I will accept my role as the god of war," he said at last, his voice filled with resolve. "I will fight for my mother, and for my family. I will not let the enemies of my past win."

Cedric nodded, his eyes filled with pride.

"Behold, the Sword of the Gods," said Cedric, his eyes gleaming with pride. "This weapon contains a fraction of your power and wealth, waiting to be claimed. By wielding it, you will be able to reclaim what is rightfully yours and fight for your family."

Markus gazed at the sword, his heart racing with anticipation. He reached out and took it in his hand, feeling a surge of energy course through him. "I accept this weapon, and all that it represents," he said, his voice strong and clear.

The sword began to glow, brighter and brighter, until it seemed to be a miniature sun in his hand. A voice came from the sword, clear and commanding.

[ Greetings, bearer of the Sword of the Gods. I am the system, and I will guide you on your path to greatness. Let us begin by assessing your current status. ]

A panel of light appeared in front of Markus, listing his various stats. Strength, agility, intelligence, and more were all listed in numerical values.

[ As you can see, these are your current stats ] said the system.

Name: Markus Ironclad

Strength: 10/100," said the system.

Agility: 20/100.

Intelligence: 30/100.

Magic: 1/100.

Luck: 1/100.

Fame: 0/100.

Titles: None.

Level: 1.

Current Experience Points: 0/100."

"These stats represent your current abilities," continued the system. "As you grow stronger and achieve greater things, they will improve."


Markus was faced with a daunting task. He had to defeat a fearsome beast in order to save his mother and reclaim his wife, and he had no idea if he was up to the challenge. But he knew he had to try, for the sake of those he loved. He began his journey into the unknown, armed with only the Sword of the Gods and his own determination.

He walked for hours, searching for any sign of the dragon's lair. As the sun began to set, he stopped to rest in a small clearing.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over the clearing, and a monstrous roar echoed through the air. The dragon had found him. With a flick of its powerful tail, it knocked him to the ground, and he could feel the heat of its breath on his skin.